Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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June 22-23, 2004 29236President Ross recommended the Board of Regents approve a four percent (4%) rateincrease for University residence halls and food services, effective August 23, 2004 (start of thefall semester).Regent Everest moved approval of the recommendation. The following voted yes onthe motion: Regents Everest, Clark, Stuart, Weitzenhoffer and Wade. The Chair declared themotion unanimously approved.NONSUBSTANTIVE PROGRAM CHANGEThe Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education confer upon each institution theauthority to approve program modifications that are non-substantive, but require the changes tobe communicated to them for information only. The program modification listed below has beenapproved by the President, upon recommendation of the Provost, respective departments anddeans, and approved by the Curriculum Committee.PROGRAM MODIFICATIONSPROGRAM PROPOSED MODIFICATION COMMENTSBachelor ofScience inCriminal JusticeRemove CJ 3013 Organized and WhiteCollar Crime as a required core course inthe Criminal Justice degree plan. Theremoval reduces the number of hours inthe required core from 27 to 24 and thetotal number of hours in the major from42 to 39. CJ 3013 will be maintained asan active course for use as an elective inthe 15 hours Criminal Justice supportblock.Organized crime, no longer the dominantfocus in national criminal justice policy, nowcompetes with other issues such as terrorismand drug enforcement. The CJ AdvisoryCouncil has recommended the change. Themodification will allow the department moreflexibility in directing the focus of the CJdegree and course rotation for the supportcomponent of the degree plan. Reducing thenumber of hours in the major to 39 hours iswell within the norm for a B.S. degree.Assessment reports from 2002-2003 and2003-2004 reference this modification as agoal for improvement of the program.This was reported for information only. No action was required.CU/RSU BOARD POLICY MANUAL REVISIONSThe Board of Regents originally approved the CU/RSU Board Policy Manual at theJanuary 27, 2004 meeting. Since then, OU Legal Counsel has reviewed the manual andrecommended a number of revisions. Staffs at Rogers State University and Cameron Universityworked with legal counsel and agreed on the revisions that would be made. Additionally, themanual’s “look” was improved by developing a consistent numbering scheme and style. A Tableof Contents was also added.Given the number of changes, both substantive and non-substantive, it was felt thatthe Regents should approve the entire manual.One revision suggested by legal counsel was not agreed to by Presidents Wiley andRoss. Currently, the Board Manual for OU requires that Regents approval must be obtained priorto adding an outside person to an administrative search committee, such as a Provost search

June 22-23, 2004 29237committee. Presidents Wiley and Ross believe for institutions of their size and scope, thisrequirement would not serve the search process effectively. Therefore, they are recommendingthat requirement not be included in the revised CU/RSU Board Policy Manual.Substantive revisions are:1.2.6—Powers and DutiesThe Board of Regents shall have the supervision, management and control of the University andshall have the following additional powers and duties:b) …. Any of such personnel having custody of public funds or other public propertymay be required to furnish corporate surety bonds in such amounts as may be deemednecessary by the Board of Regents, payable to the Board of Regents and conditionedupon a faithful accounting of all such funds and property.—Academic Responsibility - replaced entire section with updated AAUP 1987 Statementon Professional Ethics2.3.3—Post-Tenure ReviewSpecific provisions prescribing post tenure reviews are set forth in the Faculty Handbook of theUniversity and include, but are not limited to, sections detailing procedures for normal and earlyreview and the development of a professional development plan for faculty needing assistance.—Grounds for Abrogation of Tenure, Dismissal, and Other Severe Sanctions*Although not considered severe sanctions, (e) and (f) are proper reasons for dismissal of a faculty member who hastenure or whose tenure-track or non-tenure track term has not expired.3.1.1—Personnel Actions• Appointments, salaries, and other changes for members of the faculty who are non-tenuretrack, not tenured, or not eligible for tenure, whether part-time or full-time, unless fulltimeequivalent salary for the academic year will be $60,000 or more.—AdministrativeAn administrative leave with pay may be given when it is determined to be in the University'sbest interest that an employee not return to work for a specified period of time or for designatedemergency closings of the University. Recommendations for administrative leave must besubmitted to the President or the President’s designee for approval.3.1.12—Prevention of Alcohol Abuse and Drug Use on Campus and in the WorkplaceThe federal Drug-Free Workplace Act enacted into law in 1988 requires that any entity seekingto be considered to receive a grant from any federal agency, and any entity seeking to beawarded a contract for the procurement of any property or services of a value of $25,000 or morefrom any federal agency, certify to the Federal granting or contracting agency that it will providea drug-free workplace.3.1.13—Firearms PolicyB) Firearms are permitted on Campus only under the following circumstances:1) In the possession or control of sworn law enforcement officers or properlylicensed armed security guards employed by the University who areperforming their assigned duties. The Director of Campus Police mustapprove in advance the use or employment of armed private securityproviders.

