Much Ado about Nothing - 353 KB - Penn State University

Much Ado about Nothing - 353 KB - Penn State University

Much Ado about Nothing - 353 KB - Penn State University


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CONRADE: No; ’twas the vane on the house.BORACHIO: Seest thou not, I say, what a deformed thiefthis fashion is? how giddily a’ turns <strong>about</strong> all the hotbloods between fourteen and five-and-thirty? sometimesfashioning them like Pharaoh’s soldiers in the reekypainting, sometime like god Bel’s priests in the oldchurch-window, sometime like the shaven Hercules inthe smirched worm-eaten tapestry, where his codpieceseems as massy as his club?CONRADE: All this I see; and I see that the fashionwears out more apparel than the man. But art not thouthyself giddy with the fashion too, that thou hast shiftedout of thy tale into telling me of the fashion?BORACHIO: Not so, neither: but know that I have tonightwooed Margaret, the Lady Hero’s gentlewoman,by the name of Hero: she leans me out at her mistress’chamber-window, bids me a thousand times goodnight,—I tell this tale vilely:—I should first tell theehow the prince, Claudio and my master, planted andplaced and possessed by my master Don John, saw afaroff in the orchard this amiable encounter.CONRADE: And thought they Margaret was Hero?<strong>Much</strong> <strong>Ado</strong> About <strong>Nothing</strong>, Act III, scene iii43BORACHIO: Two of them did, the prince and Claudio;but the devil my master knew she was Margaret; andpartly by his oaths, which first possessed them, partlyby the dark night, which did deceive them, but chieflyby my villany, which did confirm any slander that DonJohn had made, away went Claudio enraged; swore hewould meet her, as he was appointed, next morning atthe temple, and there, before the whole congregation,shame her with what he saw o’er night and send herhome again without a husband.First Watchman: We charge you, in the prince’s name,stand!Second Watchman: Call up the right master constable.We have here recovered the most dangerous piece oflechery that ever was known in the commonwealth.First Watchman: And one Deformed is one of them: Iknow him; a’ wears a lock.CONRADE: Masters, masters,—Second Watchman: You’ll be made bring Deformed forth,I warrant you.CONRADE: Masters,—

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