UPDATE - Waterfront BIA

UPDATE - Waterfront BIA UPDATE - Waterfront BIA

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P a g e 4HarbourSide UPDATEYQNA REPORT: KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOURHOODYQNA is often asked abouthow to join our neighbourhoodassociation and whatis involved. Will any workbe required or payment offees? Will you get inundatedwith emails? The answeris: none of the above.You will become better informed,and eventually youmight want to join otherswho work in areas that interestyou.Everybody is welcome toget on our mailing list,which will result in importantinformation coming toyour inbox perhaps four tofive times a month. Youwill hear about proposeddevelopments in ourneighbourhood, about publicmeetings and suddenissues cropping up.Another category of emailsfrom YQNA brings news ofthe wonderful events thattake place on the Waterfront,with occasional invitationsto attend or participate.Every two months YQNAhas a ―board meeting‖ thatis open to anybody who isinterested. The meetings areheld at the Radisson AdmiralHotel, which generouslydonates the space.Agendas are distributed,minutes taken and the cochairmakes sure everybodyhas a chance to speak. Weusually invite a prominentspeaker with expertise inareas that concern us all. Anumber of committees reporton what is going on —their liaison with TorontoPolice, city planning, socialevents, noise, parks andmuch more.People are usually impressedby the lively discussionsaround the table andjump in with comments andideas of their own. The atmosphereis very friendlyand witty remarks alwaysgenerate some laughs. Aftereach meeting, many of themembers gather in Radisson‘s5 th floor bar for refreshmentsand continuedtalk about the Waterfront.We have no membershipfees and rely on garagesales and contributions tocarry out YQNA‘s work. Alucky star must be shiningover the Central Waterfront,because YQNA stands outas very active and successfulamong neighbourhoodassociations in Toronto.We have a core group oftalented people who volunteertheir time and abilities.Since our start in 2004, wehave worked with over 40agencies, associations, businessesand three levels ofgovernment.At first we pursued plannersand developers, but nowthey come to us to presenttheir proposals for ourneighbourhood. Even whenopposed, we maintain acivil tone in negotiations,which has helped us influenceseveral final plans.Currently the most activeHarbourSide residents areBraz Menezes, Bob Rasmussen,Leah Lambert,James Russell (now in 33H.S.), Klaus and FriedelHatje, and me.It is YQNA‘s mandate toprovide information to theHarbourSide board, alwaysready to point out the effectsof developments onour building and othercondo buildings on QueensQuay. In that role, we liaisewith City Hall, WaterfrontToronto and HarbourfrontCentre.If interested, you can get onthe YQNA mailing list bysending your name, address,phone number and emailaddress to YQNA‘s communicationschair:sara.hsieh@utoronto.ca.You will then receive aninvitation to our next meetingon November 8 th .It is an extra bonus thatYQNA has helped knit theneighbourhood together andgenerated many friendships.You are welcome to join usand contribute your ideas.Written by:Ulla Colgrass, YQNANOVEMBER 2011

HarbourSide UPDATE P a g e 5RESIDENT LAUNCHES EXCITING NEW BOOKPhoto by: Bob RasmussenAn enthusiastic crowd of some 40 people gathered for wine and cheese at the home of Celia and Bob Rasmussen to help BrazMenezes launch his new book, Just Matata* — Sin, Saints and Settlers, a novel set in Kenya and Goa.His family and many supporters were both pleased and excited for him. What an accomplishment! Braz read us snippits ofwhat promises to be a great read. Afterwards, he signed and personalized our copies for us. We wish him good luck with thebook, the first of a trilogy.You too can pick up an autographed copy, at our annual art and crafts show in the Lounge and Tiffany Room on Wednesday,November16 th , between 6:30 and 8:30pm.Written by: Pauline Brown, Communications CommitteeOUR SECURITY COMMITTEE NEEDS MEMBERSThe Security Committee is still looking for two volunteers to round out our dynamic team. We are looking for residents whohave an interest in making sure our homes remain safe and enjoyable to live in. You can make a difference!Please help your neighbours by volunteering to be a floor captain. Contact security.ycc510@rogers.com to find out whichfloor still needs a captain. Make sure your floor is covered.Written by: Peter Yeung, Security Committee ChairNOVEMBER 2011

P a g e 4HarbourSide <strong>UPDATE</strong>YQNA REPORT: KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOURHOODYQNA is often asked abouthow to join our neighbourhoodassociation and whatis involved. Will any workbe required or payment offees? Will you get inundatedwith emails? The answeris: none of the above.You will become better informed,and eventually youmight want to join otherswho work in areas that interestyou.Everybody is welcome toget on our mailing list,which will result in importantinformation coming toyour inbox perhaps four tofive times a month. Youwill hear about proposeddevelopments in ourneighbourhood, about publicmeetings and suddenissues cropping up.Another category of emailsfrom YQNA brings news ofthe wonderful events thattake place on the <strong>Waterfront</strong>,with occasional invitationsto attend or participate.Every two months YQNAhas a ―board meeting‖ thatis open to anybody who isinterested. The meetings areheld at the Radisson AdmiralHotel, which generouslydonates the space.Agendas are distributed,minutes taken and the cochairmakes sure everybodyhas a chance to speak. Weusually invite a prominentspeaker with expertise inareas that concern us all. Anumber of committees reporton what is going on —their liaison with TorontoPolice, city planning, socialevents, noise, parks andmuch more.People are usually impressedby the lively discussionsaround the table andjump in with comments andideas of their own. The atmosphereis very friendlyand witty remarks alwaysgenerate some laughs. Aftereach meeting, many of themembers gather in Radisson‘s5 th floor bar for refreshmentsand continuedtalk about the <strong>Waterfront</strong>.We have no membershipfees and rely on garagesales and contributions tocarry out YQNA‘s work. Alucky star must be shiningover the Central <strong>Waterfront</strong>,because YQNA stands outas very active and successfulamong neighbourhoodassociations in Toronto.We have a core group oftalented people who volunteertheir time and abilities.Since our start in 2004, wehave worked with over 40agencies, associations, businessesand three levels ofgovernment.At first we pursued plannersand developers, but nowthey come to us to presenttheir proposals for ourneighbourhood. Even whenopposed, we maintain acivil tone in negotiations,which has helped us influenceseveral final plans.Currently the most activeHarbourSide residents areBraz Menezes, Bob Rasmussen,Leah Lambert,James Russell (now in 33H.S.), Klaus and FriedelHatje, and me.It is YQNA‘s mandate toprovide information to theHarbourSide board, alwaysready to point out the effectsof developments onour building and othercondo buildings on QueensQuay. In that role, we liaisewith City Hall, <strong>Waterfront</strong>Toronto and HarbourfrontCentre.If interested, you can get onthe YQNA mailing list bysending your name, address,phone number and emailaddress to YQNA‘s communicationschair:sara.hsieh@utoronto.ca.You will then receive aninvitation to our next meetingon November 8 th .It is an extra bonus thatYQNA has helped knit theneighbourhood together andgenerated many friendships.You are welcome to join usand contribute your ideas.Written by:Ulla Colgrass, YQNANOVEMBER 2011

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