Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICSFor simplicity, the term “regular faculty appointment” refers to those appointments that are tenure-trackappointments, tenured appointments, or renewable term appointments at the academic ranks of assistantprofessor, associate professor, or professor.(a) All other academic appointments are temporary (non-regular) and shall be indicated by such titles asinstructor, lecturer or preceptor or by the use of such adjectives as visiting, adjunct, affiliate, or acting.On the Norman Campus, temporary faculty may be appointed with either modified or unmodified titles asrecommended by the academic unit in conformance with the Senior Vice President and Provost’sRecommended Faculty Title Usage policy. Persons holding temporary appointments are not eligible fortenure and their contract shall so specify.(b) Renewable term faculty with the rank of assistant professor, associate professor, or professor areregular faculty but are not are tenure-track or tenured. Any academic unit may request such facultyappointments, if the unit has dean and Senior Vice President and Provost approved requirements forevaluation and promotion of these faculty. Ranked (assistant, associate, professor) renewable termfaculty participate fully in all aspects of faculty governance except deliberations regarding tenure.At no time may the number of renewable term faculty exceed ten percent of the number of tenure-trackand tenured faculty on the Norman Campus.Split Appointments - Appointments between two or more academic units or colleges are not only possiblebut are encouraged when they benefit the University, provided they (a) do not total more than 1.0 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) and (b) are approved by all the units and colleges involved. Such appointmentsmust have the approval of the appropriate administrative officials of all units involved.Before a faculty member receives a split appointment, the appropriate academic units must first mutuallydetermine, record in writing, and secure administrative approval for all conditions of the appointmentpertaining to such matters as probationary period, criteria for tenure and promotion, and procedures forrecommending salary increases and reappointment or non-reappointment. The appointee shall receive acopy of this agreement.In the case of faculty members holding a split appointment, it is expected that the chair/directors andCommittees A from both units shall collaborate on one annual evaluation, one progress-towards-tenureletter, and one record for any other form of review and evaluation. In the case wherein there isdisagreement between the academic units as to the appropriate evaluation, the next higher academicadministrator shall resolve the conflict. For split appointments wherein both academic units are withinthe same college, this person shall be the academic dean of the college; for split appointments across twocolleges or provost-direct academic units, this person shall be the Senior Vice President and Provost.Part-Time Faculty Appointments - A part-time faculty appointment is one at less than 1.0 FTE. At thetime of any part-time faculty appointment, the appointee and the University must reach a clearunderstanding of the terms of the appointment. This understanding shall be in writing and signed by theparties, and the appointee shall be given a copy. A non-regular appointee shall have no voice or vote infaculty or department meetings and is not entitled to achievement of academic tenure within thedepartment in which the appointee holds such appointment. The term of appointment shall be temporary.(RM, 12-6-60, pp. 6704-05, edited; 3-29-00, p. 26909; 1-27-2004, p. 28924)Faculty appointments may be tenure-track, tenured, consecutive term, temporary or volunteer. The typeof appointment will be determined by the academic unit in consultation with the appointee and with theapproval of the dean, the Senior Vice President and Provost and the University administration.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 20

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICS(a) Full-time faculty appointments with unmodified academic titles (assistant professor, associateprofessor, and professor) shall be limited to those faculty who devote their full-time professionaleffort to direct University activities and who are compensated by the University orUniversity-approved sources.(b) When service to the University is used as a basis for full-time academic appointment, teaching,research, clinical activities, and/or administration of academic units must constitute a major part ofthe faculty member's assigned duties. Exemption from this provision may be made with the consentof the academic unit, the Dean and the Senior Vice President and Provost.(c) Faculty who devote less than their full-time professional effort to direct University activities asdefined above shall be eligible for faculty appointment with a modified academic title (visiting,adjunct, clinical, etc.).(d) Volunteer faculty appointments have a modified academic title, and are without remuneration.(RM, 1-26-99, p. 26204; 12-3-02, p. 28355)Appointment of New FacultyIn the appointment of new faculty, action is initiated by the academic unit through the respective Dean tothe Senior Vice President and Provost, and to the President, in accord with the prevailing policies of theBoard of Regents.Official Offer – The formal offer of appointment must come from the Senior Vice President and Provostor the President and will include the statement that the appointment is contingent upon the approval of theBoard of Regents. The letter of offer will specify academic rank, appointment type (with tenure, tenuretrack,consecutive term, or temporary), beginning date of employment, salary, full-time equivalent, thelength of pretenure period if tenure-track and any special conditions pertaining to the appointment.Enclosed with the formal offer will be a copy of the Faculty Handbook, together with supplementalinformation on such matters as faculty benefits.Initial assignments as set forth in the letter of offer may be changed and do not constitute an agreementthat the assignments will remain the same throughout the faculty member's employment.(a) Contract – If the appointment is approved by the Board of Regents, faculty with regular (tenuretrack,tenured, or consecutive term) appointments will be furnished a Contract of Employment forsignature. Included in this contract will be the approved rank and salary. The Contract will containa statement indicating that the applicant has read the Faculty Handbook and accepts appointment inaccord with the policies specified, with the understanding that policies of the University are subjectto change by the Board of Regents. Any exceptions to these policies must be described in theContract.(b) In addition to the Contract for Employment, the appointee will receive a written statement providedby the department chair defining the appointee's initial teaching research, professional/clinicalservice and administrative responsibilities and other special conditions pertaining to theappointment. The department chair will also provide tenured, tenure-track and consecutive termappointees with copies of the department and college tenure and promotion criteria.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 21

