Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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June 22-23, 2004 29248use those funds to make certain upgrades to Cameron Village, e.g., provide better carpet in areaswith heavy traffic, change from vinyl flooring to tile in the bathrooms, construct a perimeterfence, etc.As the project is to construct student housing, it is critical for the project to becompleted and ready for occupancy in August 2005. Upon acceptance of the guaranteedmaximum price, the construction manager, using “fast-track” procedures, will begin preparationof bid packages for early construction elements. “Fast-track” procedures involve completingconstruction documents, preparing bid packages and beginning construction on earlyconstruction elements, e.g., site excavation and fill, even as construction documents are still inprocess for other (later) work elements, e.g., mechanical and electrical equipment. In no casewill any construction contracts be awarded, or any construction work begun, until the proceedsof the sale of revenue bonds are received.Funding for this project, with an estimated total project cost of $11,816,000, will beprovided by a $1.250 million McMahon Foundation grant, $7.652 million from new revenuebonds to be retired with project revenues and $2.914 million in existing, uncommitted studentfacility fee funds or other legally available resources.President Ross recommended the Board of Regents:I. Authorize the commencement of construction, once the proceeds of the StudentHousing, Series 2004 Revenue Bonds are received;II.III.Approve the guaranteed maximum price of $10,350,000 for construction,including site preparation, of Cameron Village, as developed and proposed bythe at-risk construction manager, CMSWillowbrook, Inc., andAuthorize the expenditure of the University’s project contingency as needed toconstruct, equip and/or furnish Cameron Village.Regent Stuart moved approval of the recommendation. The following voted yes onthe motion: Regents Everest, Clark, Stuart, Weitzenhoffer and Wade. The Chair declared themotion unanimously approved.There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:54 p.m.____________________________________Chris A. Purcell, Ph.D.Executive Secretary of the Board of Regents

Agreement between the Commissioner of Public Safety andthe Board of Regents of The University of OklahomaJune 22-23, 2004WHEREAS, the state office and position of the Commissioner of Public Safety(“Commissioner”) is created under 47 O.S. §2-101, who shall have control and supervision overthe Department of Public Safety (“DPS”), also created under 47 O.S. §2-101, and who shall havethe powers and duties as set forth therein, in 47 O.S. §2-108 and elsewhere throughout Title 47of the Oklahoma Statutes; and,WHEREAS, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol (“OHP”) is created as a division of DPSunder 47 O.S. §2-105, and officers and troopers therein are state law enforcement officers andpeace officers under 47 O.S. §2-117; and,WHEREAS, the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma (“Board of Regents”)is created as a state agency pursuant to Okla. Const., Art. XIII, §8, and 70 O.S. §3302; and,WHEREAS, Rogers State University (“RSU”), formerly Claremore Junior College andthe Oklahoma Military Academy pursuant to 70 O.S. §3801, is created under 70 O.S. §4669, andpursuant to 70 O.S. §3201, is a member of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education, andpursuant to 70 O.S. §§ 3305 and 4669.1, is governed, supervised, managed and controlled by theBoard of Regents; and,WHEREAS, RSU desires to engage as independent contractors certain OHP Troopersand Officers on their OHP off-duty time (“OHP Members” herein), as Campus Police under the“Oklahoma Campus Security Act”, 74 O.S. §§ 360.15, et seq., and pursuant to 51 O.S.§6(A)(15), such engagements may occur if pursuant to an agreement between the Commissionerand the Board of Regents.THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and conditions hereincontained and other good and valuable consideration exchanged between the parties hereto, thereceipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged between the parties, the Commissioner and theBoard of Regents, effective as of June 1, 2004, agree as follows:1. The terms of any engagement agreement reflecting the engagement of an OHP Memberby RSU shall not be in conflict with the terms of this Agreement.2. An OHP Member shall only be authorized to work for RSU while employed by DPS if heis then off-duty from OHP, and he shall not be entitled to work for both OHP or DPS and forRSU.3. While working for RSU, said OHP Member shall be able to exercise the peace officerjurisdiction as granted in the “Oklahoma Campus Security Act”, and 74 O.S. §360.17 inparticular; however, he shall not be authorized to exercise any jurisdiction as an OHP Trooper orOfficer while working for RSU.8.1

<strong>June</strong> <strong>22</strong>-<strong>23</strong>, <strong>2004</strong> 29248use those funds to make certain upgrades to Cameron Village, e.g., provide better carpet in areaswith heavy traffic, change from vinyl flooring to tile in the bathrooms, construct a perimeterfence, etc.As the project is to construct student housing, it is critical for the project to becompleted and ready for occupancy in August 2005. Upon acceptance <strong>of</strong> the guaranteedmaximum price, the construction manager, using “fast-track” procedures, will begin preparation<strong>of</strong> bid packages for early construction elements. “Fast-track” procedures involve completingconstruction documents, preparing bid packages and beginning construction on earlyconstruction elements, e.g., site excavation and fill, even as construction documents are still inprocess for other (later) work elements, e.g., mechanical and electrical equipment. In no casewill any construction contracts be awarded, or any construction work begun, until the proceeds<strong>of</strong> the sale <strong>of</strong> revenue bonds are received.Funding for this project, with an estimated total project cost <strong>of</strong> $11,816,000, will beprovided by a $1.250 million McMahon Foundation grant, $7.652 million from new revenuebonds to be retired with project revenues and $2.914 million in existing, uncommitted studentfacility fee funds or other legally available resources.President Ross recommended the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents:I. Authorize the commencement <strong>of</strong> construction, once the proceeds <strong>of</strong> the StudentHousing, Series <strong>2004</strong> Revenue Bonds are received;II.III.Approve the guaranteed maximum price <strong>of</strong> $10,350,000 for construction,including site preparation, <strong>of</strong> Cameron Village, as developed and proposed bythe at-risk construction manager, CMSWillowbrook, Inc., andAuthorize the expenditure <strong>of</strong> the University’s project contingency as needed toconstruct, equip and/or furnish Cameron Village.Regent Stuart moved approval <strong>of</strong> the recommendation. The following voted yes onthe motion: Regents Everest, Clark, Stuart, Weitzenh<strong>of</strong>fer and Wade. The Chair declared themotion unanimously approved.There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:54 p.m.____________________________________Chris A. Purcell, Ph.D.Executive Secretary <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents

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