Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIESA person who accepts full-time faculty employment on the Norman Campus in the Universityassumes a primary professional obligation to the University. Any other employment or enterprise inwhich he or she engages for income shall be secondary to his or her University work, and, afterconsultation with those reviewing requests for outside employment and extra compensation, shall acceptthe judgment of the President and Board of Regents as to whether he/she may engage in such employmentand retain full-time employment on the Norman Campus faculty. In addition, the department chair shouldbe informed and approve of arrangements which are made to dismiss classes or provide substituteteachers for them when the faculty members are to be absent from these duties. Absence for more thanone week at a time for outside employment when classes are in session will require prior written approvalof the Senior Vice President and Provost.All professional activities, whether within the University or without, whether for extra remunerationor for no remuneration of any kind, should contribute to the faculty member’s professional growth orefficiency and to his or her teaching or scholarly competence.POLICY: SUBJECT TO THE ABOVE PRINCIPLESAfter prior written arrangement, faculty members may engage in professional activities for extraremuneration (from within the University or from outside sources or in any combination of the two) to amaximum of 25% of their full-time professional effort.Faculty on twelve-month contracts may not receive extra compensation for teaching summer terms orfor performing sponsored research. For faculty members on nine-month or ten-month contracts, summeractivities involving funds administered by or through the University may be formed by negotiation into anamended contract for a period up to twelve months and for assignments up to 1.0 full-time professionaleffort, and they may engage in professional activities for extra remuneration (from within the Universityor from outside sources or in any combination of the two) up to a maximum of 25% of their full-timeprofessional effort. During any portion of the summer in which faculty members are not on contract withthe University, they may engage in outside employment without restriction.Within the University, the time required for all extra compensation assignments during the entire yearand for all professional assignments during the summer will be determined by those responsible for thevarious programs as an appropriate fraction of the faculty member’s full-time professional effort, and theUniversity will pay the faculty member the corresponding fraction of his or her base salary rate. The timerequired for all professional activities for extra remuneration outside the University will be determined bythe faculty member as an appropriate fraction of his or her full-time professional effort when approval forsuch activity is requested.Approval of outside employment shall be requested on a form “Application for Permission to Engagein Outside Employment” available from the Senior Vice President and Provost’s Office or from theOffice of Human Resources. Such applications and arrangements must be submitted at the beginning ofeach contract year. Submission is the responsibility of the faculty member. All activities performedinside the University for extra compensation must be arranged, as all in-load assignments are, with theagreement of the department chairperson, dean, and Senior Vice President and Provost.Faculty should avoid possible conflicts of interest with the University in all outside employment.Questions regarding potential conflicts of interest should be addressed to the dean, who may wish toconsult the University’s Legal Counsel.No faculty member may hold a split (joint) appointment which reflects more than a total of 1.0 fulltimeequivalent.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 174

