and Aeration System

and Aeration System and Aeration System
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HYPERCLASSIC ® -Mixing- andAeration Systemm i x i n g a n d a e r a t i o n t e c h n o l o g yu m w el tu nd ve r fa hr en st ec hnFluid mechanicallyoptimizedHigh oxygen inputExcellent mixingLow energyconsumptionRobust constructionLow maintenanceEasy to installik

HYPERCLASSIC ® -Mixing- <strong>and</strong><strong>Aeration</strong> <strong>System</strong>m i x i n g a n d a e r a t i o n t e c h n o l o g yu m w el tu nd ve r fa hr en st ec hnFluid mechanicallyoptimizedHigh oxygen inputExcellent mixingLow energyconsumptionRobust constructionLow maintenanceEasy to installik

i n n o v a t i o n f o r n a t u r eThe growing pollution of our environment is a problem which concerns all of us.For years water pollution, in particular, has continued to grow in threatening proportions.Water is turning into a more <strong>and</strong> more limited resource. As a consequence, forward-lookingtechnologies are desperately needed for water <strong>and</strong> wastewater treatment.With great commitment INVENT is dedicated to the development <strong>and</strong> implementationof such technologies, thus creating powerful products which contribute greatlyto the preservation of the water quality of our groundwater, rivers <strong>and</strong> lakes.The protection, the preservation <strong>and</strong>, where necessary, the restoration of our environmentwill remain one of the most important tasks of our society in the future.INVENT takes on responsibility in this field,with innovative environmental <strong>and</strong> process engineering.

H Y P E RC L A S S I C ®The Classic MixerLeaders inMixing <strong>and</strong> <strong>Aeration</strong>INVENT develops, produces <strong>and</strong>globally implements innovativemachines, plants <strong>and</strong> procedures forthe treatment of water <strong>and</strong> wastewater.In water <strong>and</strong> wastewater treatmentusually several process steps areapplied. In combination they mergeto a complete plant.One distinguishes between physical,physical/chemical <strong>and</strong> biologicalprocesses. The biological stagerepresents the heart of the plant.Here carbon <strong>and</strong> nitrogen compoundsare biologically decomposed.The basis for this process isthe effective mixing <strong>and</strong> the efficientinput of oxygen, so that the biologicallyactive bacteria can workeffectively.INVENT has specialized in exactlythis field <strong>and</strong>, with its innovativeproducts, is one of the world’sleaders in the area of mixing <strong>and</strong>aeration technology for the water<strong>and</strong> wastewater treatment industry.8 out of 22 HYPERCLASSIC ® -Mixer/Aerators in a large municipal wwtp in Sao Paulo, BrazilThe HYPERDIVE ® -Mixing <strong>and</strong> <strong>Aeration</strong><strong>System</strong> introduced at h<strong>and</strong> wasdeveloped <strong>and</strong> optimized especiallyfor the tough application in industrial<strong>and</strong> municipal wastewater treatmentplants. It caters for the efficientoxygen input <strong>and</strong> the optimal mixingduring the biological stage.Compared to conventional systemsit possesses the followingadvantages:In addition to the task ofintroducing oxygen the importantfunction of mixing <strong>and</strong>avoiding sedimentation is alsofulfilled.Due to the mechanical aerationmethod, the oxygen transferperformance is nearly as highin wastewater as it is in purewater.

