Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICSThe dean of the affected college and all faculty members of the affected department will be given theopportunity to appear before the Review Committee and to present written statements and documents.This opportunity also may be extended to the faculty and administration of programs that might beindirectly affected. The Review Committee may call upon any University personnel who might havepertinent information or advice.Prior to completing its deliberations, the Review Committee will conduct an open hearing. At thehearing, oral and written comments from all interested persons will be accepted.The Review Committee will submit a final report to the Senior Vice President and Provost within onemonth of the time it is charged by the Senior Vice President and Provost to review discontinuance of aprogram. This report will summarize all pertinent information and all written documents will be attached.In addition, the report will contain the Committee’s findings of fact and recommendations and therationale underlying its findings and recommendations.The Senior Vice President and Provost will distribute copies of the report to the dean of the affectedcollege and to all directly affected faculty members. Copies of the report also will be made available toother faculty, staff members, and students upon request.Any person may submit a written response to the Review Committee’s report within ten days followingits distribution. The Review Committee may modify its report after considering this material. Anymodifications must be forwarded to the Senior Vice President and Provost within ten days following thedistribution of the report.After reviewing all relevant information, the Senior Vice President and Provost will forward his or herrecommendation to the President. The report of the Review Committee, together with all attachments,also will be forwarded to the President. Copies of the Senior Vice President and Provost’srecommendation will be distributed to the dean of the affected college and all directly affected facultymembers. Items of disagreement between the Review Committee and the Senior Vice President andProvost will be resolved by the President. Final approval of the report will be by the President and theBoard of Regents.Terminations(a) Faculty — If, after consideration of all possible ways of reducing expenditures, the general planapproved by the President necessitates the termination of faculty or staff, either selectively or as a resultof program discontinuance, the dean of each college in consultation with the faculty of that college shalldevelop a specific plan for terminating employment of faculty in. that college which shall be transmittedto the Senior Vice President and Provost. The Senior Vice President and Provost, in consultation with thedeans, shall review the individual college plans and develop the overall plan for termination of facultyemployment for the Health Sciences Center. Every termination of faculty employment must be justifiedon the basis that it will have an effect substantially less detrimental to the university’s ability to fulfill itsmission than would other terminations.The plan for the termination of faculty employment shall be submitted to the Review Committee exceptthat the representative of the Staff Senate shall no longer serve. The members of the Review Committeewill elect a chair.The Review Committee shall make recommendations to the Senior Vice President and Provost and theHealth Sciences Center deans. When there are unresolved differences, all recommendations shall besubmitted to the President.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 116

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICSThe plan for terminating faculty employment shall be in accordance with the following guidelines:1) To the extent possible, alternatives other than termination of employment should be explored.Examples of such alternatives are early retirement, fractional appointments, and reduction ofsalaries, including annual base salary.2) Unless a substantial and serious imbalance in the quality within a given program wouldresult:a. Employment of untenured faculty should be terminated before that of tenured faculty.b. Performance, promise, seniority, and affirmative action guidelines should be considered indecisions concerning termination of untenured faculty.c. Equitable reinstatement procedures should be established if the program is reinstated.3) Where termination of employment is required:a. Where termination of employment of faculty with tenure-track or consecutive termappointments is required, procedures in regard to non-reappointment stated in the FacultyHandbook (See Faculty Handbook Section 3.2.7) should be observed, if possible. Allnotifications of non-reappointment shall be given in writing by the Senior Vice Presidentand Provost.b. Tenured faculty must be notified by the President of termination by May 31 of the yearpreceding the final year of appointment and at least 12 months before the end of theappointment period. The dismissal of tenured faculty must be approved by the Board ofRegents (See Faculty Handbook Section 3.13).4) Where employment of a tenured faculty member has been terminated or where he or she hasaccepted alternative employment with the University, the faculty member has a three-yearpriority to return to his or her original position or be employed in another position for whichhe or she is qualified. Qualification for employment in another position within the Universityshall be determined by the head of the academic unit with a position vacancy. Within thethree-year period, someone else shall not be employed to fill the faculty member’s position orany other position for which the faculty member is qualified until the faculty member hasbeen offered reinstatement or re-employment and has been given a reasonable time (not toexceed 45 days) within which to accept. It is the responsibility of the faculty member to keepthe University informed of his/her address and availability for re-employment. The right of afaculty member to be employed in another position is subject, in accordance with paragraph2. a-c, to the rights of other faculty members who have also been terminated or transferred.A faculty member whose salary or FTE has been reduced shall have the same priority forrestoration of his/her former status as the faculty member, described above, whoseemployment has been terminated.5) Each faculty member whose employment has been terminated has the right to have his or hertermination of employment reviewed by the Faculty Appeals Board to determine if theseguidelines have been followed, but the circumstances of the financial emergency shall not bereviewed.(b) Student — If a program is discontinued, students in the program shall be notified and every effortshall be made to allow them to finish their program. If it is not possible for students to complete theirrespective programs, the University may be obliged to make special allowances for such students.Special allowances might include, but are not limited to, the following: permitting the student to completehis/her program by taking work in related departments, accepting more than the usual number of transferhours, and accepting major work taken by correspondence from the University or other schools.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 117

