UPDATE - Waterfront BIA

UPDATE - Waterfront BIA

UPDATE - Waterfront BIA


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P a g e 6HarbourSide <strong>UPDATE</strong>IS THIS YOUR TRASH?The photo shown here is of a weekly cleanup of items thrown out of HarbourSide windows and balconies, landing mostly onthe 7 th floor terrace, and sometimes even on your neighbours as they ate or sat outside. A covering on one balcony was burnt; aserious fire could have occurred if the resident had not been at home. Other residents have had glass and toys tossed at them.These activities are unacceptable. We all deserve a safe andclean environment, and a terrace that we can all enjoy whenweather permits.Please ensure that neither you nor any of your guests throwanything out of windows or Juliet balconies. If you see anyonedoing so, please report them at once to security. Owners ofoffending suites will be invoiced for the cost of cleaning and/or required repairs. Unpaid invoices will be applied to thesuite‘s annual maintenance fee and status certificate, and areport may be kept for the authorities.Information and photos by: Edward White, Security ManagerGO GRANNIES GO: CELEBRATING OUR 5 th YEAR―Go Grannies Go‖ is organizingits annual ‗In-SuiteTour‘ to raise funds to helpgrandmothers in Lesotho,Africa.These grandmothers aretrying to support orphansand vulnerable children andHIV Aids victims.This year, Peg Herbert—thefounder of Help Lesotho—will join us to celebrate andsupport our efforts for thegrandmothers in Lesotho.Peg will be providing shortinformation sessions, answeringquestions and givingus her first-hand perspectiveon the reality of thelives of the grandmothersand their children.Come join your neigh-boursand see the suites open forviewing on Sunday, November6 th , from 1:30 to 4pm. Refreshments will beserved in the TiffanyLounge following the tour.Beautiful jewelry, as well asthe Help Lesotho 2012 calendar,will be on sale in thelounge.Tickets for this event are$18. Volunteers are needed.Can‘t be there Sunday, November6 th ? You can stillhelp the grandmothers inLesotho Africa. Donate to‗Help Lesotho‘, a registeredCanadian charity.www.helplesotho.caBuy tickets, donate or volunteerby contacting:Sandra Hellyer 416-366-4092orAdele Slavik 416-361-0506orCarol Lawlor 416-925-9032Written by: Susan LeMayNOVEMBER 2011

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