Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIES3.5.4—ETHICS IN RESEARCHINTRODUCTIONResearch and other scholarly activity at the University must be above reproach. Each member of theUniversity community has the responsibility to ensure the integrity and ethical standards in any activitywith which he or she is associated directly, or any activity of which there is sufficient knowledge todetermine its appropriateness. Misconduct in the conduct of research undermines the scholarly enterpriseand erodes the public trust in the University community to conduct research and communicate resultsusing the highest standards and ethical practices. The University is responsible both for promotingscholarly practices that prevent misconduct and for developing policies and procedures for dealing withallegations or other evidence of scholarly or research misconduct.This policy establishes uniform policies and procedures for investigating and reporting instances ofalleged or apparent misconduct involving research, including but not limited to, research or researchtraining, applications for support of research or research training, applications for research or researchtraining, or related research activities that are supported with funds made available under the PublicHealth Service Act. The policies and procedures outlined below apply to faculty, staff, and students.They are not intended to address all scholarly issues of an ethical nature. For example, discrimination andaffirmative action issues are covered by other University policies.The full text of the Ethics in Research policy is included in the Norman Campus and Health SciencesCenter Faculty and Staff handbooks.(RM, 5-9-85, p.18378; 12-20-89, p. 21508; 6-25-97, p. 25458; 3-29-00, p. 26909; 1-27-2004, p.28924)3.5.7—OKLAHOMA GEOLOGICAL SURVEYThe law places the governance and control of the Oklahoma Geological Survey under the Board ofRegents. In the administration of the Survey, the Director shall bear the same relation to the President asthe deans of the several schools and colleges in the University, and all communications andrecommendations to the Board of Regents from the Director, and all communications andrecommendations from the Board of Regents to the Director, shall be transmitted through the President.The general administrative officers of the University, such as the Vice Presidents, the Director ofPurchasing, the Controller, the Accounting Office, the Bursar, the Physical Plant Department, and otherofficers of general administration have the same relation to the Survey that they have with otherdepartments, colleges, or divisions of the University.(RM, 6-6-27, p. 284; 9-10-53, pp. 4693-94; 1-27-2004, p. 28924)THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 220

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 4—FINANCE AND MANAGEMENTSECTION 4 – FINANCE &MANAGEMENTThe Board of Regents is constitutionally vested with the governance of the University. Within itsauthority is the governance of all finance and management matters, including without limitation,investment; collections; contractual authority; acquisition, development, and disposition of property;financial aid; financial emergency; and buying and selling goods and services. Specific provisionspertaining to finance and management and related matters may be set forth in the Faculty and StaffHandbooks, student handbooks such as the Student Code of Responsibilities and Conduct for the NormanCampus, University Guide to Services, and/or other official policy documents of the respective campuses.Any modification to a Board of Regents’ policy in the policy documents referred to above or elsewheremust be made through action of the Board of Regents4.1—SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT POLICYThe investment procedures described below are intended to govern the process of investing funds ofthe University under the constitutional and statutory authority of the Board of Regents.In order to maximize the return on investments, the Vice Presidents for Administrative Affairs at theHealth Sciences Center and Norman campuses, or their respective designees, shall invest all allowablefunds of the University that can be invested for and on behalf of the Board of Regents. Such funds shallinclude all monies on deposit in the Agency Special Accounts (including, but not limited to, payroll trustfunds, funds transferred to construction accounts, and travel trust funds), Treasury Funds, and AgencyRelationship accounts (including, but not limited to, funds which are advanced by granting agencies asdirected by conditions required by the terms of the contract or grant or as required or permitted by termsof a bond resolution or donor requirement) that are not required to be invested by the State Treasurer.The Vice Presidents, or their respective designees, shall establish procedures to sufficiently analyzethe cash flow requirements of the University and determine the amount of funds to be invested and thetime period of the investment(s). Said procedures shall address liquidity, diversification, safety ofprincipal, yield, maturity and quality and capability of investment management (with primary emphasison safety and liquidity), reporting and documentation of investments, selection of financial institutions,and competitive bidding. Allowable instruments shall include those permitted for investment of Statemonies, as provided by Oklahoma law. Allowable monies may be invested through the Office of theState Treasurer or, provided a higher return on the investment can be earned, with other financialinstitutions. The Vice Presidents will periodically analyze market conditions and evaluate the investmentperformance of the State Treasurer’s office.Interest income from investments made by the State Treasurer shall accrue to the University’s AgencySpecial Fund or fund from which the investment was made, in accordance with the provisions of theOklahoma statutes. The Vice Presidents shall deposit all interest income into the original accountsgenerating the principal invested, as required by the terms of the specific grants or contracts or as requiredby terms of bond resolutions, donor requirements, federal regulations, or other Board ofTHE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 221