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIESSTAFFThe policy for Norman Campus faculty with twelve-month contracts shall apply to the NormanCampus staff who are on the monthly payroll. Each vice president may stipulate a more restrictive policypertaining to staff within their administrative areas.With prior written approval, such individuals may engage in professional activities for extraremuneration (within the University or from outside sources or in any combination of the two) to amaximum of 25% of their twelve-month full-time professional effort, but they may not receive extracompensation for teaching in summer terms or for performing sponsored research.Norman Campus staff who are on the fixed payroll shall request approval of outside employment on aform, “Request for Permission to Engage in Outside Employment,” available from the Office of HumanResources. All activities performed inside the University for extra compensation must be arranged, asregular assignments are, with the agreement of the appropriate department head, dean where applicable,and Senior Vice President and Provost.GENERALIf this policy creates a demonstrable hardship for a University program or employee, exceptions canbe granted by the President in response to a written request.The base period for the policy is September 1 through August 31.(RM, 6-12-75, pp. 13478-80; 7-12-77, pp. 14537-39; 1-27-2004, p. 28868)3.1.10—NEPOTISMExcept as prohibited by the laws of the State of Oklahoma, relationship by consanguinity (blood) orby affinity (marriage) shall not, in itself, be a bar to appointment, employment, or advancement by theUniversity or, in the case of faculty members, to eligibility for tenure. The University recognizes,however, that there is an inherent conflict of interest when an employee makes hiring, promotion, orsalary decisions about a family member, although there may be extremely rare circumstances when thepotential benefit to the University in having an employee supervise a family member outweighs thepotential harm.Therefore, no two persons who are related by affinity or consanguinity within the third degree shallbe given positions in which either one is directly responsible for making recommendations regardingemployment, promotion, salary, or tenure for the other; nor shall either of two persons so related whohold positions in the same budgetary unit be appointed to an executive or administrative position in thatunit or to a position involving administrative responsibility over it, as long as the other person remains inthe unit, without first receiving a waiver that has been recommended by the Senior Vice President andProvost, or the appropriate vice president, and approved by the Board of Regents. In recommending thewaiver, the Senior Vice President and Provost or the appropriate vice president must make a writtenstatement of the facts that have led him/her to conclude that the benefit to the University in granting thewaiver outweighs the potential harm. In addition, the Senior Vice President and Provost or theappropriate vice president must propose in writing a means by which a qualified, objective person,unrelated to the employee at issue, shall make performance evaluations and recommendations forTHE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 175

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIESSTAFFThe policy for Norman Campus faculty with twelve-month contracts shall apply to the NormanCampus staff who are on the monthly payroll. Each vice president may stipulate a more restrictive policypertaining to staff within their administrative areas.With prior written approval, such individuals may engage in pr<strong>of</strong>essional activities for extraremuneration (within the University or from outside sources or in any combination <strong>of</strong> the two) to amaximum <strong>of</strong> 25% <strong>of</strong> their twelve-month full-time pr<strong>of</strong>essional effort, but they may not receive extracompensation for teaching in summer terms or for performing sponsored research.Norman Campus staff who are on the fixed payroll shall request approval <strong>of</strong> outside employment on aform, “Request for Permission to Engage in Outside Employment,” available from the Office <strong>of</strong> HumanResources. All activities performed inside the University for extra compensation must be arranged, asregular assignments are, with the agreement <strong>of</strong> the appropriate department head, dean where applicable,and Senior Vice President and Provost.GENERALIf this policy creates a demonstrable hardship for a University program or employee, exceptions canbe granted by the President in response to a written request.The base period for the policy is September 1 through August 31.(RM, 6-12-75, pp. 13478-80; 7-12-77, pp. 14537-39; 1-27-<strong>2004</strong>, p. 28868)3.1.10—NEPOTISMExcept as prohibited by the laws <strong>of</strong> the State <strong>of</strong> Oklahoma, relationship by consanguinity (blood) orby affinity (marriage) shall not, in itself, be a bar to appointment, employment, or advancement by theUniversity or, in the case <strong>of</strong> faculty members, to eligibility for tenure. The University recognizes,however, that there is an inherent conflict <strong>of</strong> interest when an employee makes hiring, promotion, orsalary decisions about a family member, although there may be extremely rare circumstances when thepotential benefit to the University in having an employee supervise a family member outweighs thepotential harm.Therefore, no two persons who are related by affinity or consanguinity within the third degree shallbe given positions in which either one is directly responsible for making recommendations regardingemployment, promotion, salary, or tenure for the other; nor shall either <strong>of</strong> two persons so related whohold positions in the same budgetary unit be appointed to an executive or administrative position in thatunit or to a position involving administrative responsibility over it, as long as the other person remains inthe unit, without first receiving a waiver that has been recommended by the Senior Vice President andProvost, or the appropriate vice president, and approved by the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents. In recommending thewaiver, the Senior Vice President and Provost or the appropriate vice president must make a writtenstatement <strong>of</strong> the facts that have led him/her to conclude that the benefit to the University in granting thewaiver outweighs the potential harm. In addition, the Senior Vice President and Provost or theappropriate vice president must propose in writing a means by which a qualified, objective person,unrelated to the employee at issue, shall make performance evaluations and recommendations forTHE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 175

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