Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIESI) “HSC” means The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center located inOklahoma City and Tulsa.J) “Health Plan” means the University’s medical benefits plan.K) “Member” refers to an Eligible Employee who is a member of TRS on an optional ormandatory basis. Eligibility for membership in TRS is defined by the Board ofTrustees of TRS.L) “Phased Retirement” means retirement from the University as provided in Article IXhereof.M) “Policy” means The University of Oklahoma Retirement Policy.N) “Policy Administrator” means the University or its designee who is charged with theadministration of the Policy.O) “Retirement” is the termination of employment of Eligible Employees after satisfyingcertain criteria of length of service, age, and employment status as provided in thisPolicy and specifically Section V herein, entitling them to Benefits.P) “TRS” means the Teacher’s Retirement System of Oklahoma.Q) “Social Security” means the federal Social Security benefits program.R) “Supplement” means a monetary Benefit due certain retired University Employeeshired before July 1, 1991, who are also eligible to receive retirement income fromTRS. This Benefit is paid from the current operating funds of the University subjectto the statutes of the State of Oklahoma as a “Supplement” to benefits from TRS,Social Security, and the Defined Contribution Plan. Effective July 1, 1991, theoption for new Eligible Employees to qualify for a Supplement was eliminated.Additionally, any Eligible Employee participating in the Defined Contribution Planwho exercised the transferability option after October 1, 1992, would not qualify fora Supplement. Increases: Supplements for Eligible Retirees who qualify for theSupplement will be increased annually by whatever average percentage increase isprovided for active Eligible Employees in the University where such EligibleEmployee was working at the time payments of his/her Supplement commenced.The University has determined that no Eligible Employees will qualify for aSupplement under the Policy as it previously existed. Accordingly, the Supplementshall only be paid to those employees who have previously qualified for and/or arereceiving the Supplement in accordance with the terms of the Policy prior to thisamendment and restatement.S) “University” means the employment(s) under the jurisdiction of the Board of Regentswhich employs the Eligible Employees who become eligible for benefits under thisPolicy, namely; Norman and Tulsa Campus; University of Oklahoma HealthSciences Center, Oklahoma City and Tulsa Campuses.T) “Vesting” means the date on which an Eligible Employee acquires, by satisfying thetime and/or age requirements, the right to receive Benefits.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 196

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIESU) Years of Service” means for the purpose of calculating eligibility for Benefits underthis Policy only those completed years, months and days for which the EligibleEmployee was a “Benefits Eligible” Eligible Employee at all times or was onsabbatical and military leave from and approved by the University.1) One Year of Service credit will be received for each four years of verifiedemployment service at any accredited institution of higher education other thanthe University, up to a maximum of five additional years. Other higher educationemployment must have been full-time and for not less than nine months eachyear of employment. Credit for service of fractions of less than four full yearswill not be given. This Section V. 1 shall not be applicable with respect to anyEligible Employee hired by the University on or after January 1, 2002.2) If an Eligible Employee terminates employment and is subsequently reemployedby the University, then, unless otherwise credited under this Policy, the periodduring which such Eligible Employee was absent shall be disregarded and theperiod of employment service both before and after such period of absence shallbe aggregated to determine the total number of Years of Service earned by theEligible Employee.IV. RETIREMENTAn Eligible Employee may retire from the University and be eligible for Benefits due to Retirementafter satisfying any of the requirements of the following Subsections A, B, C, D or E, as applicable. Therequirement that an Eligible Employee must satisfy any of the following requirements to be eligible forBenefits does not require that any Eligible Employee retire or terminate employment with the Universityupon attainment of any specified age. Retirement from the University is a voluntary act by the EligibleEmployee, and the University does not have any requirement mandating that an Eligible Employeeterminate employment with the University solely by attainment of a specified age. However, Benefitswill not be paid and/or provided until actual retirement from the University occurs except for EligibleEmployees who qualify for Phased Retirement.A) Optional Retirement Age: An Eligible Employee can retire after attaining at least age62 with at least 10 Years of Service.B) Disability Retirement: An Eligible Employee can retire after earning at least 10 Yearsof Service if the Eligible Employee incurs a Disability.C) Phased Retirement: An Eligible Employee may begin Phased Retirement on the firstof any month after having attained at least age 55, subject to meeting other eligibilityrequirements as provided in Article VIII.D) 25 Years of Service: An Eligible Employee may retire regardless of age after earningat least 25 Years of Service.E) Rule of 80: An Eligible Employee may retire when actual age at last birthday plusYears of Service equals 80 or more.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 197

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIESI) “HSC” means The University <strong>of</strong> Oklahoma Health Sciences Center located inOklahoma City and Tulsa.J) “Health Plan” means the University’s medical benefits plan.K) “Member” refers to an Eligible Employee who is a member <strong>of</strong> TRS on an optional ormandatory basis. Eligibility for membership in TRS is defined by the Board <strong>of</strong>Trustees <strong>of</strong> TRS.L) “Phased Retirement” means retirement from the University as provided in Article IXhere<strong>of</strong>.M) “Policy” means The University <strong>of</strong> Oklahoma Retirement Policy.N) “Policy Administrator” means the University or its designee who is charged with theadministration <strong>of</strong> the Policy.O) “Retirement” is the termination <strong>of</strong> employment <strong>of</strong> Eligible Employees after satisfyingcertain criteria <strong>of</strong> length <strong>of</strong> service, age, and employment status as provided in thisPolicy and specifically Section V herein, entitling them to Benefits.P) “TRS” means the Teacher’s Retirement System <strong>of</strong> Oklahoma.Q) “Social Security” means the federal Social Security benefits program.R) “Supplement” means a monetary Benefit due certain retired University Employeeshired before July 1, 1991, who are also eligible to receive retirement income fromTRS. This Benefit is paid from the current operating funds <strong>of</strong> the University subjectto the statutes <strong>of</strong> the State <strong>of</strong> Oklahoma as a “Supplement” to benefits from TRS,Social Security, and the Defined Contribution Plan. Effective July 1, 1991, theoption for new Eligible Employees to qualify for a Supplement was eliminated.Additionally, any Eligible Employee participating in the Defined Contribution Planwho exercised the transferability option after October 1, 1992, would not qualify fora Supplement. Increases: Supplements for Eligible Retirees who qualify for theSupplement will be increased annually by whatever average percentage increase isprovided for active Eligible Employees in the University where such EligibleEmployee was working at the time payments <strong>of</strong> his/her Supplement commenced.The University has determined that no Eligible Employees will qualify for aSupplement under the Policy as it previously existed. Accordingly, the Supplementshall only be paid to those employees who have previously qualified for and/or arereceiving the Supplement in accordance with the terms <strong>of</strong> the Policy prior to thisamendment and restatement.S) “University” means the employment(s) under the jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Regentswhich employs the Eligible Employees who become eligible for benefits under thisPolicy, namely; Norman and Tulsa Campus; University <strong>of</strong> Oklahoma HealthSciences Center, Oklahoma City and Tulsa Campuses.T) “Vesting” means the date on which an Eligible Employee acquires, by satisfying thetime and/or age requirements, the right to receive Benefits.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 196

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