H Y P E RC L A S S I C ®An OverviewEven after many years the aerationperformance is not diminished. Thesystem’s loss of pressure remainson a constant low.Aerosol development or noiseemission do not exist.The system can be installedsimply <strong>and</strong> quickly, even in afilled tank.1 out of 9 HYPERCLASSIC ® -Mixer/Aerators in anindustrial wwtp in Belgium (Pulp & Paper Industry)There are multiple areas ofapplication for the HYPER-CLASSIC ® -Mixing <strong>and</strong> <strong>Aeration</strong> <strong>System</strong>.Basically, it can be used for allaeration tasks, especially in allvariations of the activated sludgeprocess, such as:for BOD/COD reduction <strong>and</strong>nitrification in conventionalactivated sludge plantsin membrane bio reactor plants(MBR)in Sequencing Batch Reactorplants (SBR)in swing zones with facultativedenitrification/nitrificationin pure oxygen plantsfor BOD/COD reduction as wellas nitrification in carousel tanks,oxidation ditches or aeratedpondsThe areas of application, thefunctionality, the construction <strong>and</strong>further technical details of the HYPER-CLASSIC ® -Mixing <strong>and</strong> <strong>Aeration</strong> <strong>System</strong>are described in the followingparagraphs.BOD: Biological oxygen dem<strong>and</strong>COD: Chemical oxygen dem<strong>and</strong>SBR: Sequencing Batch ReactorThe TaskThe task of mixing <strong>and</strong> aerationsystems for the biological wastewatertreatment is to add large amounts ofoxygen to the wastewater with thelowest possible energy consumption.At the same time the wastewatershould be intensively mixed so thatthe oxygen concentration <strong>and</strong> theactivated sludge flocs are alwaysuniformly distributed throughout thecomplete reactor <strong>and</strong> sedimentationis avoided with certainty.For the efficient oxygen supply, airor gas bubbles of optimum size mustbe generated. Only in this way theintroduced oxygen amounts can beused in the best possible way. Thisoptimal bubble size is dependent onthe depth of the air introduction. Inorder to achieve long retention timesof the bubbles in the tank, the depthof the air introduction should be asgreat as possible. The generation ofbubbles should therefore take placeclose to the tank bottom rather thanat the water surface.

H Y P E RC L A S S I C ®An OverviewEfficient <strong>and</strong> reliableAn intensive mixing is highly importantfor the optimal <strong>and</strong> safeoperation of an activated sludgeplant. The influence of mixing on thepurification capacity of a plant isquite often underestimated. However,it is easily underst<strong>and</strong>able that e.g.sedimentation on the tank’s bottom,not only diminishes the availablereactor volume, but also representsoxygen depression <strong>and</strong> a source fortoxins due to the mostly anaerobicputrefaction. Beside reduced performancethis leads to poor sedimentationqualities of the sludge flocs inthe secondary sedimentation tank.All in all wishes for a system whichfulfils the above dem<strong>and</strong>s withregard to optimal bubble sizes <strong>and</strong>homogenous mixing <strong>and</strong> isfurthermore flexibly applicable, isof sturdy construction <strong>and</strong> resistantto wear <strong>and</strong> tear.Poor mixing, however, also leads tooxygen gradients in the activatedsludge tank. This on the other h<strong>and</strong>reduces the oxygen supply performance,as the driving concentrationgradient is reduced. Furthermore,such inhomogeneous occurrencescreate a problem for the usual singlepoint oxygen measurements whichare usually located in the upper partof the basin where the oxygenconcentration tends to be higher thanin the rest of the basin. In total theavailable basin volume is not usedto the maximum.Oxygen distribution with insufficient mixing - poorpurification performanceOxygen distribution with good mixing &homogenization - excellent purification performance

H Y P E RC L A S S I C ®The SolutionHighest efficiencythrough optimal designThe SolutionThe INVENT HYPERCLASSIC ® -Mixing<strong>and</strong> <strong>Aeration</strong> <strong>System</strong> is a fluidmechanically optimized mechanicalaeration system with a hyperboloidshapedmixer-body which is installedclose to the bottom <strong>and</strong> a drivemounted on top of the tank in dryposition. In contrast to other productsit was developed not only for thepurpose of oxygen input, but alsofor the task of mixing <strong>and</strong> is tailormadeespecially for carrying out thisdouble task.The way the hyperboloid mixer/aeratorfunctions can be seen in theillustration below. The hyperboloidmixer/aerator is pictured with its fourmain components, the drive, the shaft,the hyperboloid mixer-body, <strong>and</strong> thering sparger in a typical activatedsludge tank, which, depending on thetype of treatment plant, can berectangular or circular. Naturally,other shapes of tank are also possible,e. g. carousel tanks or aeratedlagoons can be equipped with theHYPERCLASSIC ® -Mixing <strong>and</strong> <strong>Aeration</strong><strong>System</strong>.The hyperboloid mixer/aeratorrotates close to the bottom <strong>and</strong> its8 integrated <strong>and</strong> specially optimizedmotion fins thus produce a bottomflow which is directed radiallyoutwards. Particularly at the bottom,this flow is highly turbulent <strong>and</strong> thuseffectively whirls up any depositions.Along the walls the flow risesupwards <strong>and</strong> transports all particlesuntil they are just below the watersurface. Due to the overall flowwhich forms in the activated sludgetank an intensive mixing of theactivated sludge is achieved.driveshaftair pipeSchematicalrepresentation of theHYPERCLASSIC ®Mixing & <strong>Aeration</strong><strong>System</strong>micro-vorticesmotion finsring spargerhyperboloidmixer-bodyshear fins

