yccd air cooled liquid chiller

yccd air cooled liquid chiller yccd air cooled liquid chiller

STANDARD CONTROL (YCCD 60 - 150 only)1 2 3 4 5 6®Setpoints+DisplayIN®SET-OUTCircuit 1SystemP-PH0 21617P-PH0 2Circuit 21815 14Standard Control Panel13121110987Remote On/Off Panel (Optional)1 Setpoint selection and display key and LED 10 External interlock alarm LED.2 Setpoint change key (-). Decreases desired water temperature. 11 Antifreeze alarm.3 Setpoint change key (+). Increases desired water temperature. 12 Low pressure alarm LED.4 Display 13 High pressure alarm LED.5 Inlet water display and LED. 14 Compressor ON LED.6 Outlet water display and LED. 15 Start-up key and LED.7 Start key and LED - Cooling. 16 Voltage ON LED.8 Not used. 17 Unit alarm activated LED.9 Voltage ON LED. 18 Start key and LED - Cooling.MillenniumTMDisplay/PrintOPER DATAPRINTHISTORYSTATUSThe panel shall contain:ISN CONTROL (Standard YCCD 170 - 210, optional YCCD 60 - 150)Control CenterSYS 1 COMP RUNNI NGSYS 2 COMP RUNNI NGEntryENTER/ADVONSetpointsOFFCOOLINGSETPOINTSSCHEDULE/ADVANCE DAYPROGRAMISN Millennium Control Center PanelUnitOPTIONS• A 40 character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) with LightEmitting Diode (LED) back lighting for outdoor viewing.• A Colour coded 12-button keypad.• Customer terminal block for control inputs and <strong>liquid</strong> flowswitch.The microprocessor control will include:Status Key for display of:• Status of the unit and each refrigerant circuit• System and unit safety fault messagesCLOCKDisplay/Print Keys for display of:• Chilled <strong>liquid</strong> and ambient <strong>air</strong> temperatures• System pressures (each circuit)• Operating hours and starts (each compressor)• Load and unload timers and cooling demand• Liquid pump, evaporator heater and condenser fan statusPrint calls up to the <strong>liquid</strong> crystal display:• Operating data for the systems• History of fault shutdown data for up to the last six faultshutdown conditionsAn RS-232 port, in conjunction with this press-to-print button, isprovided to allow hard copy print-outs via a separate printer.Entry Keys• To program and modify system valuesSetpoints Keys for programming:• Chilled <strong>liquid</strong> temperature setpoint and range• Remote reset temperature range• Set daily schedule/holiday for start/stop• Manual override for servicing• Cut-outs for low ambient temperature, low <strong>liquid</strong> temperature,high discharge pressure and low suction pressure• Number of compressors and anti-recycle timer (compressorstart cycle time)Unit Keys• To set time and unit optionsUnit ON/OFF switch• To activate or deactivate the unitPage G.3Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

