Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICSservice shall begin September 1 and end August 31, except that if a hearing is in progress at this time, anyretiring member of the FAB who is on the Hearing Committee shall be continued on the HearingCommittee until the case in process is closed. If a member of the FAB ceases to be a full-time member ofthe faculty, or if his or her duties become primarily administrative, the Faculty Senate shall elect areplacement to complete the term; but if the change in the Board member’s status occurs during serviceon a Hearing Committee, the FAB member shall continue to serve on the Hearing Committee until theconclusion of the case unless either the complainant or respondent objects, in which case the FABmember shall be replaced by another member of the FAB chosen by the procedure prescribed for theoriginal selection of the Hearing Committee.(f) Pre-Hearing ProcessThe following procedure shall occur upon initiation by either party after an unresolved investigation ofharassment, discrimination, or retaliation, after the filing of due process or academic freedom grievances,or after a request for a hearing by the President (see Faculty Handbook).(1) Selection of Hearing CommitteeThe Chair of the FAB immediately will notify the respondent(s) of the grievance and will schedule ameeting of the parties within 5 classroom days to select the Hearing Committee. The Hearing Committee,which shall serve at the pre-hearing and at the formal hearing, if convened, will be selected as follows:(a) The complainant and respondent alternately shall select three names from the FAB pool. The FABChair is responsible for ensuring that those selected choose within 5 classroom days a seventh name fromthe FAB pool to serve as chair.(b) Any member of the FAB selected to serve on a Hearing Committee who is a member of the sameacademic unit or related within the third degree by consanguinity or affinity to the respondent or thecomplainant or who is biased or has a personal interest in the outcome of the case shall be disqualifiedfrom serving on the Hearing Committee.(c) The complainant and the respondent in the case may each request to the Chair of the FAB that amember or members of the Hearing Committee be disqualified on grounds of bias or personal interest inthe case. If, however, a challenge for cause is disputed by either party, the Hearing Committee shalldecide by majority vote whether cause has been shown.(d) Prior to the commencement of a hearing, members of a Hearing Committee who have beendisqualified and any members who, by reason of illness or absence from campus, are unable to serve,shall be replaced immediately by the FAB Chair. The replacement shall be determined by the procedureherein, with replacements being selected by the party whose initial selection was eliminated, or by theHearing Committee if the Chair is the member being replaced. After the commencement of the prehearingand/or hearing, a decision by the Hearing Committee Chair, or by the Chair of the FAB if theabsent member is the Hearing Committee Chair, will determine whether the member should be replacedor if the pre-hearing and/or hearing shall continue without a replacement. No members of the FAB maybe eligible for selection for a hearing committee if they currently are serving on another ongoing hearing.(2) Pre-HearingWithin 10 classroom days of the deadline for the respondent’s written response to the complaint the Chairof the Hearing Committee will schedule an orientation/pre-hearing.(a) The Chair of the FAB will orient the Hearing Committee. If the grievance specifies harassmentbecause of race, ethnicity, or sex or discrimination because of race, national origin, sex, color, age,religion, disability, political beliefs, or status as a veteran, the University Equal Opportunity Officer alsowill orient the Hearing Committee.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 58

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS(b) Immediately following the orientation of the Hearing Committee, the parties will present their case tothe Hearing Committee. No witnesses or evidence will be heard at this pre-hearing. Althoughattorneys/advisers may be present in an advisory capacity to the parties at the pre-hearing, they may notdirectly address the Hearing Committee. If the Hearing Committee determines no further hearing iswarranted, the matter is ended. The Chair of the Hearing Committee will report the determination inwriting (vote only) to the complainant and respondent(s) within two classroom days. If the HearingCommittee determines that a formal hearing is warranted, the matter shall proceed as outlined below.(g) Formal Hearing ProcessAll matters brought to a formal hearing shall be handled according to the following procedure:(1) At least twenty classroom days before the hearing, the complainant shall present to the respondent andChair of the Hearing Committee:a. Relevant University rules or policies involved.b. A summary of the evidence upon which the charges or complaints are based and an initial list ofwitnesses to be called.(2) The respondent shall review these materials submitted by the complainant and present a written replywithin 10 classroom days of delivery. The reply shall summarize the evidence to be used in refutation ofthe charges and shall include an initial list of witnesses to be called.(3) The Hearing Committee shall set the date of its initial hearing within 30 calendar days after thedeadline for the respondent’s summary of evidence and list of witnesses.(4) Any party, whether complainant or respondent, may select from among his or her colleagues a personto act as adviser, or may select an attorney for advice on legal matters. At his or her discretion, the partymay be assisted by both an adviser and an attorney.The faculty member shall inform the Chair of the Hearing Committee in writing of the identity of anyadviser and/or attorney as soon as known but in no event later than 10 classroom days prior to the hearing.Should the faculty member elect to use an attorney, the University and/or its administrativerepresentative(s) will be represented by the Office of Legal Counsel or its designee.(5) Faculty members who serve on the Hearing Committee may call on the Office of Legal Counsel forprocedural advice concerning the case in question, but the University’s Legal Counsel, depending on theinvolvement of that office in the proceedings, must determine the most appropriate manner of providingthe requested legal advice. The University will defend and be responsible for any money damages thatmight be awarded against one or all of the Hearing Committee members as individuals or as a Committeefor actions taken in good faith, in their official capacity, and within the course and scope of their authoritywhile acting as Hearing Committee members, as provided in the Oklahoma Governmental Tort ClaimsAct. (A copy of this Act is available from the Office of Legal Counsel.)(6) Where the University’s Legal Counsel deems its participation on behalf of the Hearing Committee tobe inappropriate, the Chair of the FAB, at the request of the Chair of the Hearing Committee, may selectby lot a legal adviser from a duly constituted panel of legal advisors. This panel, consisting of not morethan six University faculty and staff who have law degrees, each serving a three-year terms with termsbeing staggered, is appointed by the President upon recommendation of the Faculty Senate.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 59

