UPDATE - Waterfront BIA

UPDATE - Waterfront BIA UPDATE - Waterfront BIA

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P a g e 1 0HarbourSide UPDATEINTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF AUTHORSOnce again, this year theInternational Festival ofAuthors was hosted justacross our street and at 17other locations across ourprovince by HarbourfrontCentre.It featured 190 authors fromaround the world and includedreadings by ScotiabankGiller Prize, GovernorGeneral‘s Literary Awardsand Rogers Writers' TrustFiction Prize finalists.In its 32 nd year, the IFOAboasted participants likeEdem Awumey, Grand PrixLittéraire de L‘AfriqueNoire winner; Ken Babstock,a winner at the 1997Canadian National MagazineAwards; Peter Behrens,winner of the GovernorGeneral's Award for Fiction;and, Amitav Ghosh, aFellow of the Royal Societyof Literature and winner ofArthur C. Clarke Award andDan David Prize, amongstothers.Hearing the festive trumpets,UPDATE also went tovisit the authors at Harbourfront.As an invisible but sonorousvoice set the mood for theevening, the audience wasinformed that each of thefour authors would be readingfor 20 minutes.Promptly thereafter, thefirst author was introduced.He was none other than ourvery own Linwood Barclay.Formerly a writer of thethrice-weekly humour columnin the Toronto Star, hehas also authored more thana dozen books. His readingfrom the prologue of a recentlypublished book—The Accident—definitelyproved to be a hit with theaudience, as it graduallymade its way from thecomic to the mysterious.Next on stage was AmitavGhosh with River of Smoke,the second volume of whatwill be the Ibis trilogy. Hetreated his audience to ah u m o r o u s a n e c d o t e(absolutely fictitious ofcourse) of how a mannamed Behram rose topromience amongst theEnglish passengers of aship, when Napoleon, inexile at the time, invitedhim to his residence. Allthat can be said about thepiece is that it left the audiencegiggling and curious tolearn more.Following a 15-minutebreak, Nancy Huston readto the audience. Huston‘sbooks have won the PrixGoncourt des Lyceéns, PrixElle and Governor General‘sLiterary Award.Amitay Ghosh signing his latest book, River of Smoke.Huston presented Infrared,which follows Rena, a photographerwho specializes ini nfr a r ed t ec h ni q ues.Through a parallel journey,she explores her relationshipspast and present. Thebold language, curious portrayalof characters and vividlydescriptive passages inthe section she read won hermuch appreciation from theaudience.The evening concluded witha reading by Heather Jessup.Currently a doctoralcandidate at the Universityof Toronto and a CreativeWriting instructor at DalhousieUniversity, this isJessup‘s first novel. Setagainst the backdrop ofCold War-era Toronto, TheLightning Field gave us aslice of an engineer’s lifewho works in the suburbs ofToronto. Tragic yet hopeful,the novel explores loss andunexpected offerings.As people migrated to theauthors at their booksigningdesks, UPDATEtook its leave of IFOA2011, hoping to be backnext year, and also hopingto see you there!Article and photo by:Sujaya SahaCommunications CommitteeNOVEMBER 2011

HarbourSide UPDATE P a g e 1 1ANNOUNCEMENT FROM HYDROToronto Hydro is in the process of upgradingthe electrical system in Toronto‗s downtowncore. We will be constructing undergroundducts and cable chambers.This project will improve the capacity andflexibility of the electrical system alongRees Street and allow for the future developmentof the proposed Bremner TransformerStation, Queens Quay West and TorontoWaterfront.Construction work is expected to start theweek of October 17 th and is anticipated to becompleted by mid-February. The affectedstreets are: Rees Street, Bremner Boulevard,and Lake Shore Boulevard West.The scope of work includes open trenching,tunnel excavation, the installation of newcable chambers and concrete encased ducts.To control ground water, well points will beinstalled.All construction work for Project ReesStreet will take place within the City of To-ronto‘s property. Parking lanes will be usedby our crews which will reduce traffic tosingle lanes in each direction.Crews will be working Monday to Friday,with road crossings on the weekend. Allwork specifically on Lake Shore BoulevardWest will be expedited into the eveningsand seven days a week until it is completed.No planned power interruptions will be requiredto complete this project.We appreciate your cooperation and ask thatcustomers exercise caution around constructionareas. Learn more by visiting:www.poweruptoronto.ca.Please direct questions to Toronto Hydro‗sPowerUp Office at: 416-542-3366 or capitalprojects@torontohydro.comand referencePROJECT REES STREET (X12525).Sincerely,Christopher Chahine, Customer OperationsRepresentative, Customer OperationsPhoto courtesy of Toronto Hydro.ANNUAL ART SHOWOur annual Art, Craft, Photographyand SculptureShow will be held in thelounge and Tiffany Roomon Wednesday, November16 th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.Please join us and supportour many talented artistsand published authors—anew exhibitor categoryadded this year.Jack Gilbert has very generouslydonated a framedprint as our door prize.Artisans and authors wishingto take part may contactthe office to pick up a formor email Pauline and RayBrown at:raypaul@rogers.com.All residents from 55, 65and 33 are welcome, as wellas newcomers, who addexcitement to the show.Space and tables are limitedso reserve yours early.Written by:Pauline BrownCommunications CommitteeFelted elves created by KathieYeung, a 2010 show exhibitor.NOVEMBER 2011

HarbourSide <strong>UPDATE</strong> P a g e 1 1ANNOUNCEMENT FROM HYDROToronto Hydro is in the process of upgradingthe electrical system in Toronto‗s downtowncore. We will be constructing undergroundducts and cable chambers.This project will improve the capacity andflexibility of the electrical system alongRees Street and allow for the future developmentof the proposed Bremner TransformerStation, Queens Quay West and Toronto<strong>Waterfront</strong>.Construction work is expected to start theweek of October 17 th and is anticipated to becompleted by mid-February. The affectedstreets are: Rees Street, Bremner Boulevard,and Lake Shore Boulevard West.The scope of work includes open trenching,tunnel excavation, the installation of newcable chambers and concrete encased ducts.To control ground water, well points will beinstalled.All construction work for Project ReesStreet will take place within the City of To-ronto‘s property. Parking lanes will be usedby our crews which will reduce traffic tosingle lanes in each direction.Crews will be working Monday to Friday,with road crossings on the weekend. Allwork specifically on Lake Shore BoulevardWest will be expedited into the eveningsand seven days a week until it is completed.No planned power interruptions will be requiredto complete this project.We appreciate your cooperation and ask thatcustomers exercise caution around constructionareas. Learn more by visiting:www.poweruptoronto.ca.Please direct questions to Toronto Hydro‗sPowerUp Office at: 416-542-3366 or capitalprojects@torontohydro.comand referencePROJECT REES STREET (X12525).Sincerely,Christopher Chahine, Customer OperationsRepresentative, Customer OperationsPhoto courtesy of Toronto Hydro.ANNUAL ART SHOWOur annual Art, Craft, Photographyand SculptureShow will be held in thelounge and Tiffany Roomon Wednesday, November16 th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.Please join us and supportour many talented artistsand published authors—anew exhibitor categoryadded this year.Jack Gilbert has very generouslydonated a framedprint as our door prize.Artisans and authors wishingto take part may contactthe office to pick up a formor email Pauline and RayBrown at:raypaul@rogers.com.All residents from 55, 65and 33 are welcome, as wellas newcomers, who addexcitement to the show.Space and tables are limitedso reserve yours early.Written by:Pauline BrownCommunications CommitteeFelted elves created by KathieYeung, a 2010 show exhibitor.NOVEMBER 2011

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