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NATARAJAN RAVI 1/6/2010Office: Science Center Building, Room 184Mail Address: Spelman College, Box 363, Atlanta, GA 30314Phone Number: 404-270-5857E-mail Address: nravi@spelman.eduEducational Background:1983 Ph.D., (Chemistry/Chemical Physics); University of Hyderabad, India1976 M.Sc., (Chemistry/Physical Chemistry); Banaras Hindu University, India1974 B.Sc., (Chemistry); Madras University, IndiaEmployment History:2005- Associate Professor, Physics Department, Spelman College, GA1998-2005 Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Spelman College, GA1995-1998 Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, Spelman College, GA1993-1995 Research Associate; Chemistry Department, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA(Mentor: Professor Eckard Münck)1987-1993 Research Associate, Physics Department, Emory University, Atlanta, GA1987-1994 (Mentor: Professor Vincent Huynh)1984-1987 Scientific Officer, Indira Gandhi Atomic Research Center, Kalpakkam, India1983-1984 Visiting Fellow, Physics Department, University of Groningen, The Netherlands(Mentor: Professor Hendrik de Waard)1981-1983 Post-doctoral Fellow, Physics Department, University of Hyderabad, India(Mentor: Professor Anil K Bhatnagar)1976-1981 Graduate Student (and Research Assistant), University of Hyderabad, India(Mentor: Professor R. Jagannathan)Teaching Experience:1998-to date General Physics (I and II), Introductory Physics (I, II, and III), Advanced Lab I, ThermalPhysics, Mathematical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics.Team-taught: Advanced Lab II, Laser, Optics, & Spectroscopy, and Biophysics1995-1998 General Chemistry (I and II Lecture and Lab), Physical Chemistry (Lecture and Lab)Research Mentoring Experience:Supervised students on their research projects since Fall 1996 on various problems in Biophysics andSolid State Physics. Students presented the results from these projects in different meetings: (1) MIEScience Day at Spelman College, (2) National Council of Undergraduate Research (NCUR), (3) GeorgiaAcademy of Sciences, (4) American Chemical Society (ACS), (5) American Physical Society (APS), (6)National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP), and (7) Optical Society of the SouthEast in the years from1996 to 2010.Research Proposals:Current and Active Proposals:(a) PI of the Spelman part of the project funded to Clark Atlanta University (CAU), Atlanta by theNational Science Foundation (NSF) on “Coalition for Research and Education Enhancement inMaterials (CREEM)”. The project at Spelman College titled “Spectroscopic Characterization ofMetal Graphene Interfaces”. This funding runs from Sept. 2010 to Aug. 2015. ($250,000).

NATARAJAN RAVI 1/6/2010Office: Science Center Building, Room 184Mail Address: <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>, Box 363, Atlanta, GA 30314Phone Number: 404-270-5857E-mail Address: nravi@spelman.eduEducational Background:1983 Ph.D., (Chemistry/Chemical Physics); University of Hyderabad, India1976 M.Sc., (Chemistry/Physical Chemistry); Banaras Hindu University, India1974 B.Sc., (Chemistry); Madras University, IndiaEmployment History:2005- Associate Professor, Physics Department, <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>, GA1998-2005 Assistant Professor, Physics Department, <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>, GA1995-1998 Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>, GA1993-1995 Research Associate; Chemistry Department, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA(Mentor: Professor Eckard Münck)1987-1993 Research Associate, Physics Department, Emory University, Atlanta, GA1987-1994 (Mentor: Professor Vincent Huynh)1984-1987 Scientific Officer, Indira Gandhi Atomic Research Center, Kalpakkam, India1983-1984 Visiting Fellow, Physics Department, University of Groningen, The Netherlands(Mentor: Professor Hendrik de Waard)1981-1983 Post-doctoral Fellow, Physics Department, University of Hyderabad, India(Mentor: Professor Anil K Bhatnagar)1976-1981 Graduate Student (and Research Assistant), University of Hyderabad, India(Mentor: Professor R. Jagannathan)Teaching Experience:1998-to date General Physics (I and II), Introductory Physics (I, II, and III), Advanced Lab I, ThermalPhysics, Mathematical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics.Team-taught: Advanced Lab II, Laser, Optics, & Spectroscopy, and Biophysics1995-1998 General Chemistry (I and II Lecture and Lab), Physical Chemistry (Lecture and Lab)Research Mentoring Experience:Supervised students on their research projects since Fall 1996 on various problems in Biophysics andSolid State Physics. Students presented the results from these projects in different meetings: (1) MIEScience Day at <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>, (2) National Council of Undergraduate Research (NCUR), (3) GeorgiaAcademy of Sciences, (4) American Chemical Society (ACS), (5) American Physical Society (APS), (6)National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP), and (7) Optical Society of the SouthEast in the years from1996 to 2010.Research Proposals:Current and Active Proposals:(a) PI of the <strong>Spelman</strong> part of the project funded to Clark Atlanta University (CAU), Atlanta by theNational Science Foundation (NSF) on “Coalition for Research and Education Enhancement inMaterials (CREEM)”. The project at <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong> titled “Spectroscopic Characterization ofMetal Graphene Interfaces”. This funding runs from Sept. 2010 to Aug. 2015. ($250,000).

