Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS1) Complete and up-to-date vita, including a summary of college and university degrees earned, allprofessional employment, all professional honors and awards, and an up-to-date list of books andjournal publications by author in sequence. Manuscripts in press or submitted for publication andabstracts should be listed separately.2) Letters of evaluation of academic performance in teaching, research and creative/scholarlyactivity and professional and University service and public outreach should be solicited by thechair after consulting with the candidate. Normally, there should be three letters of evaluationfrom individuals outside The University of Oklahoma considered established authorities in thediscipline who are in a position to evaluate the candidate's academic performance and suitabilityfor tenure. These letters may be solicited from individuals who were not suggested by thecandidate. There should be three internal (or local) letters of evaluation particularly relevant toteaching and service.3) Documentation of teaching accomplishments should reflect the candidate's contribution, quality,innovation, or impact of teaching. This might include summary documentation of teachingevaluations by students, notation of teaching awards, description of teaching responsibilities, andmaterials and techniques which are unique and demonstrate innovative approaches or outstandingquality in undergraduate, graduate, professional instruction (e.g. integration of multimedia intocourses, development of web-based content and course materials, computer softwaredevelopment, creation of innovative laboratory exercises and simulation techniques).4) Documentation of research and creative/scholarly activity should reflect the level and quality ofthe candidate's research and creative/scholarly activity. Recognition of research/scholarlyachievement accomplishments could be demonstrated by invitations to chair or organizesymposia, edit books or journals in the professional discipline, publications in peer-reviewedjournals, participation as a presenter in national/international symposia, conferences, andprofessional meetings, etc., as well as the candidate's ability to acquire extramural grant orcontract funds, as a principal or co-principal investigator, through peer review mechanisms.5) Documentation of professional and University/clinical service and public outreach contributionsshould reflect the level and quality of the candidate’s professional and/or clinical servicecontributions. Documentation might consist of leadership positions in local, state, or nationalassociations; service on advisory boards for granting agencies; outstanding college or Universitycommittee work; consultantships; clinical leadership as evidenced by serving as head of adivision, department, or specific clinic service; evidence of acquisition, introduction ordevelopment of new health care techniques, procedures or clinical approaches; development ofcommunity health-related outreach programs; improvement in clinical management;documentation of increased referrals; demonstrable improvement (quality, utilization, access) indelivery of health care; publication of case studies, monographs, reviews, and book chapters; etc.Responsibility for gathering complete documentation of professional and University service and publicoutreach rests with the individual faculty member. The chair shall assist the faculty member indetermining what to include in the tenure documentation. The chair may also solicit information toinclude with the candidate's tenure documentation. The candidate is entitled to review the information inhis/her tenure file.(d) The chair is responsible for providing copies of the candidate's complete tenure file to each of thevoting members of the academic unit at least two weeks prior to the vote.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 46

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS(e) All tenured faculty in the department who are available shall meet for a discussion of the candidate'squalifications for tenure. The candidate shall not be present during the discussion of his or herqualifications but shall be available to enter the meeting on invitation to answer questions or clarifycircumstances relevant to the qualifications.Formal consideration for tenure shall originate with the polling by secret ballot of all tenuredmembers of the candidate's academic unit, including when practical those who are on leave ofabsence. The chair of the academic unit or other administrative personnel required to submit aseparate tenure recommendation shall not participate in this vote.At times the small number of tenured members of an academic unit prevent appropriate academicunit tenure review. In such instances the dean of the college, in consultation with the chair of theacademic unit involved, shall establish an ad hoc tenure review committee to serve as the candidate'sacademic unit for purposes of voting on tenure.When a tenure proceeding is initiated prior to the last pretenure year and the result of the faculty voteis negative, that information shall not be forwarded, and the tenure consideration will be deferred.The result of the faculty vote taken during the last pretenure year will be forwarded to the dean, anda tenure consideration will proceed.(f) The chair shall submit a separate recommendation with supporting reasons.(g) All recommendations shall be in writing and, with exception of the faculty recommendation resultingfrom the confidential poll within the department, reasons for the recommendation must be stated atthe time recommendations are made. At the time recommendations are made at each stage of thereview process (Chair, Campus Tenure Committee, Dean, Senior Vice President and Provost,President), written notification of such recommendation must be provided to the chair and to theindividual candidate by the person or committee making the recommendation.(h) Copies of the academic unit recommendations and all appropriate documentation upon whichrecommendations were based will be forwarded to the appropriate dean. Each dean will have anadvisory council for tenure review and may request information and advice from any source.(i) Upon receipt of the advisory council recommendation the dean will attach a recommendation withsupporting reasons to the tenure materials, including the recommendation of the advisory council,and forward all materials to the Campus Tenure Committee, and will notify the candidate and thechair of the academic unit of the recommendation. After due deliberation, the dean may recommendto grant tenure, to deny tenure, or to defer tenure consideration for a specified period of time.(j) The Campus Tenure Committee will be composed of thirteen tenured faculty members (two fromeach college, excluding the Graduate College, and one from the Tulsa campus) on staggered threeyearterms selected by the President from nominations from the Faculty Senate.(k) In determining its recommendation, the Campus Tenure Committee may request information oradvice from any source. To avoid a conflict of interest, Campus Tenure Committee members fromthe originating academic unit shall not attend discussions nor vote on candidates from their ownacademic unit. The tenure file will be returned to the academic unit for remedy or correction if thereare defects found in the academic unit's recommendation.(l) The Campus Tenure Committee shall provide the Senior Vice President and Provost with input as towhether the academic unit's recommendation is consistent both as to substance and process with theapproved tenure criteria (Section 3.9.4).THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 47

