Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections Minutes of a Regular Meeting, June 22-23, 2004 - Digital Collections

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June 22-23, 2004 29232this is a tight budget, it is anticipated that some of the reserves committed will be recapturedthrough expanded student recruitment efforts resulting in increased enrollment, through notfilling and/or delaying the filling of some open positions and through spending restraint byCameron’s faculty and staff. Increased funding from the Oklahoma Legislature is needed ifCameron is to adequately meet the educational needs of Southwest Oklahoma.The projected, unobligated reserve balance for June 30, 2005 is $2,632,500. Thisamount is equal to the minimum reserve of 8.33 percent of budgeted expenditures recommendedby the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.President Ross recommended the Board of Regents approve the operating budget forfiscal year 2005 as presented.Regent Wade moved approval of the recommendation. The following voted yes onthe motion: Regents Everest, Clark, Stuart, Weitzenhoffer and Wade. The Chair declared themotion unanimously approved.TUITION RATES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005The proposed tuition increases will provide additional funding needed to supportCameron University’s top budget priorities: the first planned salary increase in three years offaculty and staff salaries, partially offset continued reduced levels of funding from the State ofOklahoma, and partially offset increases in mandatory costs. The proposed tuition increase isexpected to generate additional tuition revenues of approximately $587,500.For fiscal year 2005, Cameron University’s top budget priority is a merit-based payincrease for faculty and staff. The average faculty salary at Cameron is $44,557, sixth among theeleven regional universities in the State. On a national level, the 2002-2003 average facultysalary for public, four-year universities was $58,440, placing Cameron at 76 percent of thenational average.Cameron’s faculty and staff last received a salary increase in July 2001. In October2003, eligible employees received a one-time merit stipend, averaging three percent. Theplanned salary increase will allow Cameron to be more competitive in attracting and retainingqualified faculty and staff. Ongoing recruitment efforts for the 2004-2005 academic yearindicate current salary levels generally are insufficient to attract qualified faculty. Preliminaryresults show that eight positions will not be filled due to salary constraints. Additionally,Cameron has made several salary adjustments for existing high-performing faculty to counteroffers from other universities and to provide equity among individual faculty. The amount of thesalary increase plan will be determined when Fall enrollment is known. Each one-percentincrease in salary costs the University approximately $174,000.Dr. Paul Risser, Chancellor for the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education,has established the following guidelines for requesting tuition increases:• Communication of tuition request to student government organizations, other studentgroups and students at large• Efforts to increase need-based financial aid proportionately to tuition• Analysis of the expected effect of tuition increases on enrollment• Dedication to cost-effectiveness in operationsPresident Ross presented tuition and mandatory fee adjustment information toCameron’s Student Government Association representatives in April. Two additional openforums on tuition and mandatory fee rates for students were conducted. At each of these

June 22-23, 2004 29233sessions, students were briefed on a range of tuition and mandatory fee increase options. It wascommunicated that the final amount of tuition and mandatory fee adjustments would bedependent on the level of the University’s FY 2004-2005 State funding.In fiscal year 2004, Cameron's resident, undergraduate tuition and mandatory feeswere 87% of the tuition and mandatory fee limits (based on "like-type” public institutions insurrounding and other states) as established by the State Regents. The proposed fiscal year 2005rates dropped to 85% of the 2005 limits established by the State Regents. In 2004, resident,graduate tuition and mandatory fees were 95% of the limit, however the proposed rates for fiscalyear 2005 are only 82% of the 2005 limits. In 2004, non-resident undergraduate tuition andmandatory fees were 81% of the established limits, and in 2005 will remain at 81%. In 2004,non-resident, graduate tuition and mandatory fees were 94% of the limit, but in 2005 will only be82% of the limits established by the State Regents.Cameron University is committed to keeping the cost of attending the Universityaffordable. To that goal, the University plans to spend $995,000 in resident tuition waivers, a 44percent increase over the amount spent in fiscal year 2004. To further assist students in meetingtheir financial needs, in fiscal year 2004, the Cameron University Foundation, Inc. increased by50 percent the amount of money available for an emergency loan program for students, provided$52,800 for a new scholarship program called President’s Partners Scholars, and providedadditional scholarship funds.Based on discussions with students, faculty and community leaders, CameronUniversity does not expect the proposed tuition increases to have a significant effect on theenrollment of new students or the continued enrollment of existing students.Cameron University’s administrative costs are currently under guidelines establishedby the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. In fiscal year 2004, Cameron Universityjoined The University of Oklahoma to combine its natural gas contracts. Additionally, CameronUniversity has begun using The University of Oklahoma’s new contract for leasing reprographicequipment. In an effort to further reduce the need for additional revenues, most departments’non-salary operating budgets were held to fiscal year 2003-2004 levels.Once approved by the Board of Regents, the tuition requests will be forwarded to theOklahoma State Regents for Higher Education for approval, and will be effective Fall 2004.President Ross recommended the Board of Regents approve the following per credithour resident and non-resident tuition for fiscal year 2005.Resident Tuition Per Credit HourCurrent ProposedPercentageIncreaseUndergraduate $65.00 $70.00 7.69%Graduate $85.00 $91.00 7.06%Non-Resident Tuition Per Credit Hour(Including Resident Tuition)PercentageIncreaseCurrent ProposedUndergraduate $195.00 $212.00 8.72%Graduate $240.00 $260.00 8.33%