H Y P E RC L A S S I C ®The SolutionDuring the aeration mode air or gasis blown under the hyperboloidmixer-body. This is realized via aseparate pipeline which ends in aspecially designed sparger systemunder the hyperboloid mixer-body.There the air escapes <strong>and</strong> meets theespecially shaped underside of thehyperboloid mixer-body, which isequipped with so-called dispersingtunnels <strong>and</strong> special shear fins. Asthe hyperboloid mixer-body rotates,the air in the dispersing tunnels ismixed intensively with the wastewater<strong>and</strong> is torn into fine bubblesby the shear fins.The main flow then transports thesefine bubbles radially outwards <strong>and</strong>distributes them throughout the wholetank.In summary, this optimized way ofmechanical aeration with combinedmixing possesses the followingadvantages:Optimal bubble sizes areproduced <strong>and</strong> particularly highdetention times are achieved,because of the air introductionat the tank bottom with radialdistributionHigh oxygen transfer <strong>and</strong>yield levels are thereforeachieved.O 2 -concentrationactive biomassinactive biomassAnaerobic sludge floc (small amount of active biomass <strong>and</strong> poor sludge settleability)/ Aerobic sludge floc (largeamount of active biomass <strong>and</strong> excellent sludge settleability)The oxygen concentration isdistributed homogeneouslythroughout the tank.The activated sludge flocs areoptimally supplied with oxygento their core. (cf. diagram) Thisimproves the sludge qualityimmensely – especially thesedimentation qualities in thesecondary sedimentation tanks.The activated sludge flocs aredistributed throughout the tank,sedimentation is avoided withcertainty.Production of aerosol <strong>and</strong> itsassociated hygienic <strong>and</strong>aesthetic problems no longerexist. Protective covers areunnecessary.rO 2 -concentrationactive biomassinactive biomassThere is no noise emission worthmentioning. Sound covers arenormally unnecessary.The energy, installation <strong>and</strong>maintenance costs <strong>and</strong> thus theoperating costs are reduced toa minimum.The system is absolutely nonclogging,there is no wear ofmembranes <strong>and</strong> no increase inloss of pressure.r

H Y P E RC L A S S I C ®Design <strong>and</strong> Material SelectionRobust <strong>and</strong> provenrubber buffersshaftdrivebridgemounting basehyperboloidmixer-bodybearing shaftguiding bushingDesign <strong>and</strong> Material SelectionAs illustrated in the accompanyingexploded drawing, the hyperboloidmixer/aerator is made up of fourmain components which are preciselyfitted to each other, the drive,the shaft, the hyperboloid mixerbody <strong>and</strong> the air diffuser.DriveThe drive is assembled dry <strong>and</strong> isarranged on a bridge or mountingbracket where it is easily accessible.For wastewater ponds or SBR plantswith varying water levels or for allapplications where bridges cannotor should not be realized, the cageversion described on the next butone page is available.Only energy-saving <strong>and</strong> robustgeared motors with reinforcedbearings from renowned manufacturersare used. High servicefactors are selected <strong>and</strong> the calculatedbearing life expectancy ismore than 100.000 h. The exactspecifications are usually coordinatedtogether with the customer.The geared motor sits on a mountingbase in a rubber buffer bearing.This absorbs starting jerks, the propagationof sound waves is avoided<strong>and</strong> the complete hyperboloid mixer/aerator is thereby galvanicallyseparated from the bridge.ShaftThe shaft provides the connectionbetween the drive <strong>and</strong> the hyperboloidmixer-body. It transfers therequired torque, which drives thehyperboloid mixer/aerator.The shaft is manufactured from aspecially designed stainless-steel pipedesigned for the loads which occur.The exact composition of the alloymetal (usually AISI 316 or AISI 304)essentially depends on thecomposition of the wastewater.Specially coated shafts can be deliveredfor very saline or aggressivewastewaters.For easy installation <strong>and</strong> theconnection to the hollow shaft of thedrive, a special shaft extension isintegrated at the top end of the shaft.The torque transmission is carriedsparger

