Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS2.10.4—LAW CENTERThe head of the College of Law should have the title of Dean, the head of the Law Center should havethe title of Director, and there should be a single person with both titles. The Dean/Director is responsibleto the President for the operation of the Law Center on matters of policy. For academic and appropriateadministrative matters, the Dean/Director shall act through the Senior Vice President and Provost or otherUniversity officials.There is a separately identifiable budget for the Law Center based on recommendations directly to thePresident by the Dean/Director of the Law Center. The separately identifiable budget for the Law Centershould be approved together with the total University budget by the Board of Regents. The budget shouldhave internal flexibility so that the Dean/Director may adjust between sub-accounts subject to approval bythe President for any major changes of program. In the budget there will be separate program budgetsbased on priorities established.Recommendations regarding appointment, tenure, and promotion of members of the faculty of theCollege of Law should be submitted by the faculty of the College to the Dean/Director, then to thePresident, who may seek appropriate advice prior to making his recommendation to the Board of Regents.In the event there is disagreement on a tenure recommendation, the matter will be referred to theAcademic Personnel Council in accordance with the Board of Regents’ regulations on tenure.A Law Center Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Dean/Director, the President, and the Boardof Regents. The Law Center Board will consist of no more than 30 members appointed by the Presidentfor staggered terms from nominations submitted by the Dean/Director and the Chair of the Board ofVisitors, as follows:• The Dean/Director shall submit nominations for two-thirds of those to be appointed in anyone year after consulting with and seeking nominations from among the legal profession,organized bar, judiciary, law alumni, public leaders, and others outside the University.• Nominations for one-third of those to be appointed in any one year shall be submitted to thePresident by the Chair of the Board of Visitors.• The Dean/Director and the Chair of the Board of Visitors must nominate at least twice thenumber to be appointed by the President.• The composition of the Law Center Board should not be made up of persons who aremembers by virtue of office. Each member should be appointed by virtue of hisqualifications. No member of the Law Center Board may be an employee of the University.Continuing legal education is a function of the Law Center. The College of Continuing Educationshould assist the Law Center in conducting continuing legal education programs and should becompensated for its services. The details of the arrangements for such services should be determined bythe Director of the Law Center and the Vice President for University Outreach.A budget for the Law Library should appear within the budget of the Law Center. Staff will be underthe professional guidance of the University Libraries but administratively responsible to the College ofLaw. The Law Library budget should also appear in the University Libraries budget for the University asa whole.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 136

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICSNo separate corporations should be organized within the Law Center structures.(RM, 3-24-70, edited, pp. 10260-63; 11-16-72, pp. 11825-26; 3-29-00, p. 26909; 1-27-2004, p.28924)COLLEGE OF LAW ADMISSION PROCEDUREAPPLICATION DATESAny person who desires to apply for admission to first-year standing in the regular entering fall classor the summer Early Admission Program (EAP) in the College of Law must apply no later than March 15of the year in which admission is sought. To be eligible for admission to the College of Law withadvanced standing, applicants must submit completed applications by June 1 for the fall semester and byNovember 1 for the spring semester. Priority consideration will be given by the Admissions Committeeto those applicants filing completed applications on or before the prescribed deadlines; however, theCommittee has the discretion to consider for admission any files received after those dates.ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE OF THE COLLEGE OF LAWThe Admissions Committee of the College of Law shall consist of three tenured or tenure-trackmembers of the faculty of the College of Law. The members of the Admissions Committee shall beappointed each year by the President upon the recommendation of the Dean of the College of Law.MAXIMUM NUMBER OF APPLICANTS TO BE ADMITTEDNo later than October 1 of each year, the Dean of the College of Law, after consultation withmembers of Committee A and the Admissions Committee, shall determine the maximum number ofapplicants to be admitted to the College of Law for the subsequent year and shall forward the same to thePresident for approval. The President may, within 60 days from the receipt thereof, modify or amend theDean’s determination as to the maximum number of applicants to be admitted.REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSIONTo be eligible for admission, applicants must have graduated from an accredited college or universitywith a baccalaureate degree prior to matriculation at the College of Law. All applicants must take theLaw School Admissions Test (LSAT). To be eligible for admission to the College of Law with advancedstanding, applicants must have satisfactorily completed at least one full semester or equivalent of work atan American Bar Association accredited law school.The Admissions Committee shall exercise its best professional judgment to select persons foradmission to the regular fall class and the EAP who have the aptitude and intellectual capacity to excel inthe study of law. To achieve the highest standards of academic excellence, the Admissions Committeeshall place significant emphasis on the applicant’s academic achievement, as demonstrated principally byundergraduate GPA and the applicant’s aptitude for the study of law as shown by the scores on the LSAT.The Committee may also consider additional factors in its evaluation process which may include, but arenot limited to, extracurricular activities, work experience, demonstrated leadership potential, a history ofovercoming hardship or disadvantage, maturity, military service, exceptional talents or skills, trends orimprovement in academic performance, success in a challenging academic environment, graduate schoolperformance, and other factors which may be identified at the discretion of the Admissions Committee.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 137