The microprocessor control system is capable of displaying thefollowing:• Return and leaving <strong>liquid</strong> temperature• Low leaving <strong>liquid</strong> temperature cutout setting• Low ambient temperature cutout setting• Ambient <strong>air</strong> temperature• Metric or Imperial data• Discharge and suction pressure cutout settings• System suction pressures• System discharge pressures• Anti-recycle timer status• Anti-coincident system start timer condition• Compressor run status• No cooling load condition• Day, date and time• Daily start/stop times• Holiday status• Automatic or manual system lead/lag control• Lead system definition• Compressor starts & operating hours (each compressor)• Status of evaporator heater and fan operation• Run permissive status• Number of compressors running• Load & unload timer status• Water pump status• Liquid Temperature Reset via a YORK ISN DDC or BuildingAutomation System (by others)Provision shall be included for optional remote chilled <strong>liquid</strong>temperature reset.The operating program will be stored in non-volatile memory(EPROM) to eliminate <strong>chiller</strong> failure due to AC powerfailure/battery discharge. Programmed setpoints shall beretained in lithium battery backed RTC memory.TABLE 2OPERATING LIMITATIONSYCCDChilled Liquid outlet Water outlet °CLiquid temperature Brine outlet °CTemperature spread °K60 75 90 105Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.+6 to +15-8 to +153to8Flow rate (1) l/s 1.38 3.68 1.58 4.22 1.79 4.77 2.13 5.67Pressure drop (1) kPa 8.4 54.6 9.5 62.6 8.9 58.4 9.9 65.8Maximum operating pressure bar 10 (6 bar with Hydro Kit)Ambient Air entering Standard control °C-5 to + see note (3)Air temperature ISN control °C-18 to+seenote(3)External static Standard fans Pa 0pressure High pressure fans (4) Pa 80Recommended system chilled water volume (2) l 420 480 510 560Minimum capacity step % 50%Power supply voltage (5)V400 V, 3 Ø, 50 Hz (nominal)YCCD120 150170 190210Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.Chilled Liquid outlet Water outlet °C +6 to +15Liquid temperature Brine outlet °C -8 to +15Temperature spread °K 3 to 8Flow rate (1) l/s 2.63 7.02 3.00 8.00 3.64 9.69 4.00 10.67 4.45 11.86Pressure drop (1) kPa 7.9 72.0 19.9 155.4 14.8 105.8 16.1 114.1 19.9 141.7Maximum operating pressure bar 10 (6 bar with Hydro Kit)Ambient Air entering Standard control °C -5 to + see note (3)Air temperature ISN control °C -18 to+seenote(3)External static Standard fans Pa 0pressure High pressure fans (4) Pa 80Recommended system chilled water volume (2) l915475Minimum capacity step %50%20%Power supply voltage (5)V800 55025%400 V, 3 Ø, 50 Hz (nominal)(1) Total unit flow rate and pressure drop are givenCaution: Minimum flow rates may only be used with brine solutions after reprogramming unit parameters.(2) Table shows minimum water / brine volume of system(3) Maximum ambient <strong>air</strong> temperature depends on coding:Standard/Low Noise Units: 43°CHigh Temperature units: 45°C(4) Optional high pressure fans only available on standard YCCD units with ISN control(5) Voltage 400V +/- 10%Not available-18 to+seenote(3)57525%Page G.4Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