H Y P E RC L A S S I C ®Design <strong>and</strong> Material Selectionout via a feather key.At the lower end, the shaft isconnected to the hyperboloid mixerbodyby means of a flange. Thisenables a simple <strong>and</strong> rapid assemblyas well as a simple removal evenafter many years of operation.Hyperboloid Mixer-BodyThe hyperboloid mixer-body, developedout of the INVENT laboratoryin accordance with the most up-todateknowledge on the mechanicsof fluids, is manufactured using highqualityfiber-reinforced plastic.The use of the most modern fiberreinforcedcomposites makes theconstruction of a high-strength,corrosion-resistant <strong>and</strong> light componentpossible.The complete hyperboloid mixer notjust produces a favourable flow fieldbut is also absolutely non-cloggingbecause of the optimal shape <strong>and</strong>the motion fins which are seamlesslyintegrated in the mixer-body.Fins are moulded not just on theupper side but also on the undersideof the mixer body. The ones on topserve to transport the fluid, <strong>and</strong>therefore the mixing, <strong>and</strong> those belowthe bubble generation. We callthis INVENT Double Fin Technology ® .Through the large amounts of air,which are guided beneath thehyperboloid mixer body duringoperation <strong>and</strong> dispersed into fine airbubbles, a spectrum of dynamicforces <strong>and</strong> uplift forces act on themixer-body. For this reason a guidingbushing is arranged under thehyperboloid mixer body, whichguides the mixer radially <strong>and</strong> preventslateral motion. This bearingis lubricated by the wastewater<strong>and</strong> exclusively serves the radialguidance. It is therefore only lightlyloaded <strong>and</strong> is subject to almost nowear during normal operation. Forthe operation in strongly abrasivemedia, there is a water flushedversion of this bearing, which canalso be used under the most adverseconditions.1 out of 9 HYPER-CLASSIC ® -Mixer/Aerators in an industrialwwtp in Belgium (Pulp& Paper Industry)Sparger <strong>System</strong>The air is supplied via a pipelinemade from HDPE or stainless steel.This is guided below the hyperboloidmixer-body <strong>and</strong> ends there, alwaysin a special sparger system. Thesparger system, is made so as toprevent clogging. It is responsiblefor the pre-distribution of the airunder the mixer-body. Thepressurised air, or gas which is used,must be supplied from outside bymeans of a suitable blower system.HDPE: High Density Polyethylen

H Y P E RC L A S S I C ®The Cage-Solutiondrivemounting baserubber buffersair tubingstealcageshafthyperboloidmixer-bodyspargerbearingshaftguidingbushingThe Cage-SolutionCombine the HYPERCLASSIC ® -Mixing<strong>and</strong> <strong>Aeration</strong> system with the cagesolution specially designed for thissystem. Then you can install <strong>and</strong>commission the complete system evenin filled tanks <strong>and</strong> without removingthe water so there is no need tointerrupt the operation. The samealso applies of course for the dismantlingor the relocation of thesystem. The cage-solution HYPERCAGEthereby guarantees the greatestflexibility <strong>and</strong> security.The HYPERCLASSIC ® /HYPERCAGEcombination can be completely premountedbefore delivery to the plantif requested by the customer.This reduces the installation <strong>and</strong>commissioning time to a minimum.The HYPERCAGE cage consists of aheavy base construction with asteel cage mounted upon it. The baseconstruction is always made from asolid steel construction coated withepoxy-resin. This gives the HYPER-CAGE weight, which guarantees, thatit always remains in its position.Furthermore, the base, through itsshape, also supports the developmentof a flow beneath the hyperboloidmixer-body which is favourableto the aeration <strong>and</strong> mixing. Thebottom bearing is integrated into thebase construction <strong>and</strong> is easy to install.5 HYPER-CLASSIC ® Mixing & <strong>Aeration</strong> <strong>System</strong>s in anindustrial wwtp in Brazil (Chemical Industry)The cage construction can be madeeither from a steel constructioncoated with epoxy-resin like the base,or from stainless steel. In the lattercase, the air supply can be carriedout through the 4 main pipes (cf.adjoining exploded view). Otherwisethe cage is equipped with a separateair pipe. Above the water surface,the air is introduced through a flexiblepipe.baseEasy, problem-free<strong>and</strong> quick

