Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIEScompensation, promotion, and awards for that employee and state in writing how that means will avoidthe conflict of interest. The statement and proposal for supervision shall be made part of the Board ofRegents’ agenda item. Further, a salary increase above the average increase granted to all Universityemployees in similar positions will not be granted to an employee who has been granted a waiver underthis policy unless it has been approved by the applicable Senior Vice President and Provost or appropriatevice president and the President. In the case where this policy is made applicable by a related party beingselected to Committee A of an academic unit, approval of the Board of Regents is not required; however,all other provisions of this policy will continue to apply.It is the responsibility of the head of the budget unit to seek a waiver before offering employment toany person whose employment without a waiver would violate this policy, and the willful failure tofollow this policy may result in disciplinary action against the head of the budget unit. Notwithstandingany other provision of this policy, a conditional hire, prior to approval of the Board of Regents, may bemade pursuant to this policy if deemed necessary for legitimate academic or business reasons and ifjustified in writing by the appropriate vice president. At the next regular meeting of the Board ofRegents, the written justification and the conditional hire will be considered by the Board of Regents.Relatives that are within the third degree of relationship to an employee by consanguinity or affinityinclude the following: spouse, parent, parent of spouse, grandparent, grandparent of spouse, greatgrandparent,great grandparent of spouse, uncle or aunt, uncle or aunt of spouse, brother or sister, brotheror sister of spouse, son or daughter, son-in-law or daughter-in-law, grandson or granddaughter,grandson’s or granddaughter’s spouse, great grandson or great granddaughter, and great grandson’s orgreat granddaughter’s spouse. For the purposes of this policy, step- and half- relatives are considered tobe related by affinity.(RM, 4-8-71, pp. 10837-38; 10-17-90, p. 22024; 2-20-92, p. 22780; 1-27-2004, p. 28924)3.1.11—PREVENTION OF ALCOHOL ABUSE AND DRUG USE ON CAMPUS ANDIN THE WORKPLACEThe University recognizes its responsibility as an educational and public service institution topromote a healthy and productive work environment. This responsibility demands implementation ofprograms and services which facilitate that effort. The University is committed to a program to preventthe abuse of alcohol and the illegal use of drugs and alcohol by its students and employees. TheUniversity program includes this policy which prohibits illegal use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace,on University property, or as part of any University-sponsored activities. It shall be Board of Regents’policy that:1) All students and employees shall abide by the terms of this policy as a condition ofinitial and continued enrollment/employment.2) The illegal use of drugs and alcohol is in direct violation of local, state, and federallaws as well as University policies governing faculty, staff, and student conduct.This policy strictly prohibits the illegal use, possession, manufacture, dispensing, ordistribution of alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances in the workplace, on itsUniversity premises, or as a part of any University-sponsored activities.3) Violating this policy shall be a major offense which can result in a requirement forsatisfactory participation in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program, referral forcriminal prosecution, and/or immediate disciplinary action up to and includingTHE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 176

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIEStermination from employment and suspension or expulsion from the University. Acriminal conviction is not required for sanctions to be imposed upon an employee orstudent for violations of this policy.4) Violating of applicable local, state, and federal laws may subject a student oremployee to a variety of legal sanctions including, but not limited to, fines,incarceration, imprisonment, and/or community service requirements. Convictionsbecome a part of an individual’s criminal record and may prohibit certain career andprofessional opportunities. A current listing of applicable local, state, and federalsanctions can be obtained through the Offices of Student Affairs and HumanResources.5) An employee shall notify his or her supervisor in writing of a criminal conviction fordrug or alcohol related offenses occurring in the workplace no later than five calendardays following the conviction.6) The University shall establish and maintain Employee Assistance Programs andStudent Counseling Services for counseling and training programs to inform studentsand employees about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. Voluntary participationin or referral to these services is strictly confidential.7) An employee shall not perform safety sensitive functions while a prohibited drug isin his or her system.8) The University may require drug testing of safety sensitive employees (as defined byfederal law) prior to employment, when there is reasonable cause, after an accident,on a random basis, and before allowing an employee or student to return to duty afterrefusing to take a drug test or after not passing a drug test.9) The University shall annually distribute this policy to all staff, faculty, and students.Health risks generally associated with alcohol and drug abuse can result in but are not limited to alowered immune system, damage to critical nerve cells, physical dependency, lung damage, heartproblems, liver disease, physical and mental depression, increased infection, irreversible memory loss,personality changes, and thought disorders.The appropriate Senior Vice President and Provost or Executive Officer is responsible for notifyingfederal funding agencies within ten calendar days whenever an employee is convicted of a drug-relatedcrime which occurred in the workplace. Decisions under this policy is are subject to the grievanceprocedures stated elsewhere in the Board of Regents’ policy.(RM, 4-6-89, pp. 20998-21001; 9-5-90, p. 21978)3.1.12—FIREARMS POLICYFirearms and munitions of all types are prohibited on all property owned, leased, or occupied by theBoard of Regents at all times except as specifically authorized below. The full text of the Firearms Policyis included in the Faculty, Staff and Student Handbooks of the Norman and Health Sciences Centercampuses.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 177

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIEStermination from employment and suspension or expulsion from the University. Acriminal conviction is not required for sanctions to be imposed upon an employee orstudent for violations <strong>of</strong> this policy.4) Violating <strong>of</strong> applicable local, state, and federal laws may subject a student oremployee to a variety <strong>of</strong> legal sanctions including, but not limited to, fines,incarceration, imprisonment, and/or community service requirements. Convictionsbecome a part <strong>of</strong> an individual’s criminal record and may prohibit certain career andpr<strong>of</strong>essional opportunities. A current listing <strong>of</strong> applicable local, state, and federalsanctions can be obtained through the Offices <strong>of</strong> Student Affairs and HumanResources.5) An employee shall notify his or her supervisor in writing <strong>of</strong> a criminal conviction fordrug or alcohol related <strong>of</strong>fenses occurring in the workplace no later than five calendardays following the conviction.6) The University shall establish and maintain Employee Assistance Programs andStudent Counseling Services for counseling and training programs to inform studentsand employees about the dangers <strong>of</strong> drug and alcohol abuse. Voluntary participationin or referral to these services is strictly confidential.7) An employee shall not perform safety sensitive functions while a prohibited drug isin his or her system.8) The University may require drug testing <strong>of</strong> safety sensitive employees (as defined byfederal law) prior to employment, when there is reasonable cause, after an accident,on a random basis, and before allowing an employee or student to return to duty afterrefusing to take a drug test or after not passing a drug test.9) The University shall annually distribute this policy to all staff, faculty, and students.Health risks generally associated with alcohol and drug abuse can result in but are not limited to alowered immune system, damage to critical nerve cells, physical dependency, lung damage, heartproblems, liver disease, physical and mental depression, increased infection, irreversible memory loss,personality changes, and thought disorders.The appropriate Senior Vice President and Provost or Executive Officer is responsible for notifyingfederal funding agencies within ten calendar days whenever an employee is convicted <strong>of</strong> a drug-relatedcrime which occurred in the workplace. Decisions under this policy is are subject to the grievanceprocedures stated elsewhere in the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents’ policy.(RM, 4-6-89, pp. 20998-21001; 9-5-90, p. 21978)3.1.12—FIREARMS POLICYFirearms and munitions <strong>of</strong> all types are prohibited on all property owned, leased, or occupied by theBoard <strong>of</strong> Regents at all times except as specifically authorized below. The full text <strong>of</strong> the Firearms Policyis included in the Faculty, Staff and Student Handbooks <strong>of</strong> the Norman and Health Sciences Centercampuses.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 177

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