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICSNo separate corporations should be organized within the Law Center structures.(RM, 3-24-70, edited, pp. 10260-63; 11-16-72, pp. 11825-26; 3-29-00, p. 26909; 1-27-<strong>2004</strong>, p.28924)COLLEGE OF LAW ADMISSION PROCEDUREAPPLICATION DATESAny person who desires to apply for admission to first-year standing in the regular entering fall classor the summer Early Admission Program (EAP) in the College <strong>of</strong> Law must apply no later than March 15<strong>of</strong> the year in which admission is sought. To be eligible for admission to the College <strong>of</strong> Law withadvanced standing, applicants must submit completed applications by <strong>June</strong> 1 for the fall semester and byNovember 1 for the spring semester. Priority consideration will be given by the Admissions Committeeto those applicants filing completed applications on or before the prescribed deadlines; however, theCommittee has the discretion to consider for admission any files received after those dates.ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE OF THE COLLEGE OF LAWThe Admissions Committee <strong>of</strong> the College <strong>of</strong> Law shall consist <strong>of</strong> three tenured or tenure-trackmembers <strong>of</strong> the faculty <strong>of</strong> the College <strong>of</strong> Law. The members <strong>of</strong> the Admissions Committee shall beappointed each year by the President upon the recommendation <strong>of</strong> the Dean <strong>of</strong> the College <strong>of</strong> Law.MAXIMUM NUMBER OF APPLICANTS TO BE ADMITTEDNo later than October 1 <strong>of</strong> each year, the Dean <strong>of</strong> the College <strong>of</strong> Law, after consultation withmembers <strong>of</strong> Committee A and the Admissions Committee, shall determine the maximum number <strong>of</strong>applicants to be admitted to the College <strong>of</strong> Law for the subsequent year and shall forward the same to thePresident for approval. The President may, within 60 days from the receipt there<strong>of</strong>, modify or amend theDean’s determination as to the maximum number <strong>of</strong> applicants to be admitted.REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSIONTo be eligible for admission, applicants must have graduated from an accredited college or universitywith a baccalaureate degree prior to matriculation at the College <strong>of</strong> Law. All applicants must take theLaw School Admissions Test (LSAT). To be eligible for admission to the College <strong>of</strong> Law with advancedstanding, applicants must have satisfactorily completed at least one full semester or equivalent <strong>of</strong> work atan American Bar Association accredited law school.The Admissions Committee shall exercise its best pr<strong>of</strong>essional judgment to select persons foradmission to the regular fall class and the EAP who have the aptitude and intellectual capacity to excel inthe study <strong>of</strong> law. To achieve the highest standards <strong>of</strong> academic excellence, the Admissions Committeeshall place significant emphasis on the applicant’s academic achievement, as demonstrated principally byundergraduate GPA and the applicant’s aptitude for the study <strong>of</strong> law as shown by the scores on the LSAT.The Committee may also consider additional factors in its evaluation process which may include, but arenot limited to, extracurricular activities, work experience, demonstrated leadership potential, a history <strong>of</strong>overcoming hardship or disadvantage, maturity, military service, exceptional talents or skills, trends orimprovement in academic performance, success in a challenging academic environment, graduate schoolperformance, and other factors which may be identified at the discretion <strong>of</strong> the Admissions Committee.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 137

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