<strong>June</strong> <strong>22</strong>-<strong>23</strong>, <strong>2004</strong> 29<strong>23</strong>3sessions, students were briefed on a range <strong>of</strong> tuition and mandatory fee increase options. It wascommunicated that the final amount <strong>of</strong> tuition and mandatory fee adjustments would bedependent on the level <strong>of</strong> the University’s FY <strong>2004</strong>-2005 State funding.In fiscal year <strong>2004</strong>, Cameron's resident, undergraduate tuition and mandatory feeswere 87% <strong>of</strong> the tuition and mandatory fee limits (based on "like-type” public institutions insurrounding and other states) as established by the State Regents. The proposed fiscal year 2005rates dropped to 85% <strong>of</strong> the 2005 limits established by the State Regents. In <strong>2004</strong>, resident,graduate tuition and mandatory fees were 95% <strong>of</strong> the limit, however the proposed rates for fiscalyear 2005 are only 82% <strong>of</strong> the 2005 limits. In <strong>2004</strong>, non-resident undergraduate tuition andmandatory fees were 81% <strong>of</strong> the established limits, and in 2005 will remain at 81%. In <strong>2004</strong>,non-resident, graduate tuition and mandatory fees were 94% <strong>of</strong> the limit, but in 2005 will only be82% <strong>of</strong> the limits established by the State Regents.Cameron University is committed to keeping the cost <strong>of</strong> attending the Universityaffordable. To that goal, the University plans to spend $995,000 in resident tuition waivers, a 44percent increase over the amount spent in fiscal year <strong>2004</strong>. To further assist students in meetingtheir financial needs, in fiscal year <strong>2004</strong>, the Cameron University Foundation, Inc. increased by50 percent the amount <strong>of</strong> money available for an emergency loan program for students, provided$52,800 for a new scholarship program called President’s Partners Scholars, and providedadditional scholarship funds.Based on discussions with students, faculty and community leaders, CameronUniversity does not expect the proposed tuition increases to have a significant effect on theenrollment <strong>of</strong> new students or the continued enrollment <strong>of</strong> existing students.Cameron University’s administrative costs are currently under guidelines establishedby the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. In fiscal year <strong>2004</strong>, Cameron Universityjoined The University <strong>of</strong> Oklahoma to combine its natural gas contracts. Additionally, CameronUniversity has begun using The University <strong>of</strong> Oklahoma’s new contract for leasing reprographicequipment. In an effort to further reduce the need for additional revenues, most departments’non-salary operating budgets were held to fiscal year 2003-<strong>2004</strong> levels.Once approved by the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents, the tuition requests will be forwarded to theOklahoma State Regents for Higher Education for approval, and will be effective Fall <strong>2004</strong>.President Ross recommended the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents approve the following per credithour resident and non-resident tuition for fiscal year 2005.Resident Tuition Per Credit HourCurrent ProposedPercentageIncreaseUndergraduate $65.00 $70.00 7.69%Graduate $85.00 $91.00 7.06%Non-Resident Tuition Per Credit Hour(Including Resident Tuition)PercentageIncreaseCurrent ProposedUndergraduate $195.00 $212.00 8.72%Graduate $240.00 $260.00 8.33%

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