Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS(m) The Campus Tenure Committee will attach its recommendation to the tenure materials and forwardall materials to the Senior Vice President and Provost with supporting reasons and will notify thecandidate, the chair of the unit, and the college dean of its recommendations.(o) In determining their recommendation, the Senior Vice President and Provost and Universityadministration may request information and advice from any source.(p) If the Senior Vice President and Provost plans to submit a recommendation contrary to that of theCampus Tenure Committee, the Senior Vice President and Provost shall notify the Chair of theCampus Tenure Committee in time to allow a thorough discussion before this recommendation ismade.(q) The recommendation of the Senior Vice President and Provost will be submitted to the President.After due deliberation, the Senior Vice President and Provost may recommend to grant tenure, todeny tenure, or to defer tenure consideration for a specified period of time.(r) If the President plans to submit a recommendation contrary to that of the Campus TenureCommittee, the President shall notify the Committee in time to allow the Committee to request ahearing with the President prior to his making a recommendation, if the Committee so desires.(s) The faculty member under review may appeal in writing to the Faculty Appeals Board at any timeduring the tenure review process if he or she believes that procedural violations occurred oracademic freedom was violated. Appeals on these bases must be made within 30 calendar days afterdiscovery of the alleged violation.He or she may appeal discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, disability, nationalorigin, or status as a veteran to the University Equal Opportunity Officer. Appeals on these basesmust be made within 180 calendar days after discovery of the alleged violation.The tenure review process is suspended while an appeal to either the Faculty Appeals Board orUniversity Equal Opportunity Officer is pending. Where the tenure appeal prevents the tenureprocess from being completed before the end of the terminal year (Section 3.9.3(l), the appeal shallnot extend the faculty member's terminal year even if the appeals process is not completed. Shouldtenure ultimately be granted, the faculty member will be reinstated.(t) The President will notify the faculty member, chair, dean and Senior Vice President Provost byMay 31 of the tenure decision, except when appeals make this impossible.(RM, 7-15-96, p. 25019; 1-26-99, p. 26204; 12-3-02, p. 28355)THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 48

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS2.3.4—POST-TENURE REVIEW – NORMAN CAMPUSPost-tenure review at the Norman Campus is a periodic peer-based evaluation of tenured faculty forthe purpose of guiding career development and, when judged necessary, improving faculty performance.The post-tenure review process is based on and extends the annual evaluation of faculty described in theNorman Campus Faculty Handbook through two processes: (1) a retrospective review of facultyperformance in teaching; research and creative/scholarly activity; and professional and University serviceand public outreach over the five years preceding the review, and (2) a formative evaluation for futureprofessional growth.For all faculty, post-tenure review provides a formal opportunity for self-assessment and discussionwith peers about professional development. For those faculty whose performance is judged to be belowexpectations, the evaluation leads to the formulation of a professional development plan, the purpose ofwhich is to assist the faculty member to raise his or her level of performance to meet or exceed theexpectations for tenured faculty.Post-tenure review is mandatory for all tenured faculty who are reviewed under the applicable sectionof the Norman Campus Faculty Handbook, unless they have signed an agreement to retire within the twoyears following the year of the scheduled review or have entered into a formal phased retirementagreement with the University.Bearing in mind the value and importance of academic freedom and procedural due process to thewell being and success of the academic community, the University acknowledges and supports inprinciple the policies and procedures set forth in the AAUP's Standards for Good Practice in Post-TenureReview. Post-tenure review is not a re-evaluation of a faculty member's tenure status, nor is it intended asmeans to effect programmatic change. The post-tenure review process will be carried out in a mannerthat is consistent with the University's policies on academic freedom and responsibility and on facultyevaluation (see the Norman Campus Faculty Handbook). Post-tenure review will be based on the criteriafor annual review established by the faculty of the unit and approved by the administration.Norman Campus Faculty Handbook includes policies on the post-tenure review.Post-tenure reviews shall be initiated immediately following the completion of the annual facultyevaluation process.Normal ReviewEach faculty member shall undergo post-tenure review in the fifth year after the year in which the facultymember is awarded tenure or promotion, whichever is later, and every fifth year thereafter. Annually, theOffice of the Senior Vice President and Provost will identify those faculty to undergo a normal posttenurereview, and establish and publish a time schedule for completing the required steps in the posttenurereview process.Early ReviewA post-tenure review shall be initiated earlier than the normal review cycle under the followingcircumstances:(a) If the composite or overall rating of a tenured faculty member's performance on the annual evaluationis below expectations (2.00 or less on a 0-5 scale) for two consecutive years, an early post-tenure reviewwill be initiated immediately as an extension of the annual evaluation. Candidates for early post-tenurereview will be identified by Committee A as part of the annual faculty evaluation process and reported tothe unit's budget dean. However, Committee A may request from the dean permission to postponeinitiation of an early review for one year if, in their opinion, the early review is not justified due toTHE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 49

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS(m) The Campus Tenure Committee will attach its recommendation to the tenure materials and forwardall materials to the Senior Vice President and Provost with supporting reasons and will notify thecandidate, the chair <strong>of</strong> the unit, and the college dean <strong>of</strong> its recommendations.(o) In determining their recommendation, the Senior Vice President and Provost and Universityadministration may request information and advice from any source.(p) If the Senior Vice President and Provost plans to submit a recommendation contrary to that <strong>of</strong> theCampus Tenure Committee, the Senior Vice President and Provost shall notify the Chair <strong>of</strong> theCampus Tenure Committee in time to allow a thorough discussion before this recommendation ismade.(q) The recommendation <strong>of</strong> the Senior Vice President and Provost will be submitted to the President.After due deliberation, the Senior Vice President and Provost may recommend to grant tenure, todeny tenure, or to defer tenure consideration for a specified period <strong>of</strong> time.(r) If the President plans to submit a recommendation contrary to that <strong>of</strong> the Campus TenureCommittee, the President shall notify the Committee in time to allow the Committee to request ahearing with the President prior to his making a recommendation, if the Committee so desires.(s) The faculty member under review may appeal in writing to the Faculty Appeals Board at any timeduring the tenure review process if he or she believes that procedural violations occurred oracademic freedom was violated. Appeals on these bases must be made within 30 calendar days afterdiscovery <strong>of</strong> the alleged violation.He or she may appeal discrimination on the basis <strong>of</strong> race, color, sex, age, religion, disability, nationalorigin, or status as a veteran to the University Equal Opportunity Officer. Appeals on these basesmust be made within 180 calendar days after discovery <strong>of</strong> the alleged violation.The tenure review process is suspended while an appeal to either the Faculty Appeals Board orUniversity Equal Opportunity Officer is pending. Where the tenure appeal prevents the tenureprocess from being completed before the end <strong>of</strong> the terminal year (Section 3.9.3(l), the appeal shallnot extend the faculty member's terminal year even if the appeals process is not completed. Shouldtenure ultimately be granted, the faculty member will be reinstated.(t) The President will notify the faculty member, chair, dean and Senior Vice President Provost byMay 31 <strong>of</strong> the tenure decision, except when appeals make this impossible.(RM, 7-15-96, p. 25019; 1-26-99, p. 26204; 12-3-02, p. 28355)THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 48

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