<strong>June</strong> <strong>22</strong>-<strong>23</strong>, <strong>2004</strong> 29<strong>23</strong>6President Ross recommended the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents approve a four percent (4%) rateincrease for University residence halls and food services, effective August <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2004</strong> (start <strong>of</strong> thefall semester).Regent Everest moved approval <strong>of</strong> the recommendation. The following voted yes onthe motion: Regents Everest, Clark, Stuart, Weitzenh<strong>of</strong>fer and Wade. The Chair declared themotion unanimously approved.NONSUBSTANTIVE PROGRAM CHANGEThe Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education confer upon each institution theauthority to approve program modifications that are non-substantive, but require the changes tobe communicated to them for information only. The program modification listed below has beenapproved by the President, upon recommendation <strong>of</strong> the Provost, respective departments anddeans, and approved by the Curriculum Committee.PROGRAM MODIFICATIONSPROGRAM PROPOSED MODIFICATION COMMENTSBachelor <strong>of</strong>Science inCriminal JusticeRemove CJ 3013 Organized and WhiteCollar Crime as a required core course inthe Criminal Justice degree plan. Theremoval reduces the number <strong>of</strong> hours inthe required core from 27 to 24 and thetotal number <strong>of</strong> hours in the major from42 to 39. CJ 3013 will be maintained asan active course for use as an elective inthe 15 hours Criminal Justice supportblock.Organized crime, no longer the dominantfocus in national criminal justice policy, nowcompetes with other issues such as terrorismand drug enforcement. The CJ AdvisoryCouncil has recommended the change. Themodification will allow the department moreflexibility in directing the focus <strong>of</strong> the CJdegree and course rotation for the supportcomponent <strong>of</strong> the degree plan. Reducing thenumber <strong>of</strong> hours in the major to 39 hours iswell within the norm for a B.S. degree.Assessment reports from 2002-2003 and2003-<strong>2004</strong> reference this modification as agoal for improvement <strong>of</strong> the program.This was reported for information only. No action was required.CU/RSU BOARD POLICY MANUAL REVISIONSThe Board <strong>of</strong> Regents originally approved the CU/RSU Board Policy Manual at theJanuary 27, <strong>2004</strong> meeting. Since then, OU Legal Counsel has reviewed the manual andrecommended a number <strong>of</strong> revisions. Staffs at Rogers State University and Cameron Universityworked with legal counsel and agreed on the revisions that would be made. Additionally, themanual’s “look” was improved by developing a consistent numbering scheme and style. A Table<strong>of</strong> Contents was also added.Given the number <strong>of</strong> changes, both substantive and non-substantive, it was felt thatthe Regents should approve the entire manual.One revision suggested by legal counsel was not agreed to by Presidents Wiley andRoss. Currently, the Board Manual for OU requires that Regents approval must be obtained priorto adding an outside person to an administrative search committee, such as a Provost search

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