Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 7 – UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT7.1.3—DONOR GIFT CREDITIf requested, donor and spouse may be jointly listed with one gift. If a joint or preferred listing has notbeen indicated on the gift remittance form, only the individual receipted for the gift (check signer) willreceive gift credit. If special, public recognition is planned -- through a publication, signage, or an event -- University Development will contact the donor to determine their intention for gift recognition.Individuals may be credited within the recognition levels listed previously. Individual gifts paid withcompany or business checks will be credited to the individual(s) who received the original solicitation orthe individual assigned to receive donor credit on the gift remittance form if requested.7.1.4—GIFT CREDITDonors will receive credit for cumulative gifts made during the annual fund year. Individuals alsowill receive credit for the total value of gifts matched through corporate matching gift programs. Spousesmaking separate gifts will receive separate recognition unless they request to be jointly listed.Pledges are not credited toward a specific gift recognition level until the paid portion or entire paidbalance exceeds the minimum gift level requirement. If the annual fund year concludes before a pledge isfulfilled, credit will be given for the amount of the paid portion.(RM, 6-10-92, P. 22961; 12-02-03, p. 28868)THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 307

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 7 – UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT7.2—GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITYThe University actively encourages and appreciates gifts to the University that benefit students andthe mission of the University. The purpose and conditions for gifts are expected to conform to the Boardof Regents’ policy, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education policy and all applicable laws.The President will announce major gifts (over $250,000) at meetings of the Board of Regents. Specialaction by the Board of Regents is required when gifts involve the naming of University buildings andmajor facilities and the naming of University colleges, schools, and major programs.The University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc. is an independent organization with its own governingboard and its own policies on accepting gifts. In certain situations that require action by the University –for example, establishing and filling a chair – the Foundation asks the University to join with it inaccepting a gift, and the acceptance of such gifts is covered by this policy.The Board of Regents looks favorably on gifts to the University unless there are clear and compellingreasons to decline. Possible reasons to decline a gift include (a) the funds were obtained fromquestionable sources or (b) the purpose for or conditions on the gift are illegal or not in accord with themission and goals of the University or the policies of the Board of Regents. The Board of Regentsreserves the right to decline gifts, if in its sole judgment, not accepting the gift is in the best interest of theUniversity.(RM, 6-16-93, p. 23390; 12-02-03, p. 28868)THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 308

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 7 – UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT7.2—GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITYThe University actively encourages and appreciates gifts to the University that benefit students andthe mission <strong>of</strong> the University. The purpose and conditions for gifts are expected to conform to the Board<strong>of</strong> Regents’ policy, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education policy and all applicable laws.The President will announce major gifts (over $250,000) at meetings <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents. Specialaction by the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents is required when gifts involve the naming <strong>of</strong> University buildings andmajor facilities and the naming <strong>of</strong> University colleges, schools, and major programs.The University <strong>of</strong> Oklahoma Foundation, Inc. is an independent organization with its own governingboard and its own policies on accepting gifts. In certain situations that require action by the University –for example, establishing and filling a chair – the Foundation asks the University to join with it inaccepting a gift, and the acceptance <strong>of</strong> such gifts is covered by this policy.The Board <strong>of</strong> Regents looks favorably on gifts to the University unless there are clear and compellingreasons to decline. Possible reasons to decline a gift include (a) the funds were obtained fromquestionable sources or (b) the purpose for or conditions on the gift are illegal or not in accord with themission and goals <strong>of</strong> the University or the policies <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents. The Board <strong>of</strong> Regentsreserves the right to decline gifts, if in its sole judgment, not accepting the gift is in the best interest <strong>of</strong> theUniversity.(RM, 6-16-93, p. <strong>23</strong>390; 12-02-03, p. 28868)THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 308

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