Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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June 22-23, 20044.14.1—Selection Process8) Normally, the President or his or her designee will negotiate a contract with the firstchoice consultant. However, if the University cannot reach agreement with the firstchoice consultant, negotiations shall be terminated and the University shall negotiatein a similar pattern with the remaining consultants in descending rank order until anagreement is reached. The President or his or her authorized designee may executethe consultant contract.6.3.1—Purpose of Intercollegiate AthleticsThe University shall promote and insist upon sportsmanlike conduct on the part of those whoparticipate in its sports, as well as those of the student body. Any Athletics Department staffmember who knowingly commits a major violation of an NCAA or Conference rule or whoconceals or attempts to cover up the violation of an NCAA or Conference rule will be terminatedimmediately and all contract rights will be terminated. Athletics Department staff members whocommit lesser violations of any NCAA or Conference rules shall be subject to disciplinary orcorrective action set forth in NCAA and Conference enforcement procedures.7.1.3—Donor Gift CreditIndividual gifts paid with company or business checks will be credited to the individual(s) whoreceived the original solicitation or the individual assigned to receive donor credit on the giftremittance form if requested.7.4 — NAMES OF CAMPUS FACILITIESThe naming of major campus buildings or additions requires the approval of the Board ofRegents. The Board of Regents also reserves the right to deny the naming of any campusfacility, other than that which designates the type of work done therein, as a way to ensure thatno name is given to a campus facility that does not reflect the ideals of the University, as well asthe right to rename campus buildings or additions. No facility shall ordinarily be named afterindividuals who are members of the active faculty or staff of the University.7.7 — APPROVAL OF ALL FUNDRAISING ACTIVITYAny fundraising activity, whether on behalf of students, faculty/staff, schools, or programs, mustbe approved by the Vice President for Development.Deleted: Following action by the Board ofRegents, a full report of the selection process will beforwarded by the Chairman of the Board of Regentsto the Office of the Governor for review.Deleted: following review by the Governor,Deleted: who support its teamsDeleted: sDeleted: found inDeleted: Individuals may be credited within therecognition levels listed previously.Deleted: The Board of Regents will formallyapprove tDeleted: approve orDeleted: ;Deleted: and nDeleted: The Vice President for Development hasthe authority in all policy matters regarding theraising of private funds at the University.Deleted: President10.3

REGENTS’ POLICY MANUALSECTION 2—ACADEMICSSECTION 2-GENERAL POLICIESThe Board of Regents is constitutionally vested with the governance of the University. Within itsauthority is the governance of all faculty personnel matters, including without limitation, academicfreedom and responsibility, appointments, evaluations, academic misconduct, and academic appeals.Specific provisions pertaining to faculty personnel policies and related matters may be set forth in theFaculty and Staff Handbooks, student handbooks such as the Student Code of Responsibilities andConduct for the Norman Campus, and/or other official policy documents of the respective campuses.Any modifications to a Board of Regents’ policy in the policy documents referred to above or elsewheremust be made through action of the Board of Regents.2.1—FACULTY PERSONNEL POLICIESIt is the policy of the University to recognize and implement the functions assigned to it by theOklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. These functions are teaching; research andcreative/scholarly activity; and professional and University service and public outreach. Theresponsibility for carrying out this policy is shared by the Board of Regents, administrative officers, andthe Regular Faculty.Since 1942, the Regular Faculty has actively participated in the origination, formulation, andimplementation of University policies through a democratically-elected Faculty Senate. Today, there aretwo Senates, one for the Norman Campus and one for the Health Sciences Center Campus. The chartersfor these two Faculty Senates may be found in this Manual.2.1.1—THE REGULAR FACULTYThe Regular Faculty of the University is composed of all faculty members with regular appointmentsincluding tenure-track, tenured, and consecutive term/renewable term appointments at the ranks ofassistant professor, associate professor, and professor.Additional policies related to the Regular Faculty and the Faculty Senates are contained in theCharters of the Regular Faculty and Faculty Senates of the University.2.1.2—ACADEMIC FREEDOM AND RESPONSIBILITYINSTITUTIONAL ACADEMIC FREEDOMThe accumulation and exchange of knowledge are among the preeminent purposes of the University, andthe acknowledgement of individual academic freedom is one of the cornerstones to ensure such purposesare achieved. Equally important in meeting these goals is the recognition of the right inherent in theresponsibility of the Board of Regents to govern the University. “[I]t is the business of a university toprovide that atmosphere which is most conducive to speculation, experiment and creation. It is anTHE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 9

<strong>June</strong> <strong>22</strong>-<strong>23</strong>, <strong>2004</strong>4.14.1—Selection Process8) Normally, the President or his or her designee will negotiate a contract with the firstchoice consultant. However, if the University cannot reach agreement with the firstchoice consultant, negotiations shall be terminated and the University shall negotiatein a similar pattern with the remaining consultants in descending rank order until anagreement is reached. The President or his or her authorized designee may executethe consultant contract.6.3.1—Purpose <strong>of</strong> Intercollegiate AthleticsThe University shall promote and insist upon sportsmanlike conduct on the part <strong>of</strong> those whoparticipate in its sports, as well as those <strong>of</strong> the student body. Any Athletics Department staffmember who knowingly commits a major violation <strong>of</strong> an NCAA or Conference rule or whoconceals or attempts to cover up the violation <strong>of</strong> an NCAA or Conference rule will be terminatedimmediately and all contract rights will be terminated. Athletics Department staff members whocommit lesser violations <strong>of</strong> any NCAA or Conference rules shall be subject to disciplinary orcorrective action set forth in NCAA and Conference enforcement procedures.7.1.3—Donor Gift CreditIndividual gifts paid with company or business checks will be credited to the individual(s) whoreceived the original solicitation or the individual assigned to receive donor credit on the giftremittance form if requested.7.4 — NAMES OF CAMPUS FACILITIESThe naming <strong>of</strong> major campus buildings or additions requires the approval <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong>Regents. The Board <strong>of</strong> Regents also reserves the right to deny the naming <strong>of</strong> any campusfacility, other than that which designates the type <strong>of</strong> work done therein, as a way to ensure thatno name is given to a campus facility that does not reflect the ideals <strong>of</strong> the University, as well asthe right to rename campus buildings or additions. No facility shall ordinarily be named afterindividuals who are members <strong>of</strong> the active faculty or staff <strong>of</strong> the University.7.7 — APPROVAL OF ALL FUNDRAISING ACTIVITYAny fundraising activity, whether on behalf <strong>of</strong> students, faculty/staff, schools, or programs, mustbe approved by the Vice President for Development.Deleted: Following action by the Board <strong>of</strong>Regents, a full report <strong>of</strong> the selection process will beforwarded by the Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Regentsto the Office <strong>of</strong> the Governor for review.Deleted: following review by the Governor,Deleted: who support its teamsDeleted: sDeleted: found inDeleted: Individuals may be credited within therecognition levels listed previously.Deleted: The Board <strong>of</strong> Regents will formallyapprove tDeleted: approve orDeleted: ;Deleted: and nDeleted: The Vice President for Development hasthe authority in all policy matters regarding theraising <strong>of</strong> private funds at the University.Deleted: President10.3

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