Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 6—ATHLETICSThe Student Spirit Party budget for post-season athletics events will be derived from funds availablein an existing Foundation account dedicated specifically to band support or to cheerleader/pom ponsupport and/or from the post-season budget allotment to the Student Spirit Party. The budgets for all postseasoncosts (transportation, lodging, meals, insurance, etc.), will be submitted by the Band Director andStudent Spirit Party Coordinator, and must be reviewed/approved by the Director of Athletics. Ifsufficient funding is not available, any special solicitation must be coordinated by the Band Director orStudent Spirit Party Coordinator in conjunction with the Vice President for University Development.Those University employees assigned budgetary responsibilities under these guidelines will beresponsible for maintaining a full and complete set of records and documentation of expenditures thatmay be subject to internal and external audit.TICKET ALLOCATIONAll persons included in the Team Party, the Student Spirit Party, and University Delegation will beprovided admission or tickets to the game and events requiring their participation. The remaining ticketswill be allocated for sale under the direction of the Director of Athletics, in coordination with the SeniorAssociate Director of Athletics, Ticket Manager, Director of Alumni Relations, and Director of AthleticsDevelopment. A specified number of tickets will be allocated for University students.(RM, 2-11-65, p. 8070; 12-11-86, p. 19394; 12-8-88, p. 20803; 3-29-00, p. 26909; 12-02-03, p.28868)6.2.10—CONFERENCE RULESThe University shall observe the rules of the athletics conference in which the University holdsmembership.6.2.11—PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS FOR ATHLETESPhysical examinations shall be required for all students participating in intercollegiate athletics. Acopy of the physical examination report shall be on file in the Office of the Director of Goddard HealthCenter, and clearance shall be granted by the Team Physician prior to a student’s being permitted by theDirector of Athletics to participate in intercollegiate athletics.The Team Physician shall have the full responsibility for the medical care, evaluation, consultation,and referral for all students participating in intercollegiate athletics.When, in the judgment of the Team Physician, a student-athlete should not be certified cleared toparticipate in intercollegiate athletics for medical reasons, the student-athlete may on request, appeal thatdecision to request a second opinion from a consulting specialist, chosen from an approved list that shallbe provided by the Team Physician. There shall be at least one approved consultant from each of thefollowing areas: internal medicine, urology, orthopedics, neurology, ophthalmology, andotorhinolaryngology. In cases of differing opinions between the Team Physician and the consultant, theconsultant’s opinion will be followed and shall be final.The approved list of consultants shall be on file with the Team Physician.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 295

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 6—ATHLETICSIn cases of student-athletes with a physical anomaly, the Administration may require an appropriateparental or student-athlete waiver before the student-athlete is permitted to play.(RM, 3-25-44, p. 1560; 7-14-55, p. 5193, edited; amended 9-2-76, p. 14153; 3-10-77, p. 14318; 12-02-03, p. 28868)THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 296

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 6—ATHLETICSIn cases <strong>of</strong> student-athletes with a physical anomaly, the Administration may require an appropriateparental or student-athlete waiver before the student-athlete is permitted to play.(RM, 3-25-44, p. 1560; 7-14-55, p. 5193, edited; amended 9-2-76, p. 14153; 3-10-77, p. 14318; 12-02-03, p. 28868)THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 296

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