Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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June 22-23, 2004 291424.10.8—Submitting Purchases to the Board of Regents for Approval and Reporting OtherPurchases• Purchases over $125,000 must be submitted to the Board of Regents for priorapproval; sole source purchases in this category must be identified as such;changes that would increase the financial obligation of the University by morethan 15% must be submitted to the Board for prior approval.• Purchases above $50,000 but not exceeding $125,000 must be reported to theBoard of Regents at least quarterly; sole source purchases in this categorymust be reported separately and identified as such.4.12 — CRITERIA FOR TRANSFERRING EQUIPMENT AND/OR FUNDS3) Funds may be considered for transfer to the departing faculty member’snew institution only when it was the specific intent of the donor orgranting agency that the funds were/are for the purpose of supporting theactivity of the departing faculty member (rather than a program of theUniversity).4.14.1—Selection Process8) Normally, the President or his or her designee will negotiate a contract withthe first choice consultant. However, if the University cannot reachagreement with the first choice consultant, negotiations shall be terminatedand the University shall negotiate in a similar pattern with the remainingconsultants in descending rank order until an agreement is reached. ThePresident or his or her authorized designee may execute the consultantcontract.6.3.1—Purpose of Intercollegiate AthleticsThe University shall promote and insist upon sportsmanlike conduct on the part of those whoparticipate in its sports, as well as those of the student body. Any Athletics Department staffmember who knowingly commits a major violation of an NCAA or Conference rule or whoconceals or attempts to cover up the violation of an NCAA or Conference rule will be terminatedimmediately and all contract rights will be terminated. Athletics Department staff members whocommit lesser violations of any NCAA or Conference rules shall be subject to disciplinary orcorrective action set forth in NCAA and Conference enforcement procedures.7.1.3—Donor Gift CreditIndividual gifts paid with company or business checks will be credited to the individual(s) whoreceived the original solicitation or the individual assigned to receive donor credit on the giftremittance form if requested.7.4 — NAMES OF CAMPUS FACILITIESThe naming of major campus buildings or additions requires the approval of the Board ofRegents. The Board of Regents also reserves the right to deny the naming of any campusfacility, other than that which designates the type of work done therein, as a way to ensure thatno name is given to a campus facility that does not reflect the ideals of the University, as well asthe right to rename campus buildings or additions. No facility shall ordinarily be named afterindividuals who are members of the active faculty or staff of the University.7.7 — APPROVAL OF ALL FUNDRAISING ACTIVITY

June 22-23, 2004 29143Any fundraising activity, whether on behalf of students, faculty/staff, schools, or programs, mustbe approved by the Vice President for Development.President Wiley recommended the Board of Regents approve the revised CU/RSUBoard Policy Manual.Regent Stuart moved approval of the recommendation. The following voted yes onthe motion: Regents Everest, Clark, Stuart, Weitzenhoffer and Wade. The Chair declared themotion unanimously approved.PERSONNEL POLICIES & PROCEDURES MANUALIn Spring 2000, the Board of Regents approved the initial Manual. Since that time,any changes made have been non-substantive. With approval on December 3, 2003 of the Boardof Regents’ Policy Manual for Cameron University and Rogers State University, the Universityhas revised the Manual and incorporated the necessary changes to reflect compliance with theRegents’ Policy Manual for Cameron University and Rogers State University. It now isrequested the Rogers State University Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual be accepted asthe personnel policies and procedures compendium for use by Rogers State University. LegalCounsel has reviewed and approved the revised Manual.B.The manual was included for review and approval, and is attached hereto as ExhibitPresident Wiley recommended the Board of Regents approve the Rogers StateUniversity Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.Regent Weitzenhoffer moved approval of the recommendation. The following votedyes on the motion: Regents Everest, Clark, Stuart, Weitzenhoffer and Wade. The Chair declaredthe motion unanimously approved.RESTATEMENT OF FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLANRogers State maintains a flexible benefit plan for eligible employees of Rogers State.The Plan offers certain tax-qualified health benefits to eligible employees of the University. ThePlan is intended to meet the requirements of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. TheCode requires that the Plan meet certain Code requirements. The Plan is being amended tocomply with recent changes in the Code.President Wiley recommended the Board of Regents approve the amendment andrestatement of the Rogers State University Flexible Benefit Plan as detailed above.Regent Wade moved approval of the recommendation. The following voted yes onthe motion: Regents Everest, Clark, Stuart, Weitzenhoffer and Wade. The Chair declared themotion unanimously approved.RESTATEMENT OF RETIREMENT PLANRogers State University maintains a defined contribution retirement plan for eligibleemployees of Rogers State University. The Plan is intended to meet the requirements of Section403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. Only full-time employees of Rogers State University are

<strong>June</strong> <strong>22</strong>-<strong>23</strong>, <strong>2004</strong> 291424.10.8—Submitting Purchases to the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents for Approval and Reporting OtherPurchases• Purchases over $125,000 must be submitted to the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents for priorapproval; sole source purchases in this category must be identified as such;changes that would increase the financial obligation <strong>of</strong> the University by morethan 15% must be submitted to the Board for prior approval.• Purchases above $50,000 but not exceeding $125,000 must be reported to theBoard <strong>of</strong> Regents at least quarterly; sole source purchases in this categorymust be reported separately and identified as such.4.12 — CRITERIA FOR TRANSFERRING EQUIPMENT AND/OR FUNDS3) Funds may be considered for transfer to the departing faculty member’snew institution only when it was the specific intent <strong>of</strong> the donor orgranting agency that the funds were/are for the purpose <strong>of</strong> supporting theactivity <strong>of</strong> the departing faculty member (rather than a program <strong>of</strong> theUniversity).4.14.1—Selection Process8) Normally, the President or his or her designee will negotiate a contract withthe first choice consultant. However, if the University cannot reachagreement with the first choice consultant, negotiations shall be terminatedand the University shall negotiate in a similar pattern with the remainingconsultants in descending rank order until an agreement is reached. ThePresident or his or her authorized designee may execute the consultantcontract.6.3.1—Purpose <strong>of</strong> Intercollegiate AthleticsThe University shall promote and insist upon sportsmanlike conduct on the part <strong>of</strong> those whoparticipate in its sports, as well as those <strong>of</strong> the student body. Any Athletics Department staffmember who knowingly commits a major violation <strong>of</strong> an NCAA or Conference rule or whoconceals or attempts to cover up the violation <strong>of</strong> an NCAA or Conference rule will be terminatedimmediately and all contract rights will be terminated. Athletics Department staff members whocommit lesser violations <strong>of</strong> any NCAA or Conference rules shall be subject to disciplinary orcorrective action set forth in NCAA and Conference enforcement procedures.7.1.3—Donor Gift CreditIndividual gifts paid with company or business checks will be credited to the individual(s) whoreceived the original solicitation or the individual assigned to receive donor credit on the giftremittance form if requested.7.4 — NAMES OF CAMPUS FACILITIESThe naming <strong>of</strong> major campus buildings or additions requires the approval <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong>Regents. The Board <strong>of</strong> Regents also reserves the right to deny the naming <strong>of</strong> any campusfacility, other than that which designates the type <strong>of</strong> work done therein, as a way to ensure thatno name is given to a campus facility that does not reflect the ideals <strong>of</strong> the University, as well asthe right to rename campus buildings or additions. No facility shall ordinarily be named afterindividuals who are members <strong>of</strong> the active faculty or staff <strong>of</strong> the University.7.7 — APPROVAL OF ALL FUNDRAISING ACTIVITY

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