2(b) PI of the outreach component of the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project on“Bionanotechnology” to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). The project at <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>titled “Experimental and Computational Studies of Magnetic Phase-Transitions and theirDielectric Properties in BaTi(Fe)O 3 Based Perovskites and metal encapsulated multiwall carbonnanotubes”. This funding runs from Aug 2006 to July 2011. ($100,000).(c) Co-PI of the Department of Energy (DOE) Massie Grant funded to Physics Department. My partof project is titled “Study of Biomolecules by EPR Spectroscopy” and runs from Sept. 2009 toAug. 2012 ($250,000).Completed projects/proposals:(a) PI of the Seed Award from National Institutes of Health/Research Infrastructure in MinorityInstitutions (NIH/RIMI) on the proposal titled “Interaction of Metal Ions with Biopolymers andPorphyrins: A Spectroscopic Characterization of Metal Complexes and Its Relevance toMetalloenzymes”.(April 2004 –Aug 2005). $35,000.(b) PI of the outreach component of the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project on“Bionanotechnology” to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). The project at <strong>Spelman</strong> <strong>College</strong>titled “Experimental and Computational Studies of Magnetic Phase-Transitions and their DielectricProperties in BaTi(Fe)O 3 Based Perovskites” (Aug 2001-2006, $50,000).(c) The PI of the MBRS project on “Study of Elasticity of Swollen Micelles For Characterizing Vesiclesand Cell Membranes”, ($130,000 per year for two years since Jan 2002).Synergistic activities:(1) Several undergraduate students’ presentations and four refereed publications. (2)Developed Magnetic Resonance and Mössbauer Spectroscopic Advanced lab exercises forPhysics majors (PHYS 362). (3) Developed X-ray diffraction project for Advanced Lab IIfor Physics majors (PHYS 462). (4) Participated in the development of two modules (a)Materials and (b) Light and Color for the Interdisciplinary Course (IDS 101) and served ascoordinator of the course for the AY 20001-2002. (5) Developed computer assistedChemistry experiments for General Chemistry (111 and 112) using LoggerPro software andthe laboratory manuals in collobaration with Dr. Bhatia at Morehouse <strong>College</strong>. (6) Memberof the Advisory Board for the NASA funded curriculum development project of AtlantaMetropolitan <strong>College</strong>, Atlanta (2006- ). (7) Member of the <strong>College</strong> Board AdvancedPlacement (AP) Physics course Reader and Syllabus Reviewer (8) A panelist at NSF in 2009for Instrumentation Grant.Peer-Review:Reviewing articles for Biomacromolecules, Carbohydrate Chemistry, The American Journal of Physics,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of MolecularStructure, and Materials Research Bulletin, and Research proposals from DOE and NSF.

3Selected Publications (From a list of about 50 refereed articles)1. N. Mani, S. Ramaprabhu, and N. Ravi – “Dynamics and charge transfer of hydrogen interstitials inZrCrFe 0.5 Co 0.5 ”, Acta Matarialia 54, 3747 (2006).2. S.C. Bhatia, B.H. Cardelino, and N. Ravi – “A 57 Fe Mössbauer Characterization of Fe-biopolymercomplexes abd tgeir relevance to biological molecules”, Hyperfine Interactions 165, 335 (2005).3. N. Mani, N. Ravi, and S. Ramaprabhu – “Difusion of hydrogen interstitials in Zr based AB 2and mischmetal based AB 5 alloys”, J. Phys. Condensed Matter 17, 5201 (2005).4. S. Bhatia and N. Ravi – “A Mössbauer Study of the Interaction of Chitosan and D-Glucosamine with Iron and Its Relevance to Other Metalloenzymes”- Biomacromolecules 4,723 (2003).5. S. Bhatia and N. Ravi – “A magnetic Study of Fe-Chitosan Complex and its Relevance toBiomolecules”- Biomacromolecules 1, 413 (2000).6. P. Tavares, A. S. Pereira, C. Krebs, N. Ravi, J.J.G. Moura, I. Moura, B. H. Huynh, -“Spectroscopic Characterization of a Novel Tetra-Nuclear Fe Cluster in an Iron-SulfurProtein Isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans” - Biochemistry 37, 2830 (1998).Papers with Students:1. B. Jackson, M. Shima, B. Cardelino, and N. Ravi – “Characterization of FePt Magnetic AlloyNanoparticles” Proceedings of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)404 (2007).2. M. Jeudy, B. Cardelino, and N. Ravi – “Theoretical Studies on Iron Substituted Barium TitanatePerovskite Particles” Proceedings of the National Council of Undergraduate Research (NCUR)2004Selected Students’ Presentations/Publications (From a list of about 30 presentations)1. D. Brown, B. Cardelino, and N. Ravi – “A Computational Approach Towards Understanding theInteraction of Graphene with Small Molecules”, 2010 National Council of Undergraduate Research(NCUR) meeting, University of Montana, Missoula, MO.2. R. Flowers, N. Ravi – “Calibration of a Magnetic Susceptibility Unit and Magnetic Characterizationof Nanoscale Materials”, 2010 National Council of Undergraduate Research (NCUR) meeting,University of Montana, Missoula, MO.3. J. Hargrove, L. Schadler, and N. Ravi – “characterization of Metal Encapsulated Multiwalled CarbonNanotubes”, Poster Presentation at the 2009 National Society of Black Physicists meeting (NSBP),Nashville, TN.4. C. Arthur, M. Shima, and N. Ravi – “The Characteristics of Iron doped Barium TitanateNanocrystals”, Poster Presentation at the March 2005 American Physical Society meeting (APS),Los Angeles, CA..

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