Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS2.3.2—INSTRUCTIONAL EVALUATION - NORMAN CAMPUSAs recommended by the Norman Campus Faculty Senate, there shall be a program of continuinginstructional evaluation on the Norman Campus that includes course evaluation by students. Each collegeor other Provost-direct unit offering instruction shall maintain a process of evaluation suitable to thecollege’s or academic unit’s instructional activities. This evaluation process shall 1) provide feedback tothe instructor on his/her instruction and 2) provide information to chairs, directors, and Committee A inorder to assess the quality of instruction within the academic unit and allow for appropriate recognition ofexcellent instruction.(RM, 12-14-72, pp. 11873-74; 1-27-2004, p. 28868)2.3.3—FACULTY TENURETenure implies a mutual responsibility on the part of the University and the tenured faculty member.In granting tenure to a faculty member, the University makes a commitment to the faculty member’scontinued employment, subject to certain qualifications. The University expects that tenured facultymembers will maintain the level of performance by which they initially earned tenure. In thoseexceptional cases when it is recommended that a faculty member be permitted to reduce his or heremployment to less than full-time and maintain a tenured status, specific Regents’ approval must begranted by the Board of Regents.Faculty members accorded tenure will normally commence their tenure appointments in the academicyear immediately following the action of the Board of Regents.The Health Sciences Center and Norman Campus Faculty Handbooks include policies on academictenure, eligibility, probationary periods, criteria for the tenure decision and procedures for the tenuredecision.Academic TenureAfter the expiration of a probationary period and a positive tenure review, tenure-track faculty may begranted tenure, in which cases their services should be terminated only for adequate cause, except underextraordinary circumstances because of financial exigencies. In the interpretation of this principle, it isunderstood that the following represents acceptable academic practice.(a) The terms and conditions of every appointment should be stated in writing and be in the possession ofboth the University and the faculty member before the appointment is effective.(b) Beginning with appointment to the rank of tenure-track assistant professor or higher, the probationaryperiod should typically be six years, including within this period full-time service in all institutions ofhigher education, but subject to the proviso that when, after a term of probationary service of more thanthree years in one or more institutions, a faculty member is called to another institution, it may be agreedin writing that his new appointment is for a probationary period of not more than four years, even thoughthereby the person’s total probationary period in the academic profession is extended beyond the normalperiod of six years.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 36

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS(c) During the probationary period, a tenure-track faculty member should have the academic freedom thatall other members of the faculty have.Definitions(a) The term “tenure” means continuous reappointment to an achieved academic rank in accordance withthe 1947 action of the Board of Regents. It is hereinafter understood that tenure must be granted ordenied by specific action of the Board of Regents. Tenure is designed as a means to protect the academicfreedom of faculty members. This is to say, tenure is a means to assure unfettered, unbiased,unencumbered search, verification, and communication of truth by professional scholars and teachers.Tenure is designed to provide faculty members with freedom from political, doctrinaire, and otherpressures, restraints, and reprisals which would otherwise inhibit the independent thought and actions intheir professional responsibility of search, verification, and communication of truth.(b) The term “probationary period” refers to the period of employment in an academic rank prior to thetime tenure is granted for those faculty hired as tenure-track faculty. Notwithstanding different uses ofthe term elsewhere (as in some statements of the American Association of University Professors), theprobationary period does not include any period of employment following the awarding of tenure.(c) The term “prior service” means academic employment at an institution of higher education (includingThe University) before the first appointment in the effective probationary period as a tenure-track facultymember at the University.3.7.2 Eligibility for Tenure(a) All tenure-track faculty of the University of assistant professor or above are eligible for tenure.(b) It is understood that a faculty member who has been granted tenure by the University, and thereafteraccepts an administrative post within the University, retains tenured status as a member of the faculty.(c) When an initial appointment is made to a position which is primarily administrative but carries with itacademic rank of assistant professor or above, specific understanding should be reached at the time ofoffer with the individual concerned and agreed to in writing by the Senior Vice President and Provost, thedean, the chair/director, and the faculty of the appropriate academic unit as to whether the individual willbe reviewed for tenure at the proper time and what conditions must be met before there is tenureeligibility.Whenever a tenure-track faculty member during the probationary period assumes primary administrativeresponsibilities, agreement should be reached in the same manner. Likewise, whenever an administratoris given academic rank at any time following the initial appointment, the same would apply.(d) It is understood that a faculty member who has been granted tenure by the University and thereafterchanges from full-time appointment to a volunteer or part-time faculty appointment forfeits tenured statusunless the change is temporary or results from the faculty member’s being in phased retirement.3.7.3 Probationary Periods(a) The “Contract of Employment” furnished to a candidate for appointment to a tenure-track facultyposition shall specify, in addition to the rank and salary, the length of the probationary period entailed inthe appointment and any special conditions pertaining to the appointment. All such conditions must beset forth in writing by the Senior Vice President and Provost whenever any faculty appointment isoffered.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 37

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS2.3.2—INSTRUCTIONAL EVALUATION - NORMAN CAMPUSAs recommended by the Norman Campus Faculty Senate, there shall be a program <strong>of</strong> continuinginstructional evaluation on the Norman Campus that includes course evaluation by students. Each collegeor other Provost-direct unit <strong>of</strong>fering instruction shall maintain a process <strong>of</strong> evaluation suitable to thecollege’s or academic unit’s instructional activities. This evaluation process shall 1) provide feedback tothe instructor on his/her instruction and 2) provide information to chairs, directors, and Committee A inorder to assess the quality <strong>of</strong> instruction within the academic unit and allow for appropriate recognition <strong>of</strong>excellent instruction.(RM, 12-14-72, pp. 11873-74; 1-27-<strong>2004</strong>, p. 28868)2.3.3—FACULTY TENURETenure implies a mutual responsibility on the part <strong>of</strong> the University and the tenured faculty member.In granting tenure to a faculty member, the University makes a commitment to the faculty member’scontinued employment, subject to certain qualifications. The University expects that tenured facultymembers will maintain the level <strong>of</strong> performance by which they initially earned tenure. In thoseexceptional cases when it is recommended that a faculty member be permitted to reduce his or heremployment to less than full-time and maintain a tenured status, specific Regents’ approval must begranted by the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents.Faculty members accorded tenure will normally commence their tenure appointments in the academicyear immediately following the action <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents.The Health Sciences Center and Norman Campus Faculty Handbooks include policies on academictenure, eligibility, probationary periods, criteria for the tenure decision and procedures for the tenuredecision.Academic TenureAfter the expiration <strong>of</strong> a probationary period and a positive tenure review, tenure-track faculty may begranted tenure, in which cases their services should be terminated only for adequate cause, except underextraordinary circumstances because <strong>of</strong> financial exigencies. In the interpretation <strong>of</strong> this principle, it isunderstood that the following represents acceptable academic practice.(a) The terms and conditions <strong>of</strong> every appointment should be stated in writing and be in the possession <strong>of</strong>both the University and the faculty member before the appointment is effective.(b) Beginning with appointment to the rank <strong>of</strong> tenure-track assistant pr<strong>of</strong>essor or higher, the probationaryperiod should typically be six years, including within this period full-time service in all institutions <strong>of</strong>higher education, but subject to the proviso that when, after a term <strong>of</strong> probationary service <strong>of</strong> more thanthree years in one or more institutions, a faculty member is called to another institution, it may be agreedin writing that his new appointment is for a probationary period <strong>of</strong> not more than four years, even thoughthereby the person’s total probationary period in the academic pr<strong>of</strong>ession is extended beyond the normalperiod <strong>of</strong> six years.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 36

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