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS1) Complete and up-to-date vita, including a summary <strong>of</strong> college and university degrees earned, allpr<strong>of</strong>essional employment, all pr<strong>of</strong>essional honors and awards, and an up-to-date list <strong>of</strong> books andjournal publications by author in sequence. Manuscripts in press or submitted for publication andabstracts should be listed separately.2) Letters <strong>of</strong> evaluation <strong>of</strong> academic performance in teaching, research and creative/scholarlyactivity and pr<strong>of</strong>essional and University service and public outreach should be solicited by thechair after consulting with the candidate. Normally, there should be three letters <strong>of</strong> evaluationfrom individuals outside The University <strong>of</strong> Oklahoma considered established authorities in thediscipline who are in a position to evaluate the candidate's academic performance and suitabilityfor tenure. These letters may be solicited from individuals who were not suggested by thecandidate. There should be three internal (or local) letters <strong>of</strong> evaluation particularly relevant toteaching and service.3) Documentation <strong>of</strong> teaching accomplishments should reflect the candidate's contribution, quality,innovation, or impact <strong>of</strong> teaching. This might include summary documentation <strong>of</strong> teachingevaluations by students, notation <strong>of</strong> teaching awards, description <strong>of</strong> teaching responsibilities, andmaterials and techniques which are unique and demonstrate innovative approaches or outstandingquality in undergraduate, graduate, pr<strong>of</strong>essional instruction (e.g. integration <strong>of</strong> multimedia intocourses, development <strong>of</strong> web-based content and course materials, computer s<strong>of</strong>twaredevelopment, creation <strong>of</strong> innovative laboratory exercises and simulation techniques).4) Documentation <strong>of</strong> research and creative/scholarly activity should reflect the level and quality <strong>of</strong>the candidate's research and creative/scholarly activity. Recognition <strong>of</strong> research/scholarlyachievement accomplishments could be demonstrated by invitations to chair or organizesymposia, edit books or journals in the pr<strong>of</strong>essional discipline, publications in peer-reviewedjournals, participation as a presenter in national/international symposia, conferences, andpr<strong>of</strong>essional meetings, etc., as well as the candidate's ability to acquire extramural grant orcontract funds, as a principal or co-principal investigator, through peer review mechanisms.5) Documentation <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional and University/clinical service and public outreach contributionsshould reflect the level and quality <strong>of</strong> the candidate’s pr<strong>of</strong>essional and/or clinical servicecontributions. Documentation might consist <strong>of</strong> leadership positions in local, state, or nationalassociations; service on advisory boards for granting agencies; outstanding college or Universitycommittee work; consultantships; clinical leadership as evidenced by serving as head <strong>of</strong> adivision, department, or specific clinic service; evidence <strong>of</strong> acquisition, introduction ordevelopment <strong>of</strong> new health care techniques, procedures or clinical approaches; development <strong>of</strong>community health-related outreach programs; improvement in clinical management;documentation <strong>of</strong> increased referrals; demonstrable improvement (quality, utilization, access) indelivery <strong>of</strong> health care; publication <strong>of</strong> case studies, monographs, reviews, and book chapters; etc.Responsibility for gathering complete documentation <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional and University service and publicoutreach rests with the individual faculty member. The chair shall assist the faculty member indetermining what to include in the tenure documentation. The chair may also solicit information toinclude with the candidate's tenure documentation. The candidate is entitled to review the information inhis/her tenure file.(d) The chair is responsible for providing copies <strong>of</strong> the candidate's complete tenure file to each <strong>of</strong> thevoting members <strong>of</strong> the academic unit at least two weeks prior to the vote.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 46

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