Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIESVI. COMPLAINT PROCESSThe complaint procedures delineated herein apply to all students, faculty, staff, guests, or visitors.Complaints alleging violation of the racial and ethnic harassment policy will be reviewed and investigatedby the appropriate University office. Complaints may be resolved informally or may proceed through theapplicable formal complaint proceedings. Complaints may be filed in the following manner:1) Complaints against students or student organizations, faculty or staff, or contractorsworking on University premises shall be filed with the University Office of EqualOpportunity for review and investigation. The University Equal Opportunity Officer,or his or her designee, may assist in the informal resolution of the complaint or inprocessing a complaint through the applicable campus procedures.2) Complaints against visitors or guests should be directed to the Campus PoliceDepartment on the campus where the incident occurred. The Campus Police willforward informational copies of all reports and inquiries dealing with discrimination,harassment, or hate crimes to the Office of Equal Opportunity.VII. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIALThe University Equal Opportunity Officer is charged with the responsibility for administering thispolicy. The Office of Equal Opportunity will serve as a repository for all records of complaints,investigative reports, and remedies/corrective actions in connection with this policy. The UniversityEqual Opportunity Officer is the overall coordinator of all University activities dealing withdiscrimination in employment or education.To contact the University Equal Opportunity Office:Norman CampusHealth Sciences Center CampusRoom 102, Evans HallRoom 113, Service Center Building325-3546 271-2110(RM 12-19-90, p. 22121; 6-13-91, p. 22467; 7-27-95, p. 24622; 1-14-97, p. 25263; 1-26-99, p. 26226;3-29-00, p. 26909; 1-27-2004, p. 28924)3.2.5—SEXUAL HARASSMENT/SEXUAL ASSAULT POLICYSTATEMENTThe University explicitly condemns sexual harassment of students, staff, and faculty. Sexualharassment is unlawful and will subject those who engage in it to University sanctions as well as civil andcriminal penalties.When criminal action is pursued in addition to an administrative grievance under this policy, theUniversity Office of Equal Opportunity may coordinate its investigative actions with the University orlocal law enforcement authorities to ensure that criminal prosecution is not jeopardized. The UniversityEqual Opportunity Officer may defer administrative action at the request of University or local lawTHE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 186

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIESenforcement authorities pending completion of the criminal investigation. Where review by theUniversity Equal Opportunity Officer or other University executive officer determines that immediateadministrative action is necessary for the safety, health, and well being of the University community, suchaction may be taken in advance of resolution of criminal charges.Since some members of the University community hold positions of authority that may involve thelegitimate exercise of power over others, it is their responsibility to be sensitive to that power. Faculty,and supervisors in particular, in their relationships with students and subordinates, need to be aware ofpotential conflicts of interest and the possible compromise of their evaluative capacity. Because there isan inherent power difference in these relationships, the potential exists for the less powerful person toperceive a coercive element in suggestions regarding activities outside those appropriate to theprofessional relationship. It is the responsibility of faculty and staff to behave in such a manner that theirwords or actions cannot reasonably be perceived as sexually coercive, abusive, or exploitive. Sexualharassment also can involve relationships among equals as when repeated advances, demeaning verbalbehavior, or offensive physical contact interfere with an individual’s ability to work or studyproductively.The University is committed to providing an environment of study and work free from sexualharassment and to ensuring the accessibility of appropriate grievance procedures for addressing allcomplaints regarding sexual harassment. The University reserves the right, however, to dealadministratively with sexual harassment issues whenever becoming aware of their existence. Records ofall complaints, except for hearings before the Faculty Appeals Board, shall be transmitted to andmaintained by the University Equal Opportunity Officer as confidential records.The University encourages victims to report instances of sexual assault or other sex offenses, forcibleor nonforcible. In addition to internal grievance procedures, victims are encouraged to file complaints orreports with Campus Police or local law enforcement agencies by telephoning 911 as soon as possibleafter the offense occurs in order to preserve evidence necessary to the proof of criminal offenses. TheCampus Police Department is available to assist victims in filing reports with other area law enforcementagencies.The full text of the Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault policy is included in the Faculty, Staff andStudent handbooks of the Norman and Health Sciences Center campuses.The text below will appear in Handbooks as noted above:DEFINITION OF SEXUAL HARASSMENTSexual harassment shall be defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, andother verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in the following context:1) when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term orcondition of an individual’s employment or academic standing, or2) when submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basisfor employment or academic decisions affecting such individual, or3) when such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with anindividual’s work or academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, oroffensive working or academic environment.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 187

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIESVI. COMPLAINT PROCESSThe complaint procedures delineated herein apply to all students, faculty, staff, guests, or visitors.Complaints alleging violation <strong>of</strong> the racial and ethnic harassment policy will be reviewed and investigatedby the appropriate University <strong>of</strong>fice. Complaints may be resolved informally or may proceed through theapplicable formal complaint proceedings. Complaints may be filed in the following manner:1) Complaints against students or student organizations, faculty or staff, or contractorsworking on University premises shall be filed with the University Office <strong>of</strong> EqualOpportunity for review and investigation. The University Equal Opportunity Officer,or his or her designee, may assist in the informal resolution <strong>of</strong> the complaint or inprocessing a complaint through the applicable campus procedures.2) Complaints against visitors or guests should be directed to the Campus PoliceDepartment on the campus where the incident occurred. The Campus Police willforward informational copies <strong>of</strong> all reports and inquiries dealing with discrimination,harassment, or hate crimes to the Office <strong>of</strong> Equal Opportunity.VII. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIALThe University Equal Opportunity Officer is charged with the responsibility for administering thispolicy. The Office <strong>of</strong> Equal Opportunity will serve as a repository for all records <strong>of</strong> complaints,investigative reports, and remedies/corrective actions in connection with this policy. The UniversityEqual Opportunity Officer is the overall coordinator <strong>of</strong> all University activities dealing withdiscrimination in employment or education.To contact the University Equal Opportunity Office:Norman CampusHealth Sciences Center CampusRoom 102, Evans HallRoom 113, Service Center Building325-3546 271-2110(RM 12-19-90, p. <strong>22</strong>121; 6-13-91, p. <strong>22</strong>467; 7-27-95, p. 246<strong>22</strong>; 1-14-97, p. 25263; 1-26-99, p. 26<strong>22</strong>6;3-29-00, p. 26909; 1-27-<strong>2004</strong>, p. 28924)3.2.5—SEXUAL HARASSMENT/SEXUAL ASSAULT POLICYSTATEMENTThe University explicitly condemns sexual harassment <strong>of</strong> students, staff, and faculty. Sexualharassment is unlawful and will subject those who engage in it to University sanctions as well as civil andcriminal penalties.When criminal action is pursued in addition to an administrative grievance under this policy, theUniversity Office <strong>of</strong> Equal Opportunity may coordinate its investigative actions with the University orlocal law enforcement authorities to ensure that criminal prosecution is not jeopardized. The UniversityEqual Opportunity Officer may defer administrative action at the request <strong>of</strong> University or local lawTHE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 186

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