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 4—FINANCE AND MANAGEMENTSECTION 4 – FINANCE &MANAGEMENTThe Board <strong>of</strong> Regents is constitutionally vested with the governance <strong>of</strong> the University. Within itsauthority is the governance <strong>of</strong> all finance and management matters, including without limitation,investment; collections; contractual authority; acquisition, development, and disposition <strong>of</strong> property;financial aid; financial emergency; and buying and selling goods and services. Specific provisionspertaining to finance and management and related matters may be set forth in the Faculty and StaffHandbooks, student handbooks such as the Student Code <strong>of</strong> Responsibilities and Conduct for the NormanCampus, University Guide to Services, and/or other <strong>of</strong>ficial policy documents <strong>of</strong> the respective campuses.Any modification to a Board <strong>of</strong> Regents’ policy in the policy documents referred to above or elsewheremust be made through action <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents4.1—SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT POLICYThe investment procedures described below are intended to govern the process <strong>of</strong> investing funds <strong>of</strong>the University under the constitutional and statutory authority <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents.In order to maximize the return on investments, the Vice Presidents for Administrative Affairs at theHealth Sciences Center and Norman campuses, or their respective designees, shall invest all allowablefunds <strong>of</strong> the University that can be invested for and on behalf <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents. Such funds shallinclude all monies on deposit in the Agency Special Accounts (including, but not limited to, payroll trustfunds, funds transferred to construction accounts, and travel trust funds), Treasury Funds, and AgencyRelationship accounts (including, but not limited to, funds which are advanced by granting agencies asdirected by conditions required by the terms <strong>of</strong> the contract or grant or as required or permitted by terms<strong>of</strong> a bond resolution or donor requirement) that are not required to be invested by the State Treasurer.The Vice Presidents, or their respective designees, shall establish procedures to sufficiently analyzethe cash flow requirements <strong>of</strong> the University and determine the amount <strong>of</strong> funds to be invested and thetime period <strong>of</strong> the investment(s). Said procedures shall address liquidity, diversification, safety <strong>of</strong>principal, yield, maturity and quality and capability <strong>of</strong> investment management (with primary emphasison safety and liquidity), reporting and documentation <strong>of</strong> investments, selection <strong>of</strong> financial institutions,and competitive bidding. Allowable instruments shall include those permitted for investment <strong>of</strong> Statemonies, as provided by Oklahoma law. Allowable monies may be invested through the Office <strong>of</strong> theState Treasurer or, provided a higher return on the investment can be earned, with other financialinstitutions. The Vice Presidents will periodically analyze market conditions and evaluate the investmentperformance <strong>of</strong> the State Treasurer’s <strong>of</strong>fice.Interest income from investments made by the State Treasurer shall accrue to the University’s AgencySpecial Fund or fund from which the investment was made, in accordance with the provisions <strong>of</strong> theOklahoma statutes. The Vice Presidents shall deposit all interest income into the original accountsgenerating the principal invested, as required by the terms <strong>of</strong> the specific grants or contracts or as requiredby terms <strong>of</strong> bond resolutions, donor requirements, federal regulations, or other Board <strong>of</strong>THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA <strong>22</strong>1

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