Low operational costsdue to low energy consumptionH Y P E RC L A S S I C ®Installation <strong>and</strong> OperationThe InstallationThe HYPERCLASSIC ® -Mixing <strong>and</strong><strong>Aeration</strong> <strong>System</strong> is constructed insuch a way that it can be easily <strong>and</strong>quickly installed. It is normally deliveredto the construction site in adisassembled state. There the shaftis first of all connected to the driveunit by pulling the top end of theshaft into the hollow shaft of thedrive. Next both drive <strong>and</strong> shaft areplaced on top of the prepared stainless-steelthread bolts or adhesionanchors on the bridge or the mountingbracket. The drive is aligned<strong>and</strong> is ready for operation after theelectrical connection <strong>and</strong> checkingof the oil level. Inside the tank theguiding bushing <strong>and</strong> the ring spargerhave to be mounted central underneaththe shaft. The last step consistsof screwing the hyperboloid mixerbody to the lower shaft flange. Justa short dry run <strong>and</strong> themixer/aerator is ready for operation.The installation is even quicker ifthe pre-mounted HYPERCLASSIC ® /HYPERCAGE combination is selected.The system can be delivered to theplant in a completely pre-mountedstate <strong>and</strong> unloaded there.Just a short dry run, some safetychecks, <strong>and</strong> the system can beinstalled <strong>and</strong> commissioned with afilled tank <strong>and</strong> without interruptionof the operation.The OperationAfter a short dry run <strong>and</strong> a check ofthe direction of rotation the hyperboloidmixer/aerator can startoperating without any further work.It is designed for permanent operation<strong>and</strong> does not require severemaintenance work, except anoccasional inspection of the oil level<strong>and</strong> a regular check of the guiding4 HYPER-CLASSIC ® Mixing & <strong>Aeration</strong> <strong>System</strong>s inan industrial wwtp in Belgium (Food Industry)bushing.Depending on the type of oil, an oilchange is carried out once every 1or 2 years. Due to the location <strong>and</strong>the excellent accessibility of the drivethis is effortless. There are nowork-intensive <strong>and</strong> unpleasantpulling <strong>and</strong> cleaning jobs, which forexample, is generally the case withsubmerged drives. Expensivemaintenance work, such as theregular exchange of mechanicalseals, are unnecessary, because noexpensive parts which are subjectto wear are installed below waterlevel.Low maintenance costswith HYPER-CLASSIC ® Mixing & <strong>Aeration</strong> <strong>System</strong>

H Y P E RC L A S S I C ®Lay-out <strong>and</strong> DesignCompetent <strong>and</strong> experiencedLay-out <strong>and</strong> DesignThe lay-out <strong>and</strong> design of an optimummixing <strong>and</strong> aeration system is a verycomplex task. It requires a largeamount of competence, know-how<strong>and</strong> experience. Above all, it isimportant to consider the entiresystem <strong>and</strong> to underst<strong>and</strong> the completeprocess in addition to thest<strong>and</strong>ard parameters, to incorporatethis information <strong>and</strong> to integrate theaeration system optimally into thecomplete process. In the case ofindustrial plants e. g. in the paper<strong>and</strong> the petrochemical industry, inaddition to this, it can be importantto underst<strong>and</strong> the production processto a certain degree, because thissignificantly influences the wastewatercomposition.INVENT’s approach is to focus on thecustomer <strong>and</strong> to always try <strong>and</strong> offerobjectively the best solution. Whenstrictly put into practise this meansnot just offering one single systembut instead initially selecting the mostsuitable one for the appli-cation ath<strong>and</strong> from a range of mixing <strong>and</strong>aeration systems, mem-brane <strong>and</strong>further aeration systems. Theselection of the suitable system is thefirst <strong>and</strong> most important step in theplanning <strong>and</strong> designing of a plant.If the wrong system is chosen, itinevitably leads to a solution whichis only partially suitable <strong>and</strong> therebyto a restricted performance of theplant <strong>and</strong> to increased costs.Through many years of intensiveresearch <strong>and</strong> development work inthe field of mixing <strong>and</strong> aerationtechnology INVENT has been able todevelop a range of products, whichoptimally cover every appli-cation.Therefore you can always rely ongetting the best solution from INVENT<strong>and</strong> not just the only one available.Typical characteristics of a HYPERCLASSIC ® Mixing& <strong>Aeration</strong> <strong>System</strong>Typical gassed power characteristics

