BiblioAsia Feature - National Library Singapore

BiblioAsia Feature - National Library Singapore BiblioAsia Feature - National Library Singapore
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BiblioAsia FeatureBy Sundari Balasubramaniam,Reference Librarian, Lee Kong Chian Reference Library12

<strong>BiblioAsia</strong> <strong>Feature</strong>By Sundari Balasubramaniam,Reference Librarian, Lee Kong Chian Reference <strong>Library</strong>12


<strong>BiblioAsia</strong> <strong>Feature</strong>14


<strong>BiblioAsia</strong> <strong>Feature</strong>

<strong>Feature</strong><strong>BiblioAsia</strong>N PALANIVELU (1908 – 2000) Palanivelu was born in 1908 in the Tanjoredistrict of Sikkal in Tamil Nadu. At the ageof 21, he went to Malaya and then to<strong>Singapore</strong> in 1930. In 1938, he marriedSampoornam and became the father of 4sons and 3 daughters.A novelist, playwright and poet, Palaniveluwas an active writer for more than 50 years.From 1935 to 1960, Palanivelu wrote 50stories. A turning point in Palanivelu’s literarylife came about when he befriendedThamizhavel Ko Sarangapani, the founderof Tamil Murasu. Sarangapani publishedmany of Palanivelu’s poems and stories inTamil Murasu. Palanivelu's earlier worksreflected the philosophies of the TamilReform Association, of which he was amember. He also staged plays with thethemes of social reform.Palanivelu’s poems, short stories and playswere published in newspapers andmagazines and broadcast over radio as well.His writings centered on the themes ofcommunity, family, love and literature. Hisfirst collection of poems, titled Valimai, waspublished in the magazine Navaneethamin 1931. In 1936, he wrote a comedyentitled Kalyana Panthalil. His first book ofpoems, Kavithai Malargal was published in1947. Besides several other books, he alsopublished Kathal Kiliyum Thiyaga Kuyilum(short stories) and Kaliyin Nalivu (a play).Palanivelu received several awards in hislifetime. He was bestowed the title of“Naadaga Sigamani” (jewel of drama) bythe Bhaskar’s Dance Academy in 1978, theCultural Medallion for Drama in 1986, “KalaRethna” award by the <strong>Singapore</strong> IndianFine Arts Society in 1987, and the“Tamizhavel” literary award by theAssociation of <strong>Singapore</strong> Tamil Writersin 1987.17

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