YCCD Models 60 -150REFRIGERANT FLOW DIAGRAM FIGURE 1YCCD Models 170 -210Note: Only one refrigerant circuit shown.YCCD Cooling ModeLow pressure <strong>liquid</strong> refrigerant enters the cooler (Evaporator) and is evaporated and superheated by the heat energy absorbed fromthe chilled water passing through the cooler plates. Low pressure vapour enters the compressor where pressure and superheat areincreased. Heat is rejected via the <strong>air</strong> <strong>cooled</strong> condenser coil and fans. The fully condensed and sub<strong>cooled</strong> <strong>liquid</strong> refrigerant thenenters the expansion valve where pressure reduction and further cooling takes place before returning to the cooler.DATA REQUIREDTo select a YORK YCCD <strong>chiller</strong> the following information isrequired:1. Required cooling capacity.2. Design chilled <strong>liquid</strong> entering and leaving temperatures.3. Design chilled <strong>liquid</strong> flow rate.4. Design condenser entering <strong>air</strong> temperature. This will normallybe the design summer ambient <strong>air</strong> temperature unlesslocation or other factors have an influence.5. Altitude above sea level.6. Design Cooler fouling factor.Note: Items 1, 2 and 3 must be linked by the following formulae:Cooling capacity (kW) = Flow Rate (l/h) x Range (°C)860Where:Range = Entering chilled <strong>liquid</strong> temperature - leaving chilled<strong>liquid</strong> temperature.YCCD SAMPLE SELECTIONA R407C <strong>chiller</strong> is required to cool water from 13°C to 7°Chaving a cooling capacity of 60 kW.Other design conditions applying are:Ambient <strong>air</strong> entering condenser: 35°CFouling factor:0.044 m² °C/kWAltitude:Sea levelFOULING FACTOR TABLE 3COOLERFouling Factor m² °C/kW Capacity Factor Comp. Input Factor0.044 1.000 1.0000.088 0.987 0.9950.176 0.964 0.9850.352 0.926 0.962ALTITUDE FACTORS TABLE 4Altitude (m) Capacity Factor Comp. Input Factor0 1.000 1.000600 0.987 1.0101200 0.973 1.0201800 0.958 1.0292400 0.943 1.038SELECTION GUIDEFrom a cursory examination of capacity Table 5amodel YCCD90 gives approximately the required capacity of 60.0 kW.No correction factors, for fouling factor or altitude, applytherefore the conditions will be as follows:Cooling capacity:60.0 kWTotal unit input power: 26.3 kWWater temperature: 13 °C to 7 °CWater flow rate 60.0 = 2.38 l/s4.187 x 6Cooler pressure drop = 16 kPa (see Figure 2).PRESSURE DROP CALCULATIONSModelPressure Drop Calculation60 Pressure Drop [kPa] = 4.5429 x (Flow Rate [l/s] 1.9084 )75 Pressure Drop [kPa] = 3.9487 x (Flow Rate [l/s] 1.9192 )90 Pressure Drop [kPa] = 2.9111 x (Flow Rate [l/s] 1.9194 )105 Pressure Drop [kPa] = 2.2928 x (Flow Rate [l/s] 1.9346 )120 Pressure Drop [kPa] = 0.8962 x (Flow Rate [l/s] 2.2508 )150 Pressure Drop [kPa] = 1.9910 x (Flow Rate [l/s] 2.0955 )170 Pressure Drop [kPa] = 1.1043 x (Flow Rate [l/s] 2.0089 )190 Pressure Drop [kPa] = 1.0120 x (Flow Rate [l/s] 1.9959 )210 Pressure Drop [kPa] = 1.0012 x (Flow Rate [l/s] 2.0025 )ItemPressure Drop Calculation2"/50 mm strainer Pressure Drop [kPa] = 1.0568 x Flow Rate [l/s] 1.9334Notes:The optional strainer limits the unit maximum flow rate to10.4 litres per second.The pressure drops given are for the strainer component only.They do not include the pressure drop of any other piping orfittings required to mount the strainer. The strainer is to beinstalled by others.For glycol operation, the pressure drop correction factors foreither ethylene or propylene glycol solutions need to be appliedas shown in the pressure drop correction graphs.Page G.5Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

YCCD WATER PRESSURE DROPSFIGURE 2 YCCD MODELS 60 TO 210160140150210PRESSURE DROP (kPa)1201009080706050403020607590210105120170190190107123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12FLOW RATE (l/s)FIGURE 2A220200180160140120YCCD MODELS 60 TO 210 WITH OPTIONAL STRAINER FITTED15017012021019010090807590105706060PRESSURE DROP (kPa)5040302019021010712 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12FLOW RATE (l/s)Page G.6Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

YCCD COOLING CAPACITIES (Standard Units) TABLE 5ModelYCCD 60YCCD 75YCCD 90YCCD 105YCCD 120YCCD 150YCCD 170YCCD 190YCCD 210Condenser Entering Air Temperature °C25 30 32 3540 43LCLT Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power°C kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW6 53.4 18.5 48.9 19.0 47.1 19.2 44.4 19.4 39.8 19.7 37.1 20.07 55.3 18.9 50.9 19.4 49.0 19.5 46.2 19.8 41.5 20.0 38.9 20.48 57.3 19.2 52.7 19.8 50.9 19.9 48.1 20.1 43.3 20.4 40.6 20.710 61.1 19.8 56.4 20.4 54.5 20.6 51.6 20.8 46.8 21.1 44.0 23.312 64.7 20.3 59.9 21.0 57.9 21.5 55.0 21.5 50.0 21.8 47.1 22.215 70.5 21.4 65.4 22.1 63.4 22.5 60.4 22.6 55.2 22.8 0.0 0.06 61.2 21.6 56.1 22.2 54.0 22.4 50.9 22.6 45.6 23.0 42.5 23.47 63.4 22.0 58.3 22.6 56.2 22.8 53.0 23.1 47.6 23.4 44.6 23.88 65.7 22.4 60.4 23.1 58.3 23.3 55.1 23.5 49.6 23.8 46.5 24.110 70.1 23.2 64.7 23.8 62.5 24.1 59.2 24.3 53.6 24.6 50.4 27.212 74.2 23.7 68.7 24.5 66.4 25.1 63.1 25.1 57.3 25.2 0.0 0.015 80.8 25.0 75.0 25.8 72.7 26.3 69.2 26.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.06 66.8 21.6 64.1 23.5 62.9 24.3 61.1 25.5 54.6 27.7 50.8 29.17 68.8 21.9 66.0 23.8 64.7 24.6 62.9 25.8 56.2 28.0 52.3 29.38 70.7 22.2 67.9 24.1 66.6 24.9 64.7 26.2 57.8 28.3 53.9 29.710 74.7 22.9 71.8 24.8 70.4 25.6 68.4 26.9 61.2 29.1 0.0 0.012 78.8 23.6 75.6 25.5 74.2 26.4 72.2 27.6 64.5 29.8 0.0 0.015 85.1 24.6 81.6 26.7 80.1 27.5 77.9 28.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.06 75.7 25.2 73.3 27.5 72.2 28.5 70.5 30.0 64.8 32.6 61.3 34.47 77.9 25.4 75.3 27.8 74.2 28.8 72.6 30.3 66.6 33.0 63.0 34.78 79.9 26.0 77.3 28.4 76.1 29.4 74.4 30.9 68.3 33.7 64.6 35.410 83.7 27.2 81.1 29.6 79.9 30.7 78.0 32.2 71.6 35.0 0.0 0.012 87.6 28.4 84.9 30.9 83.6 32.0 81.6 33.6 75.0 36.5 0.0 0.015 93.4 30.3 90.5 33.0 89.1 34.1 87.1 35.