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICSservice shall begin September 1 and end August 31, except that if a hearing is in progress at this time, anyretiring member <strong>of</strong> the FAB who is on the Hearing Committee shall be continued on the HearingCommittee until the case in process is closed. If a member <strong>of</strong> the FAB ceases to be a full-time member <strong>of</strong>the faculty, or if his or her duties become primarily administrative, the Faculty Senate shall elect areplacement to complete the term; but if the change in the Board member’s status occurs during serviceon a Hearing Committee, the FAB member shall continue to serve on the Hearing Committee until theconclusion <strong>of</strong> the case unless either the complainant or respondent objects, in which case the FABmember shall be replaced by another member <strong>of</strong> the FAB chosen by the procedure prescribed for theoriginal selection <strong>of</strong> the Hearing Committee.(f) Pre-Hearing ProcessThe following procedure shall occur upon initiation by either party after an unresolved investigation <strong>of</strong>harassment, discrimination, or retaliation, after the filing <strong>of</strong> due process or academic freedom grievances,or after a request for a hearing by the President (see Faculty Handbook).(1) Selection <strong>of</strong> Hearing CommitteeThe Chair <strong>of</strong> the FAB immediately will notify the respondent(s) <strong>of</strong> the grievance and will schedule ameeting <strong>of</strong> the parties within 5 classroom days to select the Hearing Committee. The Hearing Committee,which shall serve at the pre-hearing and at the formal hearing, if convened, will be selected as follows:(a) The complainant and respondent alternately shall select three names from the FAB pool. The FABChair is responsible for ensuring that those selected choose within 5 classroom days a seventh name fromthe FAB pool to serve as chair.(b) Any member <strong>of</strong> the FAB selected to serve on a Hearing Committee who is a member <strong>of</strong> the sameacademic unit or related within the third degree by consanguinity or affinity to the respondent or thecomplainant or who is biased or has a personal interest in the outcome <strong>of</strong> the case shall be disqualifiedfrom serving on the Hearing Committee.(c) The complainant and the respondent in the case may each request to the Chair <strong>of</strong> the FAB that amember or members <strong>of</strong> the Hearing Committee be disqualified on grounds <strong>of</strong> bias or personal interest inthe case. If, however, a challenge for cause is disputed by either party, the Hearing Committee shalldecide by majority vote whether cause has been shown.(d) Prior to the commencement <strong>of</strong> a hearing, members <strong>of</strong> a Hearing Committee who have beendisqualified and any members who, by reason <strong>of</strong> illness or absence from campus, are unable to serve,shall be replaced immediately by the FAB Chair. The replacement shall be determined by the procedureherein, with replacements being selected by the party whose initial selection was eliminated, or by theHearing Committee if the Chair is the member being replaced. After the commencement <strong>of</strong> the prehearingand/or hearing, a decision by the Hearing Committee Chair, or by the Chair <strong>of</strong> the FAB if theabsent member is the Hearing Committee Chair, will determine whether the member should be replacedor if the pre-hearing and/or hearing shall continue without a replacement. No members <strong>of</strong> the FAB maybe eligible for selection for a hearing committee if they currently are serving on another ongoing hearing.(2) Pre-HearingWithin 10 classroom days <strong>of</strong> the deadline for the respondent’s written response to the complaint the Chair<strong>of</strong> the Hearing Committee will schedule an orientation/pre-hearing.(a) The Chair <strong>of</strong> the FAB will orient the Hearing Committee. If the grievance specifies harassmentbecause <strong>of</strong> race, ethnicity, or sex or discrimination because <strong>of</strong> race, national origin, sex, color, age,religion, disability, political beliefs, or status as a veteran, the University Equal Opportunity Officer alsowill orient the Hearing Committee.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 58

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