Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 4—FINANCE AND MANAGEMENTUnless they are otherwise governed, restricted, or addressed by University policy, purchases of$5,000 or less do not require competition or processing by the Purchasing Department, althoughcompetition is recommended. Splitting orders to take advantage of this dollar limit is prohibited. Theordering department shall ensure that such purchases meet all other requirements including, but notlimited to legality, availability of funding, and whether the purchase is allowable, as in the case of asponsored grant or contract.4.11.5—PURCHASES THAT REQUIRE THE ASSISTANCE AND REVIEW OF THEPURCHASING DEPARTMENTTo ensure effective and efficient mission accomplishment, the Purchasing Department, in meeting therequirement for a professional buyer to place an order, may establish for University departments ordersthat specify time frames, dollar limits, and product/service categories. Such orders may be established inresponse only to mission-critical needs that cannot otherwise be met timely or that cannot otherwisebenefit from the direct involvement of the Purchasing Department. Such orders permit Universitydepartments to place orders with vendors, up to the specified dollar limits. Departmental requests for suchorders shall be communicated in writing and approved by an administrative officer of thedepartment/school/administrative office before being forwarded to the Purchasing Department. ThePurchasing Department shall maintain a list of such orders and provide such list to the appropriate VicePresident for Administrative Affairs no less frequently than quarterly. The Purchasing Department shallcontinually review such orders for need and shall audit their usage for compliance with the principles ofcompetition, fairness, and best value. The Purchasing Department may terminate any such order when theneed for it no longer exists, if there is evidence of noncompliance, or for similar reasons.4.11.6—PURCHASES FROM AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES AND SERVICE UNITSUniversity Auxiliary Enterprises and Service Units offer various products and services for saleprimarily to University departments, faculty, staff and students. Examples are food services, printingservices, and maintenance and repair of working spaces. Any excess of revenues over expenses generatedby these entities is used to ensure future operations, renew and replace plant and equipment, andcontribute back to the University’s education and research missions through Presidential priorities. Whena University department purchases such products or services, the University department must allow therelated Auxiliary Enterprise or Service Unit first opportunity at the transaction. Such purchases may beawarded to outside vendors only upon sufficient justification or upon refusal by the Auxiliary Enterpriseor Service Unit.4.11.7—SUBMITTING PURCHASES TO THE BOARD OF REGENTS FORAPPROVAL AND REPORTING OTHER PURCHASESSeparate and apart from the policies and procedures governing competition and processing by thePurchasing Department, the following conditions govern those purchases that must be submitted to theBoard of Regents for prior approval, those purchases that must be reported to the Board of Regents atleast quarterly, and those purchases that are exempt from either the approval or reporting requirements.The dollar limitations are on a per-transaction basis and are not cumulative.• Purchases over $125,000 must be submitted to the Board of Regents for priorapproval; sole source purchases in this category must be identified as such; changesTHE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 246

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 4—FINANCE AND MANAGEMENTthat would increase the financial obligation of the University by more than 15% mustbe resubmitted to the Board of Regents for prior approval.• Purchases above $50,000 but not exceeding $125,000 must be reported to the Boardof Regents at least quarterly; sole source purchases in this category must be reportedseparately and identified as such.• Any agreement or obligation that would establish or make policy for the University,or would otherwise involve substantial or significant expenditures must be submittedto the Board of Regents for approval.• Purchases of air charter services must be reported to the Board of Regents at themeeting of next earliest opportunity.• Purchases by University departments from University Auxiliary Enterprises orService Units are exempt from the approval and reporting requirements.• Purchases of products, services, and utilities for resale, including minor operatingsupplies consumed in the resale process, by University Auxiliary Enterprises orService Units or other University units engaged in the resale of products or servicesin accordance with their mission, are exempt from the approval and reportingrequirements.• Acquisition contracts such as for office supplies University-wide or for materials forphysical plant maintenance, arrived at through the competitive process, but whichthat merely establish unit prices, availability and other terms and conditions butwhich are indefinite as to quantity and delivery must be reported to the Board ofRegents if the cumulative orders against them are expected to exceed $125,000annually,. are exempt from the approval and reporting requirements.• Subcontract and subrecipient agreements and the related orders issued pursuant tosponsored grants or contracts that have been ratified by the Board of Regents areexempt from the approval and reporting requirements.• Purchases of property designated as surplus by federal agencies, state agencies,county governments, municipalities, school districts, other institutions of highereducation, and similar bodies are exempt from the approval and reportingrequirements.• Payments to federal agencies, state agencies, county governments, municipalities,school districts, other institutions of higher education, and similar bodies for productsand services in situations that cannot reasonably be subjected to the competitiveprocess are exempt from the approval and reporting requirements.4.11.8—SOLE SOURCE PURCHASESThe following policy regarding sole source purchases explains why a particular action may not besubject to competition. However, it does not affect the criteria governing when a purchase must beprocessed through the Purchasing Department. Other than the requirement for competition, sole sourcepurchases are subject to the same policies and procedures set forth above.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 247

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 4—FINANCE AND MANAGEMENTthat would increase the financial obligation <strong>of</strong> the University by more than 15% mustbe resubmitted to the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents for prior approval.• Purchases above $50,000 but not exceeding $125,000 must be reported to the Board<strong>of</strong> Regents at least quarterly; sole source purchases in this category must be reportedseparately and identified as such.• Any agreement or obligation that would establish or make policy for the University,or would otherwise involve substantial or significant expenditures must be submittedto the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents for approval.• Purchases <strong>of</strong> air charter services must be reported to the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents at themeeting <strong>of</strong> next earliest opportunity.• Purchases by University departments from University Auxiliary Enterprises orService Units are exempt from the approval and reporting requirements.• Purchases <strong>of</strong> products, services, and utilities for resale, including minor operatingsupplies consumed in the resale process, by University Auxiliary Enterprises orService Units or other University units engaged in the resale <strong>of</strong> products or servicesin accordance with their mission, are exempt from the approval and reportingrequirements.• Acquisition contracts such as for <strong>of</strong>fice supplies University-wide or for materials forphysical plant maintenance, arrived at through the competitive process, but whichthat merely establish unit prices, availability and other terms and conditions butwhich are indefinite as to quantity and delivery must be reported to the Board <strong>of</strong>Regents if the cumulative orders against them are expected to exceed $125,000annually,. are exempt from the approval and reporting requirements.• Subcontract and subrecipient agreements and the related orders issued pursuant tosponsored grants or contracts that have been ratified by the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents areexempt from the approval and reporting requirements.• Purchases <strong>of</strong> property designated as surplus by federal agencies, state agencies,county governments, municipalities, school districts, other institutions <strong>of</strong> highereducation, and similar bodies are exempt from the approval and reportingrequirements.• Payments to federal agencies, state agencies, county governments, municipalities,school districts, other institutions <strong>of</strong> higher education, and similar bodies for productsand services in situations that cannot reasonably be subjected to the competitiveprocess are exempt from the approval and reporting requirements.4.11.8—SOLE SOURCE PURCHASESThe following policy regarding sole source purchases explains why a particular action may not besubject to competition. However, it does not affect the criteria governing when a purchase must beprocessed through the Purchasing Department. Other than the requirement for competition, sole sourcepurchases are subject to the same policies and procedures set forth above.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 247

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