Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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June 22-23, 20048. Benefits and provisions under this sick leave policy are to be in coordination withappropriate provisions of policies covering Workers’ Compensation, Family andMedical Leave Act, and Long-Term Disability.D. Sick Leave Accrual1. All benefits eligible employees working 40 hours per week shall accrue sick leavewith pay at the rate of 12 hours per month over the member’s appointment period notto exceed a maximum accrual of 1,440 hours.2. Sick leave may be granted at a proportionate rate for regular faculty and staff notworking 40 hours a week provided they are working 20 hours or more per week.E. Use of Sick Leave1. Sick leave is available, to the extent that it is earned, for personal illness or incapacityof the employee or the employee’s immediate family.2. Seventy-two (72) hours per fiscal year of earned sick leave may be used for occasionswhich require the employee to care for a member of the immediate family who is illor incapacitated.3. The supervisor will require the staff member to furnish certification of illness ordisabling injury if the period of absence requested exceeds three (3) consecutiveworkdays. Falsification of such information shall be cause for dismissal withappropriate adjustment in pay.4. The supervisor may require the employee to furnish satisfactory proof of the need tocare for a member of the immediate family who is ill or incapacitated if the periodrequested exceeds three (3) consecutive work days.5. Timely notification of absence due to personal or immediate family illness or injuryshall be given to the appropriate supervisor by the staff member or his/herrepresentative on the first day after the employee returns to work. Failure to givesuch notice may be considered as cause for disciplinary action.6. All sick leave used shall be reported with appropriate documentation by staff to thesupervisor. Classified staff will report sick leave used on their monthly Timesheet(T1) and administrative/professional and faculty personnel shall report any sick leaveused on the Leave Request Form (L1).7. Sick leave may be used for personal or an immediate family member’s appointmentswith a doctor, dentist or other recognized licensed medical practitioner. Whenever,possible, such appointments should be scheduled in coordination with the workschedule. In no case shall the length of time exceed the extent of time required tocomplete such appointment.8. In the case of illness while on paid vacation, the employee shall not be allowed to usesick leave to cover the period of illness unless the illness can be certified by aphysician as a serious health condition.9. Sick leave accrual may not be anticipated. Employees may use only the amount ofsick leave which has been earned and credited prior to or within that pay period.13.3

June 22-23, 2004F. Maternity Leave1. Illness due to pregnancy is treated as any other temporary disability.2. In requesting maternity leave, sick leave may be used when there is a medicaljustification for the employee’s absence.3. For those employees qualifying for Family and Medical Leave, additional leavebeyond that determined as medically justifiable for the employee’s absence, will begranted for the care of a healthy infant through utilization of earned annual leave andleave without pay. All leave, for these purposes may not exceed a total of 12 weeks.4. Employees who do not qualify for Family and Medical Leave will be extended sickleave when there is medical justification for the employee’s absence only. Theoption of whether to grant additional leave, beyond that which has been determined asmedically justifiable for the employee’s absence, will be at the discretion of thesupervisor. Additional leave, if granted, will be either annual leave or leave withoutpay.5. Employees shall not be penalized in their condition of employment because theyrequire time away from work for purposes.G. Exhaustion of Sick Leave1. Sick leave cannot be taken in advance of accrual. Reporting of sick leave taken inexcess of that accrued will result in automatic adjustments to annual leave orcompensatory leave balances as part of the payroll process. In no case will anemployee be paid for leave in excess of the total number of leave hours available.2. At any time in which the supervisor becomes aware that the staff member’s total leavebalance is reduced to zero, the supervisor should notify the Personnel and Payrolloffices.H. Requests for Extended Leave without Pay (Short-Term)1. For those categories of benefits eligible employees that qualify, medical leaves thatextend longer than six months will be covered under Long-Term Disability.2. Employees who are unable to work due to illness or injury that is not serviceconnected,and who have exhausted all accrued sick leave and annual leave, mayrequest a leave of absence without pay.3. Employees who are not eligible for coverage under the Family and Medical Leave Actand who have exhausted all accrued sick leave and annual leave, may request a leaveof absence without pay. The need for such leave shall be certified by a licensedmedical practitioner and will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the supervisorand the Vice President for Business and Finance and/or the appropriate VicePresident.4. The supervisor may require medical certification of the employee’s ability to continueto work or to return to work. Periodic medical recertification during such a leave mayalso be required.5. During this period of medical leave without pay, the employee will be billed formedical and life insurance premiums. Failure to make timely payments for premiumsduring the months in which the employee is billed may result in cancellation ofinsurance.13.4

<strong>June</strong> <strong>22</strong>-<strong>23</strong>, <strong>2004</strong>8. Benefits and provisions under this sick leave policy are to be in coordination withappropriate provisions <strong>of</strong> policies covering Workers’ Compensation, Family andMedical Leave Act, and Long-Term Disability.D. Sick Leave Accrual1. All benefits eligible employees working 40 hours per week shall accrue sick leavewith pay at the rate <strong>of</strong> 12 hours per month over the member’s appointment period notto exceed a maximum accrual <strong>of</strong> 1,440 hours.2. Sick leave may be granted at a proportionate rate for regular faculty and staff notworking 40 hours a week provided they are working 20 hours or more per week.E. Use <strong>of</strong> Sick Leave1. Sick leave is available, to the extent that it is earned, for personal illness or incapacity<strong>of</strong> the employee or the employee’s immediate family.2. Seventy-two (72) hours per fiscal year <strong>of</strong> earned sick leave may be used for occasionswhich require the employee to care for a member <strong>of</strong> the immediate family who is illor incapacitated.3. The supervisor will require the staff member to furnish certification <strong>of</strong> illness ordisabling injury if the period <strong>of</strong> absence requested exceeds three (3) consecutiveworkdays. Falsification <strong>of</strong> such information shall be cause for dismissal withappropriate adjustment in pay.4. The supervisor may require the employee to furnish satisfactory pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the need tocare for a member <strong>of</strong> the immediate family who is ill or incapacitated if the periodrequested exceeds three (3) consecutive work days.5. Timely notification <strong>of</strong> absence due to personal or immediate family illness or injuryshall be given to the appropriate supervisor by the staff member or his/herrepresentative on the first day after the employee returns to work. Failure to givesuch notice may be considered as cause for disciplinary action.6. All sick leave used shall be reported with appropriate documentation by staff to thesupervisor. Classified staff will report sick leave used on their monthly Timesheet(T1) and administrative/pr<strong>of</strong>essional and faculty personnel shall report any sick leaveused on the Leave Request Form (L1).7. Sick leave may be used for personal or an immediate family member’s appointmentswith a doctor, dentist or other recognized licensed medical practitioner. Whenever,possible, such appointments should be scheduled in coordination with the workschedule. In no case shall the length <strong>of</strong> time exceed the extent <strong>of</strong> time required tocomplete such appointment.8. In the case <strong>of</strong> illness while on paid vacation, the employee shall not be allowed to usesick leave to cover the period <strong>of</strong> illness unless the illness can be certified by aphysician as a serious health condition.9. Sick leave accrual may not be anticipated. Employees may use only the amount <strong>of</strong>sick leave which has been earned and credited prior to or within that pay period.13.3

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