SurgiGuide Cookbook - Dental-Depot

SurgiGuide Cookbook - Dental-Depot

SurgiGuide Cookbook - Dental-Depot


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DiagnosisStep 1: DiagnosisClear information is essential for a successful surgery1. Decisions to makeYou make the diagnosis, which is the basis of the rest of the process to the surgery. Yourexpertise and the requests of the patient make it happen. If you decide to use a <strong>SurgiGuide</strong> it isvery important to inform your patient properly.Why use a <strong>SurgiGuide</strong>?The patient enters your practice and will tell you what he/she is looking for. You decide howmany implants the patient needs. And you propose a tooth set-up and a provisional fee to thepatient. A <strong>SurgiGuide</strong> helps you to approximate very well the provisional fee and will increasethe success rate of good aesthetic results.<strong>SurgiGuide</strong> for more accurate surgeryThe <strong>SurgiGuide</strong> will guide you during surgery. It will help you placing the implants moreaccurately. <strong>SurgiGuide</strong> is a customized drill guide, which is small, simple and easy to use.The cooling of the drill and the transport of bone chips are not limited at all. In contrary, the<strong>SurgiGuide</strong> improves the results of your surgery.<strong>SurgiGuide</strong> for minimal invasive techniquesThe <strong>SurgiGuide</strong> can be used on different contact surfaces the patient’s jawbone, teeth orgum. A mucosa supported <strong>SurgiGuide</strong> (patient’s gum as contact surface) makes minimalinvasive techniques possible. Even more, the <strong>SurgiGuide</strong> SAFE System makes immediateloading an option. (more at p. Immediate smile)Which <strong>SurgiGuide</strong> design would fit best?When you have decided to use a <strong>SurgiGuide</strong> you chose which design fits best for the patient.It is necessary to consider it in advance because the design of your <strong>SurgiGuide</strong> influenceswhich type of prosthesis you will need to get the best results. There are 3 different <strong>SurgiGuide</strong>designs: bone-supported, tooth-supported and mucosa-supported <strong>SurgiGuide</strong>. (cf. Step 6)You don’t have to decide yet, but if you consider using a mucosa-supported <strong>SurgiGuide</strong>,make sure you get a base plate radiopaque made by your dental laboratory as well.If you choose for immediate loading, you need a SAFE System. Using SAFE System meansthat you will have to check in advance if your chosen implants are compatible with thesystem. As we aim for a most open en complete SimPlant Platform the number of compatibleimplant brands continues to increase, so make sure you have the last update informationfrom www.SimPlant.com.13www.SimPlant.com<strong>SurgiGuide</strong> <strong>Cookbook</strong>

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