H Y P E RC L A S S I C ®The LaboratoryThe LaboratoryIn the INVENT laboratories inErlangen all INVENT products arecontinuously developed <strong>and</strong> improved.The most modern equipment,measuring methods <strong>and</strong> analyticaldevices are available for this task.In order to determine fluid mechanicalparameters scale models areexamined <strong>and</strong> optimized with thehelp of laser <strong>and</strong> ultrasound measuringmethods. Chemical analyseshelp to examine mixed processeson micro <strong>and</strong> macro scale.St<strong>and</strong>ard methods, recommendedby ATV 1 or ASCE 2 are used to measurethe mass transport.Measuring instruments appropriatefor taking measurements on largescaleplants are available. The parameter„bubble size”, importantfor the lay-out of aeration systems,is determined with optical measuringmethods.Oxygen testing in the INVENT LaboratoriesThe application of a characterizationmethod developed by INVENT allowsus to characterize <strong>and</strong> lay-outaeration systems with just a fewmeasurements.These high level quality controlprocedures provide an assurance ofquality that you should expect fromsuperior products for water <strong>and</strong>wastewater treatment.Continous improvement<strong>and</strong> quality control1ATV: Abwassertechnische VereinigungQuality control2ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers

H Y P E RC LL ASSSSII C ® ®INVENT Products worldwideSuccessful worldwideINVENT Team meetingINVENT ® , HYPERCLASSIC ® <strong>and</strong> DoubleFin Technology ® are registeredtrademarks of INVENT Umwelt- undVerfahrenstechnik AG.Chosen referencesIndustrial:Dow Chemicals,Chemical IndustryDSM, Chemical IndustryQ8 Rafinerie,Petrochemical IndustryAlpro Milk,Food IndustryArla Foods,Food IndustrySAPPI, Pulp- <strong>and</strong>Paper IndustryJass Papier, Pulp- <strong>and</strong>Paper IndustryZucchi & Basetti, Textile IndustryMascioni, Textile IndustryDortmunder Union Brauerei,Beverage IndustryMunicipal:Presidente Prudente, BrazilSao José Dos Campos, BrazilCaleta Olivia, ArgentinaYokohama, JapanARA Feldkirch Meiningen,AustriaKA Riedlingen, GermanyKA Isny, GermanyBiomüllvergärung Mühlheiman der Ruhr, GermanyThe ServiceHow can we support you with theplanning, optimization, modernizationof your plant, or justgenerally with the realization ofyour ideas? Please ask us aboutit!In close co-operation with you,the INVENT team will draw up afirst draft <strong>and</strong> will, if necessary,develop it further together withyou via numerous iteration steps,until all requirements are met.After the order has been placedan experienced team of engineerswill see to it that your project iscarried out on schedule.In accordance with the agreementwe will deliver <strong>and</strong> install the plantfor you <strong>and</strong> will also carry out thecommissioning. Our service teamwill reliably take care of allnecessary maintenance work.

H Y P E RC L A S S I C ®Further INVENT ProductsProfessional <strong>and</strong> innovativeBeyond the delivery of components<strong>and</strong> plants we also offer you generaladvisory <strong>and</strong> engineering servicesin the field of mixing technology.This can be, for example, the layoutor optimization of a mixer, or theexperimental examination of astirring tank on a laboratory-scaleor through numeric simulation.Furthermore, we carry out large-scaleacceptance tests, whereby usuallythe velocity field, the solid matterconcentration distribution <strong>and</strong> thedetention time distribution areexamined.Other Products<strong>and</strong> ServicesINVENT is the market leader formixers, mixing <strong>and</strong> aeration systems<strong>and</strong> membrane aeration systems forthe water <strong>and</strong> wastewater treatment.Please do not hesitate to ask forinformation about our additionalproduct lines. We would also behappy to offer you complete systemsolutions for your plants, such as acarefully laid-out <strong>and</strong> adaptedequipment package. We simulate<strong>and</strong> optimize your plant with thehelp of appropriate softwarepackages, or else we optimize yourplant or building with regard to fluidmechanics.We are your competent partnerfor all questions on water <strong>and</strong>wastewater &consultingaerationtechnologysoftwareproductssystemsolutionsresearch &development

l o c a t i o n sYou can reach us at:INVENT Umwelt- undVerfahrenstechnik AGHeadquarters:Am Pestalozziring 2191058 ErlangenGermanyFon: +49 (0) 91 31 - 690 98 - 0Fax: +49 (0) 91 31 - 690 98 - 99E-mail: info@invent-uv.deUS Office:INVENT EnvironmentalTechnologies, Inc.216 Little Falls RoadUnit 8Cedar Grove, NJ 07009USAFon: +1 201 644 7040Fax: +1 201 644 7045E-mail: info@invent-et.comworldwideA list of our sales partnersabroad is available by requestor on the internet:www.invent-uv.deHCMA 2.000 08.09-3 Eprinted on chlorine-free bleached paper

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