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.06 101.9 35.6 93.3 36.6 89.9 36.9 84.6 37.4 75.8 38.0 70.7 38.67 105.5 36.3 97.0 37.3 93.4 37.7 88.2 38.1 79.2 38.6 74.2 39.28 109.3 37.0 100.5 38.1 97.0 38.4 91.6 38.8 82.6 39.3 77.4 39.810 116.6 38.2 107.6 39.4 103.9 39.7 98.4 40.1 89.2 40.6 0.0 0.012 123.4 39.2 114.2 40.5 110.5 41.4 104.9 41.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.015 134.4 41.2 124.8 42.6 121.0 43.4 115.1 43.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.06 116.1 43.7 106.3 45.0 102.4 45.4 96.5 45.9 86.4 46.6 80.5 47.47 120.3 44.6 110.5 45.9 106.5 46.3 100.5 46.8 90.2 47.5 84.5 48.28 124.6 45.5 114.6 46.8 110.5 47.2 104.4 47.7 94.1 48.2 88.2 48.910 132.8 46.9 122.6 48.3 118.4 48.8 112.2 49.3 101.6 49.9 0.0 0.012 140.6 48.1 130.2 49.7 125.9 50.8 119.5 50.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.015 153.1 50.6 142.2 52.3 137.8 53.3 131.2 53.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.06 133.1 41.7 126.0 45.5 123.0 47.2 118.4 49.7 108.5 54.6 102.6 57.77 137.2 42.1 129.9 46.0 126.8 47.6 122.2 50.2 112.0 55.1 105.9 58.18 140.1 43.0 132.9 47.1 129.5 48.5 124.7 51.1 114.4 56.1 108.0 59.210 145.7 44.7 137.9 48.8 134.7 50.4 129.8 53.2 119.0 58.2 112.5 61.312 151.1 46.5 143.1 50.6 139.7 52.4 134.7 55.2 123.5 60.4 116.7 63.515 158.8 49.3 150.4 53.6 147.0 55.5 141.7 58.4 130.2 63.9 123.2 67.16 146.6 48.5 139.0 52.8 135.9 54.6 131.2 57.3 120.3 62.2 113.7 65.27 151.0 49.2 143.4 53.4 140.1 55.2 135.3 57.9 124.0 62.8 117.2 65.98 155.1 50.3 147.2 54.6 143.9 56.4 139.0 59.2 127.4 64.0 120.4 67.210 163.3 52.5 155.1 56.9 151.6 58.8 146.4 61.7 134.2 66.6 126.9 69.812 171.7 54.9 162.9 59.4 159.3 61.4 153.8 64.2 141.1 69.3 116.7 63.515 184.2 58.7 174.9 63.3 171.0 65.3 165.2 68.3 151.5 73.5 123.2 67.16 162.0 50.4 153.3 54.9 149.7 56.8 144.2 59.7 132.2 65.3 125.1 68.77 167.1 51.1 158.0 55.6 154.3 57.4 148.6 60.4 136.3 66.0 128.9 69.48 170.2 52.2 161.1 56.7 157.4 58.7 151.6 61.7 139.1 67.4 131.5 70.810 176.7 54.5 167.2 59.2 163.5 61.1 157.5 64.2 144.4 70.1 136.6 73.612 183.0 56.8 173.2 61.7 169.1 63.7 163.1 66.8 149.7 72.9 141.6 76.515 191.9 60.7 181.8 65.6 177.5 67.7 171.2 71.0 157.1 77.4 148.8 81.00.0 Data out of the operating limitsLCLT: Leaving chilled <strong>liquid</strong> temperature Cool kW: Cooling capacityPower kW: Unit power input, including the power input of the compressors, fans, control circuitand power input of the <strong>liquid</strong> pump to overcome unit pressure drop.Page G.7Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

TABLE 6YCCD LN COOLING CAPACITIES (Low Noise Units)ModelYCCD 60 LNYCCD 75 LNYCCD 90 LNYCCD 105 LNYCCD 120 LNYCCD 150 LNYCCD 170 LNYCCD 190 LNYCCD 210 LNCondenser Entering Air Temperature °C25 30 32 35 40 43LCLT Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power°C kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW6 55.3 18.6 50.7 19.2 48.8 19.3 46.0 19.6 41.2 19.9 38.4 20.27 57.3 19.0 52.7 19.5 50.8 19.7 47.9 19.9 43.0 20.2 40.3 20.58 59.4 19.4 54.6 19.9 52.7 20.1 49.8 20.3 44.9 20.6 42.0 20.910 63.3 20.0 58.5 20.6 56.5 20.8 53.5 21.0 48.5 21.3 45.6 23.512 67.1 20.5 62.1 21.2 60.0 21.7 57.0 21.7 51.8 22.0 48.8 22.415 