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICSThe plan for terminating faculty employment shall be in accordance with the following guidelines:1) To the extent possible, alternatives other than termination <strong>of</strong> employment should be explored.Examples <strong>of</strong> such alternatives are early retirement, fractional appointments, and reduction <strong>of</strong>salaries, including annual base salary.2) Unless a substantial and serious imbalance in the quality within a given program wouldresult:a. Employment <strong>of</strong> untenured faculty should be terminated before that <strong>of</strong> tenured faculty.b. Performance, promise, seniority, and affirmative action guidelines should be considered indecisions concerning termination <strong>of</strong> untenured faculty.c. Equitable reinstatement procedures should be established if the program is reinstated.3) Where termination <strong>of</strong> employment is required:a. Where termination <strong>of</strong> employment <strong>of</strong> faculty with tenure-track or consecutive termappointments is required, procedures in regard to non-reappointment stated in the FacultyHandbook (See Faculty Handbook Section 3.2.7) should be observed, if possible. Allnotifications <strong>of</strong> non-reappointment shall be given in writing by the Senior Vice Presidentand Provost.b. Tenured faculty must be notified by the President <strong>of</strong> termination by May 31 <strong>of</strong> the yearpreceding the final year <strong>of</strong> appointment and at least 12 months before the end <strong>of</strong> theappointment period. The dismissal <strong>of</strong> tenured faculty must be approved by the Board <strong>of</strong>Regents (See Faculty Handbook Section 3.13).4) Where employment <strong>of</strong> a tenured faculty member has been terminated or where he or she hasaccepted alternative employment with the University, the faculty member has a three-yearpriority to return to his or her original position or be employed in another position for whichhe or she is qualified. Qualification for employment in another position within the Universityshall be determined by the head <strong>of</strong> the academic unit with a position vacancy. Within thethree-year period, someone else shall not be employed to fill the faculty member’s position orany other position for which the faculty member is qualified until the faculty member hasbeen <strong>of</strong>fered reinstatement or re-employment and has been given a reasonable time (not toexceed 45 days) within which to accept. It is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the faculty member to keepthe University informed <strong>of</strong> his/her address and availability for re-employment. The right <strong>of</strong> afaculty member to be employed in another position is subject, in accordance with paragraph2. a-c, to the rights <strong>of</strong> other faculty members who have also been terminated or transferred.A faculty member whose salary or FTE has been reduced shall have the same priority forrestoration <strong>of</strong> his/her former status as the faculty member, described above, whoseemployment has been terminated.5) Each faculty member whose employment has been terminated has the right to have his or hertermination <strong>of</strong> employment reviewed by the Faculty Appeals Board to determine if theseguidelines have been followed, but the circumstances <strong>of</strong> the financial emergency shall not bereviewed.(b) Student — If a program is discontinued, students in the program shall be notified and every effortshall be made to allow them to finish their program. If it is not possible for students to complete theirrespective programs, the University may be obliged to make special allowances for such students.Special allowances might include, but are not limited to, the following: permitting the student to completehis/her program by taking work in related departments, accepting more than the usual number <strong>of</strong> transferhours, and accepting major work taken by correspondence from the University or other schools.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 117

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