Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 4—FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT4.3—DEFICIT POLICYDeficits in University accounts are not permitted. Accounts should be reviewed monthly by sponsors,deans/directors, and vice presidents to ensure that deficits do not occur. If a deficit is projected orindicated, immediate action should be taken to prevent or correct the problem. In all cases, vicepresidents are ultimately responsible for the financial management of accounts within their area(s) ofresponsibility.If circumstances occur which require a temporary deficit for a special purpose, an explanation andplan for repayment must be fully documented by the appropriate vice president and submitted to thePresident or President’s designee and appropriate Vice President for Administrative Affairs for reviewand approval. All deficits are to be thoroughly investigated and resolved in a timely manner; however,corrective action plans are to be submitted only for deficits of $50,000 or more that have an anticipatedduration of 180 days or more.If a deficit is reflected in an educational and general account on the June 30 financial reports, thedepartmental appropriation for the succeeding fiscal year will be reduced by the amount of the deficit.In accordance with the Board of Regents’ policy, No Auxiliary Enterprise or Service Unit ispermitted to operate using unauthorized borrowing from other units, including, without limitation,operating in an unauthorized cash deficit position. If a deficit occurs or is anticipated, a short-termworking capital loan must be authorized by the Controller’s Office.For purposes of this policy, an account is a distinct budgetary or cash grouping of specific funds.Alpha and/or numeric references are assigned to identify accounts within the University's accountingsystems. All University fund groups are subject to this policy. Although salaries, wages, and otheraccount or object categories should be closely monitored, this policy applies only to the total budgetary orcash balance for each account. Accounts that have been established by the Controller’s Office for thepurpose of University clearing or suspense functions are not subject to this policy.(RM, 9-10-03, p. 28765; 1-27-04, p. 28924)THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 226

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 4—FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT4.4—INTERMEDIATE TERM CASHMANAGEMENT POLICYIn recognition of multiple cash management responsibilities, the Board of Regents has adopted thefollowing statement of investment policy to deal with intermediate term funds (ITFs). This policyestablishes the investment strategies and guidelines to be used in the management of ITFs that are definedas excess funds above the funds required for the normal operations of the University and are otherwiseavailable for investment with a two- to five-year time horizon. Operating funds and the reserves neededfor short term (less than two year needs) shall be invested in accordance with the University’s and StateTreasurer’s short-term investment policy.The investment of these ITF assets will be limited to those securities, strategies, and advisory firmsthat adhere to the standards of this ITF investment policy and which meet all other relevant legal, ethical,and fiduciary standards.4.4.1 PURPOSE OF STATEMENTThe purpose of the account in which these ITF assets are invested (hereafter referred to as the“Intermediate Term Funds Account” or “ITF Account”) is to enhance the yield (return) on cashinvestments of the University. Accordingly, the purpose of this statement is to establish a written policyfor the investment of the ITF Account assets, in order to achieve a greater return than would otherwise beobtained in the short-term cash fund.4.4.2 OBJECTIVES OF INTERMEDIATE TERM FUNDS ACCOUNTThe objectives of the ITF Account are to generate a greater return on assets than that of the short-termfund while maintaining similar quality and liquidity. The significant difference is to extend maturities ofthe investments to between two and five years. Interest, dividends, and other monies earned shall bereinvested in the ITF Account until such time the University’s Chief Financial Officer or Controllerrequests transfer to another University account. Such transfer will be made within three business days ofthe request.As more fully defined below, the ITF Account shall pursue a strategy of broad diversification.Investments will be made in investment-grade securities only within the three highest rating categories. Adollar weighted average maturity of three years or less will be maintained.4.4.3 SECURITY TYPESSpecific securities will be selected from the following Security Types with weighting adjusted to takeadvantage of market opportunities:• U.S. Treasury Securities• U.S. Government Agency Securities• Corporate bonds and notes- Investment-grade corporate securities are traditionally defined as 3A/3B- Rated 3A/A- = Permitted- Rated BBB = ExcludedTHE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 227

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 4—FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT4.4—INTERMEDIATE TERM CASHMANAGEMENT POLICYIn recognition <strong>of</strong> multiple cash management responsibilities, the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents has adopted thefollowing statement <strong>of</strong> investment policy to deal with intermediate term funds (ITFs). This policyestablishes the investment strategies and guidelines to be used in the management <strong>of</strong> ITFs that are definedas excess funds above the funds required for the normal operations <strong>of</strong> the University and are otherwiseavailable for investment with a two- to five-year time horizon. Operating funds and the reserves neededfor short term (less than two year needs) shall be invested in accordance with the University’s and StateTreasurer’s short-term investment policy.The investment <strong>of</strong> these ITF assets will be limited to those securities, strategies, and advisory firmsthat adhere to the standards <strong>of</strong> this ITF investment policy and which meet all other relevant legal, ethical,and fiduciary standards.4.4.1 PURPOSE OF STATEMENTThe purpose <strong>of</strong> the account in which these ITF assets are invested (hereafter referred to as the“Intermediate Term Funds Account” or “ITF Account”) is to enhance the yield (return) on cashinvestments <strong>of</strong> the University. Accordingly, the purpose <strong>of</strong> this statement is to establish a written policyfor the investment <strong>of</strong> the ITF Account assets, in order to achieve a greater return than would otherwise beobtained in the short-term cash fund.4.4.2 OBJECTIVES OF INTERMEDIATE TERM FUNDS ACCOUNTThe objectives <strong>of</strong> the ITF Account are to generate a greater return on assets than that <strong>of</strong> the short-termfund while maintaining similar quality and liquidity. The significant difference is to extend maturities <strong>of</strong>the investments to between two and five years. Interest, dividends, and other monies earned shall bereinvested in the ITF Account until such time the University’s Chief Financial Officer or Controllerrequests transfer to another University account. Such transfer will be made within three business days <strong>of</strong>the request.As more fully defined below, the ITF Account shall pursue a strategy <strong>of</strong> broad diversification.Investments will be made in investment-grade securities only within the three highest rating categories. Adollar weighted average maturity <strong>of</strong> three years or less will be maintained.4.4.3 SECURITY TYPESSpecific securities will be selected from the following Security Types with weighting adjusted to takeadvantage <strong>of</strong> market opportunities:• U.S. Treasury Securities• U.S. Government Agency Securities• Corporate bonds and notes- Investment-grade corporate securities are traditionally defined as 3A/3B- Rated 3A/A- = Permitted- Rated BBB = ExcludedTHE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA <strong>22</strong>7

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