Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 5—UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY• An The Executive Budget Committee of the UOSA will be established consistingof the UOSA President, Chair of the Undergraduate Student Congress, and Chairof Graduate Student Senate.• As soon as possible in the Spring, the Executive Budget Committee of the UOSAwill meet with the University Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean ofStudents for the purpose of reviewing the proposed budget for the following yearand the probable distribution of that amount to the various units, so that thebudget preparations for the UOSA can begin.• The University Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students has thebasic responsibility for the preparation of budget recommendations for thoseportions of the Student Activity Fee funds going to regularly committed budgets.• In accordance with University policy It is the primary responsibility of theExecutive Budget Committee to prepare budget recommendations for theuncommitted portions of the Student Activity Fee funds, which will support theactivities of student government, activities and services sponsored by studentgovernment, and registered student organizations in existence for more than oneyear.• The Executive Budget Committee and the University Vice President for StudentAffairs and Dean of Students will then prepare the final budget recommendationsfor the total Student Activity Fee funds distribution. Neither shall submit budgetrecommendations for further review until agreement between them has beenreached. Should agreement not be reached, the President shall refer the matter tothe Norman Campus Committee of the Board of Regents, which shall formulateand present the Student Activity budget directly to the Board of Regents.• The Executive Budget Committee will submit the UOSA portion of the budgetfor the review of by the Undergraduate Student Congress and Graduate StudentSenate prior to the end of the Spring semester and identify in the spring thatbudget those amounts allocated to the budget sub-divisions. A line item budgetwill be presented to the Board of Regents for approval each Fall.• The recommendations of the Undergraduate Student Congress and GraduateStudent Senate shall be submitted to the President through the Office of theUniversity Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students forsubmission to the Board of Regents for approval.2) Each year, 2% of the total Student Activity Fee funds shall be placed in a reserveaccount prior to any distribution in order to be used by the administration throughoutthe year for necessary services, facilities, and programs relevant to the intended useof the Student Activity Fee (repairing recreational facilities, assisting campus-wideprogram, solving unanticipated budget problems, funding long-range projects such asthe construction of outdoor basketball courts, etc.). The University Vice President forStudent Affairs and Dean of Students shall be the sponsor of this reserve account, andshall chair a committee composed of himself or herself, the President of UOSA,Chair of UOSA Undergraduate Student Congress, Chair of the Graduate StudentSenate, and Chair of the Campus Activities Council in recommending disbursements.In the event of disagreement, separate views will be presented to the President forTHE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 276

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 5—UNIVERSITY COMMUNITYdecision. The reserve shall not be used to fund the program of student organizationsor those activities for which it is the proper function of UOSA Undergraduate StudentCongress and Graduate Student Senate to fund. This should in no way precludeUOSA from establishing its own reserve account from its allocated funds.3) The remaining portion of the Student Activity Fee funds shall be used to fund theStudent Government and those programs recommended by the UOSA UndergraduateStudent Congress and Graduate Student Senate, so long as they are within theguidelines created by the State Regents for Higher Education and the Board ofRegents.Although the Board of Regents has the responsibility to commit the Student Activity Fee funds whereit is they are most needed within the student community, it is intended that this uncommitted portionappropriated to UOSA will not be less than $350,000 per year.The UOSA Budget Committee will present to both legislative bodies recommended budgetallocations in the following categories for the next year prior to the end of the Spring semester:1) Administrative costs of all salaried individuals of the UOSA. The University’sHuman Resources department will assist in the formulation of job descriptions,employment practices, and recommend salary levels.2) Joint operations costs for student government infrastructure and those costs deemedto be of common interest to graduate and undergraduate students (e.g., Archie W.Dunham Conoco Student Leadership Wing, UOSA Executive and Judicial Branches,Commuter Student Association, etc.) as determined by the Student Activity FeeCommittee. These funds then shall be allocated by the Undergraduate StudentCongress.3) Legislative allocations shall be divided between the Undergraduate Student Congressand the Graduate Student Senate, ratably divided based upon the previous academicyear enrollment, as determined by the Office of Institutional Research.Undergraduate Student Congress and Graduate Student Senate will then beresponsible for funding those student organizations which are composed of enrolledundergraduate or graduate students.The Budget will be presented to the Board of Regents through the proper administrative channels assoon as it has been reviewed by the Undergraduate Student Congress and Graduate Student Senate.The following guidelines shall pertain to those funds budgeted by the UOSA:1) No Student Activity Fee funds money shall be used to pay the legal fees of anystudent or students in a criminal or civil court action. Programs of legal service to thestudent community (public defenders for intra-University matters, legal aid, etc.) andlegal assistance for the UOSA are permissible. However, no Student Activity Feefunds money may be used in any court action against the University. Authorizationfor the use of UOSA legal assistance funds must come from the UOSA President,Undergraduate Student Congress Chair and Graduate Student Senate Chair.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 277

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 5—UNIVERSITY COMMUNITYdecision. The reserve shall not be used to fund the program <strong>of</strong> student organizationsor those activities for which it is the proper function <strong>of</strong> UOSA Undergraduate StudentCongress and Graduate Student Senate to fund. This should in no way precludeUOSA from establishing its own reserve account from its allocated funds.3) The remaining portion <strong>of</strong> the Student Activity Fee funds shall be used to fund theStudent Government and those programs recommended by the UOSA UndergraduateStudent Congress and Graduate Student Senate, so long as they are within theguidelines created by the State Regents for Higher Education and the Board <strong>of</strong>Regents.Although the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents has the responsibility to commit the Student Activity Fee funds whereit is they are most needed within the student community, it is intended that this uncommitted portionappropriated to UOSA will not be less than $350,000 per year.The UOSA Budget Committee will present to both legislative bodies recommended budgetallocations in the following categories for the next year prior to the end <strong>of</strong> the Spring semester:1) Administrative costs <strong>of</strong> all salaried individuals <strong>of</strong> the UOSA. The University’sHuman Resources department will assist in the formulation <strong>of</strong> job descriptions,employment practices, and recommend salary levels.2) Joint operations costs for student government infrastructure and those costs deemedto be <strong>of</strong> common interest to graduate and undergraduate students (e.g., Archie W.Dunham Conoco Student Leadership Wing, UOSA Executive and Judicial Branches,Commuter Student Association, etc.) as determined by the Student Activity FeeCommittee. These funds then shall be allocated by the Undergraduate StudentCongress.3) Legislative allocations shall be divided between the Undergraduate Student Congressand the Graduate Student Senate, ratably divided based upon the previous academicyear enrollment, as determined by the Office <strong>of</strong> Institutional Research.Undergraduate Student Congress and Graduate Student Senate will then beresponsible for funding those student organizations which are composed <strong>of</strong> enrolledundergraduate or graduate students.The Budget will be presented to the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents through the proper administrative channels assoon as it has been reviewed by the Undergraduate Student Congress and Graduate Student Senate.The following guidelines shall pertain to those funds budgeted by the UOSA:1) No Student Activity Fee funds money shall be used to pay the legal fees <strong>of</strong> anystudent or students in a criminal or civil court action. Programs <strong>of</strong> legal service to thestudent community (public defenders for intra-University matters, legal aid, etc.) andlegal assistance for the UOSA are permissible. However, no Student Activity Feefunds money may be used in any court action against the University. Authorizationfor the use <strong>of</strong> UOSA legal assistance funds must come from the UOSA President,Undergraduate Student Congress Chair and Graduate Student Senate Chair.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 277

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