Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS(a) A faculty member with a tenure-track or consecutive term appointment who is not to be reappointedfor a second year of service must be notified by March 1. If the first year appointment terminates ata time other than the end of the academic year, notice must be given at least three months before theend of the appointment period.(b) A faculty member with a tenure-track or consecutive term appointment who is not to be reappointedto a third year of service must be notified by December 15 of the second year of appointment. If thesecond year appointment terminates at a time other than the end of the academic year, notice must begiven at least six months before the end of the appointment period.(c) A faculty member with a tenure-track or consecutive term appointment who is not to be reappointedto a fourth or subsequent year of service must be notified by May 31 of the year preceding the finalyear of appointment. If the appointment ends at a time other than the end of the academic year,notice must be given at least twelve months before the end of the appointment period.(d) All notifications of non-reappointment shall be given in writing by the Senior Vice President andProvost.(e) The faculty member may appeal non-renewal of appointment to the Faculty Appeals Board only ifnotification practices prescribed in the foregoing paragraphs of this section are not followed.(RM, 7-15-96, p. 25019; 1-26-99, p.26204; 12-3-02, p. 28355)RESIGNATIONA faculty member who elects to resign his or her appointment is obligated to give notice in writing atthe earliest possible opportunity, but not later than May 15, or thirty days after receiving notification ofthe terms of his or her appointment for the coming year, whichever date is the later. A faculty membermay request a waiver of this requirement.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 28

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS2.3—FACULTY EVALUATION2.3.1—FACULTY EVALUATION, ADJUSTMENT IN SALARY, AND ADVANCEMENTIN RANKFaculty evaluation is a continuous process, both prior to and following the granting of tenure. Anannual review of each faculty member’s performance is the responsibility of the academic deans and thespecific academic units. A systematic procedure for accomplishing such evaluations shall be developedin each academic unit, with the participation and approval of the dean and the Senior Vice President andProvost. The criteria for evaluation shall be carefully and clearly stated. Specific faculty assignmentswithin an academic unit and the specific mission of a particular academic unit may have differentpercentages of effort distributed across the areas of professional activity (teaching; research, andcreative/scholarly activity; and professional and University service and public outreach) if, in consultationwith the dean and Senior Vice President and Provost, this is determined to assist the entire University inbest meeting its mission.The Norman Campus and Health Sciences Center Faculty Handbooks include policies on salaryadjustments, advancement in rank, criteria for promotion and procedures for promotion decisions.All salary adjustments and promotions in rank shall be based on systematic evaluations of facultyperformance.Salary Adjustments(a) The most frequent reflection of a continuing faculty evaluation system is in the annualrecommendations for merit salary increases. Deserving faculty should be rewarded, within the limits ofthe financial resources of the University, for meritorious performance.(b) Each academic unit, with the participation and approval of the dean and the Senior Vice President andProvost, shall establish and publish specific criteria for evaluating faculty performance in that unit,consistent with overall University evaluation procedures, so that any ensuing disagreements on salaryrecommendations will arise only through differences of opinion concerning evaluation and application ofthe criteria rather than over the criteria themselves. These criteria may be changed by the faculty of theunit from time to time with the approval of the dean and the Senior Vice President and Provost. TheSenior Vice President and Provost’s approval of the revised criteria shall indicate a date on which theybecome effective. The revised criteria for salary evaluation shall apply to all faculty beginning with theacademic year following the effective date.(c) Under no circumstances will merit increases in salary be based upon race, color, national origin, sex,age, religion, disability, political beliefs, or status as a veteran.(d) At times when a faculty member is recognized with a special award designating a specific meritincrease in salary to accompany the award, such special monetary award will be treated as additional toany increase recommended through normal procedures.(e) In certain circumstances, merit salary increases may cause the salary of a faculty member to equal orexceed the salary of faculty in higher ranks. Such a situation is perfectly acceptable provided the salarylevels are fair reflections of the respective merits in effort and achievement of the faculty.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 29

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS(a) A faculty member with a tenure-track or consecutive term appointment who is not to be reappointedfor a second year <strong>of</strong> service must be notified by March 1. If the first year appointment terminates ata time other than the end <strong>of</strong> the academic year, notice must be given at least three months before theend <strong>of</strong> the appointment period.(b) A faculty member with a tenure-track or consecutive term appointment who is not to be reappointedto a third year <strong>of</strong> service must be notified by December 15 <strong>of</strong> the second year <strong>of</strong> appointment. If thesecond year appointment terminates at a time other than the end <strong>of</strong> the academic year, notice must begiven at least six months before the end <strong>of</strong> the appointment period.(c) A faculty member with a tenure-track or consecutive term appointment who is not to be reappointedto a fourth or subsequent year <strong>of</strong> service must be notified by May 31 <strong>of</strong> the year preceding the finalyear <strong>of</strong> appointment. If the appointment ends at a time other than the end <strong>of</strong> the academic year,notice must be given at least twelve months before the end <strong>of</strong> the appointment period.(d) All notifications <strong>of</strong> non-reappointment shall be given in writing by the Senior Vice President andProvost.(e) The faculty member may appeal non-renewal <strong>of</strong> appointment to the Faculty Appeals Board only ifnotification practices prescribed in the foregoing paragraphs <strong>of</strong> this section are not followed.(RM, 7-15-96, p. 25019; 1-26-99, p.26204; 12-3-02, p. 28355)RESIGNATIONA faculty member who elects to resign his or her appointment is obligated to give notice in writing atthe earliest possible opportunity, but not later than May 15, or thirty days after receiving notification <strong>of</strong>the terms <strong>of</strong> his or her appointment for the coming year, whichever date is the later. A faculty membermay request a waiver <strong>of</strong> this requirement.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 28

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