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICSFor simplicity, the term “regular faculty appointment” refers to those appointments that are tenure-trackappointments, tenured appointments, or renewable term appointments at the academic ranks <strong>of</strong> assistantpr<strong>of</strong>essor, associate pr<strong>of</strong>essor, or pr<strong>of</strong>essor.(a) All other academic appointments are temporary (non-regular) and shall be indicated by such titles asinstructor, lecturer or preceptor or by the use <strong>of</strong> such adjectives as visiting, adjunct, affiliate, or acting.On the Norman Campus, temporary faculty may be appointed with either modified or unmodified titles asrecommended by the academic unit in conformance with the Senior Vice President and Provost’sRecommended Faculty Title Usage policy. Persons holding temporary appointments are not eligible fortenure and their contract shall so specify.(b) Renewable term faculty with the rank <strong>of</strong> assistant pr<strong>of</strong>essor, associate pr<strong>of</strong>essor, or pr<strong>of</strong>essor areregular faculty but are not are tenure-track or tenured. Any academic unit may request such facultyappointments, if the unit has dean and Senior Vice President and Provost approved requirements forevaluation and promotion <strong>of</strong> these faculty. Ranked (assistant, associate, pr<strong>of</strong>essor) renewable termfaculty participate fully in all aspects <strong>of</strong> faculty governance except deliberations regarding tenure.At no time may the number <strong>of</strong> renewable term faculty exceed ten percent <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> tenure-trackand tenured faculty on the Norman Campus.Split Appointments - Appointments between two or more academic units or colleges are not only possiblebut are encouraged when they benefit the University, provided they (a) do not total more than 1.0 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) and (b) are approved by all the units and colleges involved. Such appointmentsmust have the approval <strong>of</strong> the appropriate administrative <strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>of</strong> all units involved.Before a faculty member receives a split appointment, the appropriate academic units must first mutuallydetermine, record in writing, and secure administrative approval for all conditions <strong>of</strong> the appointmentpertaining to such matters as probationary period, criteria for tenure and promotion, and procedures forrecommending salary increases and reappointment or non-reappointment. The appointee shall receive acopy <strong>of</strong> this agreement.In the case <strong>of</strong> faculty members holding a split appointment, it is expected that the chair/directors andCommittees A from both units shall collaborate on one annual evaluation, one progress-towards-tenureletter, and one record for any other form <strong>of</strong> review and evaluation. In the case wherein there isdisagreement between the academic units as to the appropriate evaluation, the next higher academicadministrator shall resolve the conflict. For split appointments wherein both academic units are withinthe same college, this person shall be the academic dean <strong>of</strong> the college; for split appointments across twocolleges or provost-direct academic units, this person shall be the Senior Vice President and Provost.Part-Time Faculty Appointments - A part-time faculty appointment is one at less than 1.0 FTE. At thetime <strong>of</strong> any part-time faculty appointment, the appointee and the University must reach a clearunderstanding <strong>of</strong> the terms <strong>of</strong> the appointment. This understanding shall be in writing and signed by theparties, and the appointee shall be given a copy. A non-regular appointee shall have no voice or vote infaculty or department meetings and is not entitled to achievement <strong>of</strong> academic tenure within thedepartment in which the appointee holds such appointment. The term <strong>of</strong> appointment shall be temporary.(RM, 12-6-60, pp. 6704-05, edited; 3-29-00, p. 26909; 1-27-<strong>2004</strong>, p. 28924)Faculty appointments may be tenure-track, tenured, consecutive term, temporary or volunteer. The type<strong>of</strong> appointment will be determined by the academic unit in consultation with the appointee and with theapproval <strong>of</strong> the dean, the Senior Vice President and Provost and the University administration.THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 20

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