julius caesar study guide

julius caesar study guide

julius caesar study guide


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For Thursday’s test you should be able to:1. Identify all characters (see separate sheet).2. Answer questions about major events.3. Identify the speaker and the meaning of important quotations (see separate sheet).4. Analyze major themes present in the work.Julius CaesarStudy GuideYou should organize each answer as a bullet. Answer in complete sentences but keep your answers simple and direct.Act IIn Scene I, what do Flavius and Marcellus want the commoners to do?What is the Soothsayer's advice to Caesar?Explain the difference between the views of Caesar held by Cassius and Brutus.Caesar clearly gives his thoughts about Cassius. What does he say?According to Casca, why does Caesar refuse the crown?Why does Cassius need Brutus to join the conspiracy?Act II Why does Brutus decide to join the conspiracy? Why doesn't Brutus want to swear an oath with the conspirators? Brutus is killing Mark Antony. Why? Caesar yields to Calpurnia's wish to stay home at first. Why does he change his mind and decide to go tothe Senate meeting?Act III What do the conspirators ask Caesar before they stab him? Why do they do this? Antony wants to speak at Caesar's funeral. What reaction does Brutus have? Cassius? Under what conditions will Antony speak at the funeral? What did Brutus say to the people at the funeral? What did Antony say to the people at the funeral in his now famous "Friends, Romans, countrymen,lend me your ears" speech? Why is his speech more effective than Brutus’? Why did Brutus and Cassius flee Rome? What are the two points Shakespeare makes in Act III, scene iii?Act IV What did Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus gather to discuss? To what does Antony compare Lepidus? What does that tell the reader about Antony? What problem has developed between Cassius and Brutus? How is it resolved? For what reasons does Brutus want to lead his armies to Philippi? Why does Cassius think this is a badidea?Act VWhy and how does Cassius commit suicide?What causes Titinius to say, "The sun of Rome is set!"? What does he do?How does Brutus die?Why did Antony say Brutus was the "noblest Roman of them all"? Can we believe him?

Potential Essay/Short Response topics:How is the theme of fate vs. free will present in the play?Explain how the theme of betrayal is constant in Julius Caesar from Act One to Act Five.Define ambition. How does your definition of ambition present itself in the play Julius Caesar.Where is the climax of the play? Defend your answer.What are the conflicts in the play, and how are they resolved?Who is the best, most honorable character in the play? Justify your answer.Are Brutus's actions believably motivated? Explain why or why not. Antony's?Who is the worst, most corrupt character in the play? Justify your answer.Compare and contrast Antony and Brutus.Explain why the play Julius Caesar is a tragedy.Compare and contrast Brutus and Cassius.

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