Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIESexpense of others and implicitly makes obtaining benefits contingent on amorous or sexual favors.Therefore, the University will view it as unethical if faculty members engage in amorous relations withstudents enrolled in their classes or subject to their supervision, even when both parties appear to haveconsented to the relationship.As with faculty, staff may also be in a position to exert authority and control over students. Staff, too,must be conscious of the potential for abuse of power inherent in their relationships with students.Students rely on staff for assistance and guidance in dealing with issues such as scheduling of classes,financial aid, tutoring, housing, meals, employment, educational programs, social activities, and manyother aspects of University life. Those who deal with students are expected to provide them with supportand positive reinforcement. Staff who would deal with students in a sexual manner abuse, or appear toabuse, their power and violate their duty to the University community.The full text of the Consensual Sexual Relationships policy is included in the Faculty and Staffhandbooks for the Norman and Health Sciences Center campuses.The text below will be included in Handbooks as noted above:DEFINITIONSAs used in this policy, the terms “faculty” and “faculty member” mean all those who teach at theUniversity, and include graduate students with teaching responsibilities and other instructional personnel.The terms “staff” or “staff members” mean all employees who are not faculty, and include academic andnon-academic administrators as well as supervisory personnel. The term “consensual sexual relationship”may include amorous or romantic relationships, and is intended to indicate conduct which goes beyondwhat a person of ordinary sensibilities would believe to be a collegial or professional relationship.POLICYWITHIN THE INSTRUCTIONAL CONTEXTA. FACULTY/STUDENT RELATIONSHIPSIt is considered a serious breach of professional ethics for a member of the faculty to initiate oracquiesce in a sexual relationship with a student who is enrolled in a course being taught by the facultymember or whose academic work (including work as a teaching assistant) is being supervised by thefaculty member.OUTSIDE THE INSTRUCTIONAL CONTEXTSexual relationships between faculty members and students occurring outside the instructionalcontext may lead to difficulties. Particularly when the faculty member and student are in the sameacademic unit or in units that are academically allied, relationships that the parties view as consensualmay appear to others to be exploitative. Further, in such situations, the faculty member may face seriousconflicts of interest and should be careful to distance himself or herself from any decisions that mayreward or penalize the student involved. A faculty member who fails to withdraw from participation inactivities or decisions that may reward or penalize a student with whom the faculty member has or hashad an amorous relationship will be deemed to have violated his or her ethical obligation to the student, toother students, to colleagues, and to the University.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 190

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIESB. STAFF/STUDENT RELATIONSHIPSConsensual sexual relationships between staff and students are prohibited in cases where the staffmember has authority or control over the student. A staff member who fails to withdraw fromparticipation in activities or decisions that may reward or penalize a student with whom the staff memberhas or has had an amorous relationship will be deemed to have violated his or her ethical obligation to thestudent, to other students, to colleagues, and to the University.COMPLAINT PROCEDUREComplaints alleging a violation of the Consensual Sexual Relationships Policy shall be handled inaccordance with the Grievance Procedure For Equal Opportunity.To contact the University Office of Equal Opportunity:Norman CampusHealth Sciences Center CampusRoom 102, Evans HallRoom 113 , Service Center Building325-3546 271-2110(RM, 9-95, p. 24621; 1-14-97, p. 25260 and 25263; 1-27-2004, p. 28924)GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE FOR EQUAL OPPORTUNITYA. WHAT IS COVERED AND WHO MAY USE PROCEDUREThe grievance procedure embodied herein shall be available to any person who, at the time of the actscomplained of, was employed by, was an applicant for employment with, or was enrolled as a student atthe University.The full text of the Grievance Procedure for Equal Opportunity is included in the Faculty, Staff andStudent handbooks of the Norman and Health Sciences Center campuses.The text below will be included in Handbooks as noted above:B. FILING OF COMPLAINTThis procedure applies to persons who have complaints alleging discrimination based upon race,color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, political beliefs, or status as a veteran or complaintsalleging sexual harassment, consensual sexual relationships, retaliation, or racial and ethnic harassment(together, “discrimination and harassment or retaliation”). Such persons may file their complaints inwriting with the University Equal Opportunity Officer.Complainants who exercise their right to use this procedure agree to accept its conditions as outlined.Where multiple issues exist (e.g., sexual harassment and violation of due process or grade appeal), thecomplainant must specify all of the grounds of the grievance of which the complainant knows or shouldhave reasonably known at the time of filing. A grievance filed under this procedure may normally not befiled under any other University grievance procedure. Depending on the nature of the issues involved, thecomplainant will be advised by the University Equal Opportunity Officer or his/her designee about theappropriate procedure(s) to utilize.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 191

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIESB. STAFF/STUDENT RELATIONSHIPSConsensual sexual relationships between staff and students are prohibited in cases where the staffmember has authority or control over the student. A staff member who fails to withdraw fromparticipation in activities or decisions that may reward or penalize a student with whom the staff memberhas or has had an amorous relationship will be deemed to have violated his or her ethical obligation to thestudent, to other students, to colleagues, and to the University.COMPLAINT PROCEDUREComplaints alleging a violation <strong>of</strong> the Consensual Sexual Relationships Policy shall be handled inaccordance with the Grievance Procedure For Equal Opportunity.To contact the University Office <strong>of</strong> Equal Opportunity:Norman CampusHealth Sciences Center CampusRoom 102, Evans HallRoom 113 , Service Center Building325-3546 271-2110(RM, 9-95, p. 24621; 1-14-97, p. 25260 and 25263; 1-27-<strong>2004</strong>, p. 28924)GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE FOR EQUAL OPPORTUNITYA. WHAT IS COVERED AND WHO MAY USE PROCEDUREThe grievance procedure embodied herein shall be available to any person who, at the time <strong>of</strong> the actscomplained <strong>of</strong>, was employed by, was an applicant for employment with, or was enrolled as a student atthe University.The full text <strong>of</strong> the Grievance Procedure for Equal Opportunity is included in the Faculty, Staff andStudent handbooks <strong>of</strong> the Norman and Health Sciences Center campuses.The text below will be included in Handbooks as noted above:B. FILING OF COMPLAINTThis procedure applies to persons who have complaints alleging discrimination based upon race,color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, political beliefs, or status as a veteran or complaintsalleging sexual harassment, consensual sexual relationships, retaliation, or racial and ethnic harassment(together, “discrimination and harassment or retaliation”). Such persons may file their complaints inwriting with the University Equal Opportunity Officer.Complainants who exercise their right to use this procedure agree to accept its conditions as outlined.Where multiple issues exist (e.g., sexual harassment and violation <strong>of</strong> due process or grade appeal), thecomplainant must specify all <strong>of</strong> the grounds <strong>of</strong> the grievance <strong>of</strong> which the complainant knows or shouldhave reasonably known at the time <strong>of</strong> filing. A grievance filed under this procedure may normally not befiled under any other University grievance procedure. Depending on the nature <strong>of</strong> the issues involved, thecomplainant will be advised by the University Equal Opportunity Officer or his/her designee about theappropriate procedure(s) to utilize.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 191

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