Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICSWith the negotiation of the Joint Operating Agreement between the University Hospitals Authorityand HCA Health Services of Oklahoma, Inc., there is a need to consolidate efforts, activities, andprograms among the entities of the Oklahoma Health Center. The advent of Managed Care has alsocreated a need for more flexibility in practice sites to include ensured access to patients for Universitymedical students, interns, and residents.With the approval of the College of Medicine Dean, full-time faculty members shall be permitted toact in a professional capacity in specific instances not covered above. These situations shall be reportedto the Board of Regents annually. The academic program shall take precedence over otherresponsibilities assumed by full-time faculty members.As a condition of employment, faculty members who are employed by the University may not renderpatient care on a continuing basis except in those hospitals and teaching sites specifically authorized forsuch continuing patient care by the Board of Regents.(RM, 9-89, p.21311; 12-14-91, p. 22704; 9-13-94, p. 23997; 5-7-99, p. 26372; 1-27-2004, p. 28924)THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 166

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 3—GENERAL POLICIESSECTION 3 – GENERAL POLICIESThe Board of Regents is constitutionally vested with the governance of the University. Within itsauthority is the governance of all general policy matters, including without limitation, staff personnelappointments, evaluations and appeals, retirement, leaves of absence, outside employment, intellectualproperty, compliance program, equal opportunity, and grievance procedures for discrimination andharassment. Specific provisions pertaining to general policies for the University may be set forth in theFaculty and Staff Handbooks, student handbooks such as the Student Code of Responsibilities andConduct for the Norman Campus, and/or other official policy documents of the respective campuses.Any modification to a Board of Regents’ policy in the policy documents referred to above or elsewheremust be made through action of the Board of Regents.3.1—PERSONNEL POLICIES3.1.1—PERSONNEL ACTIONSThe President or the President’s authorized designee is authorized to approve the appointment of andfix the salary and terms of office of the following categories of personnel within funds available in thebudgets approved by the Board of Regents (including reserve for contingencies) or within grant fundsreceived by the University.• Appointments, salaries, and other changes for members of the faculty who are not tenured ornot eligible for tenure or renewable term/consecutive term, whether part-time or full-time,unless full-time equivalent salary for the academic year will be $60,000 or more.• Part-time graduate assistants, teaching assistants, research assistants, and consultants.• Appointments, salaries, and other changes, including leaves of absence, for all members ofthe faculty and staff for terms of three months or less.• Changes in title for tenured or tenure-eligible members of the faculty not involving a changein rank or salary.• Appointments of part-time instructors for terms of less than one semester during the regularacademic year.• Personnel in the administrative staff, managerial staff, professional staff, administrativeofficer, and executive officer classifications unless the full-time equivalent annual salary willbe $60,000 or more. Mid-year salary increases, other than for a promotion or completion of aprobationary period, for monthly salaried staff at any level are excluded from thisauthorization.• Service and operations staff Non-exempt employees and supervisory staff.(RM, 12-13-73, pp. 12641-42; amended 9-2-76, p. 14140; 2-8-79, pp. 15377-78; 3-8-90, p. 21623;10-19-99, p. 26691; 3-29-00, p. 26909; 1-27-2004, p. 28924)THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 165

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICSWith the negotiation <strong>of</strong> the Joint Operating Agreement between the University Hospitals Authorityand HCA Health Services <strong>of</strong> Oklahoma, Inc., there is a need to consolidate efforts, activities, andprograms among the entities <strong>of</strong> the Oklahoma Health Center. The advent <strong>of</strong> Managed Care has alsocreated a need for more flexibility in practice sites to include ensured access to patients for Universitymedical students, interns, and residents.With the approval <strong>of</strong> the College <strong>of</strong> Medicine Dean, full-time faculty members shall be permitted toact in a pr<strong>of</strong>essional capacity in specific instances not covered above. These situations shall be reportedto the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents annually. The academic program shall take precedence over otherresponsibilities assumed by full-time faculty members.As a condition <strong>of</strong> employment, faculty members who are employed by the University may not renderpatient care on a continuing basis except in those hospitals and teaching sites specifically authorized forsuch continuing patient care by the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents.(RM, 9-89, p.21311; 12-14-91, p. <strong>22</strong>704; 9-13-94, p. <strong>23</strong>997; 5-7-99, p. 26372; 1-27-<strong>2004</strong>, p. 28924)THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 166

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