73.0 21.6 67.8 22.3 65.7 22.7 62.6 22.8 57.2 23.0 54.1 21.76 61.8 21.8 56.6 22.5 54.5 22.7 51.3 22.9 46.0 23.3 42.8 23.67 64.0 22.3 58.8 22.9 56.7 23.1 53.4 23.4 48.0 23.7 45.0 24.18 66.3 22.7 60.9 23.3 58.8 23.5 55.6 23.8 50.1 24.1 46.9 24.410 70.7 23.4 65.2 24.1 63.0 24.4 59.7 24.6 54.1 24.9 50.8 27.512 74.8 24.0 69.3 24.8 67.0 25.4 63.6 25.4 57.8 25.7 54.5 26.215 81.5 25.3 75.7 26.1 73.3 26.6 69.8 26.7 63.8 26.9 60.3 25.46 68.5 22.2 65.7 24.1 64.5 24.9 62.7 26.2 56.0 28.4 52.1 29.87 70.4 22.4 67.5 24.3 66.2 25.2 64.3 26.4 57.5 28.6 53.6 30.08 72.5 22.8 69.6 24.8 68.3 25.6 66.3 26.8 59.3 29.0 55.2 30.510 76.7 23.5 73.6 25.4 72.2 26.3 70.1 27.6 62.8 29.8 60.2 29.412 80.8 24.2 77.5 26.2 76.1 27.1 73.9 28.3 66.1 30.6 60.2 29.415 87.2 25.3 83.6 27.4 82.1 28.2 79.8 29.6 71.4 31.8 66.7 28.56 73.2 26.9 70.9 29.4 69.8 30.5 68.2 32.1 62.6 34.9 59.2 36.87 75.3 27.2 72.7 29.7 71.7 30.8 70.1 32.5 64.3 35.3 65.3 37.38 77.0 27.9 74.6 30.4 73.4 31.5 71.7 33.2 65.8 36.1 70.0 35.510 80.5 29.2 78.0 31.8 76.8 33.0 75.0 34.7 74.3 34.9 65.3 37.312 84.0 30.6 81.4 33.3 80.2 34.5 78.3 36.2 74.3 34.9 70.0 35.515 89.2 32.7 86.4 35.6 85.1 36.8 83.2 38.6 82.0 36.5 77.5 34.46 103.7 35.4 95.0 36.4 91.5 36.7 86.2 37.2 77.2 37.8 72.0 38.37 107.5 36.1 98.7 37.1 95.2 37.5 89.8 37.9 80.6 38.4 75.5 39.08 111.3 36.8 102.4 37.8 98.8 38.2 93.3 38.6 84.1 39.0 78.8 39.610 118.7 38.0 109.5 39.1 105.8 39.5 100.2 39.9 90.8 40.4 85.4 44.612 125.7 39.0 116.3 40.3 112.5 41.2 106.8 41.2 97.1 41.7 91.5 42.515 136.8 41.0 127.1 42.4 123.2 43.2 117.2 43.3 107.2 43.7 101.3 41.16 118.2 43.0 108.3 44.2 104.3 44.6 98.2 45.2 88.0 45.9 82.0 46.67 122.5 43.9 112.5 45.1 108.4 45.5 102.3 46.0 91.9 46.7 86.1 47.48 126.8 44.7 116.6 46.0 112.5 46.4 106.3 46.9 95.8 47.4 89.8 48.110 135.2 46.2 124.8 47.6 120.6 48.0 114.2 48.5 103.5 49.1 97.3 54.212 143.2 47.3 132.5 48.9 128.2 50.0 121.7 50.0 110.7 50.7 104.2 51.615 155.9 49.8 144.8 51.5 140.3 52.4 133.6 52.6 122.2 53.1 115.4 50.06 129.6 43.9 122.6 47.9 119.7 49.6 115.2 52.4 105.6 57.2 99.9 60.47 133.6 44.3 126.4 48.4 123.4 50.2 118.9 52.9 109.0 57.8 103.0 60.88 136.4 44.8 129.1 48.9 126.0 50.6 121.4 53.3 111.3 58.2 105.2 61.410 141.7 45.6 134.2 49.8 131.1 51.6 126.3 54.4 115.8 59.2 109.5 62.412 147.0 46.6 139.2 50.8 136.0 52.6 131.1 55.3 120.2 60.3 113.7 63.515 154.5 48.1 146.4 52.3 143.1 54.0 137.8 56.9 126.7 62.0 119.9 65.16 146.8 48.2 139.3 52.5 136.2 54.3 131.5 57.0 120.5 61.7 113.9 64.87 151.3 48.9 143.6 53.1 140.4 54.9 135.6 57.6 124.3 62.3 117.4 65.48 155.4 49.9 147.5 54.2 144.1 56.0 139.2 58.8 127.6 63.6 120.6 66.710 163.5 52.2 155.3 56.6 151.8 58.4 146.5 61.3 134.4 66.2 127.1 69.412 171.8 54.6 163.1 59.1 159.4 61.0 154.0 63.8 141.2 68.9 113.7 62.915 184.3 58.3 174.9 63.0 171.1 64.9 165.3 67.9 151.6 73.0 119.9 64.46 156.4 52.4 148.1 57.2 144.5 59.1 139.2 62.2 127.7 68.1 120.8 71.77 161.2 53.2 152.5 57.9 148.9 59.8 143.5 62.9 131.7 68.9 124.5 72.48 164.4 54.2 155.6 59.1 152.0 61.1 146.4 64.2 134.3 70.2 127.0 73.810 170.6 56.6 161.4 61.5 157.8 63.6 152.1 66.8 139.4 73.0 131.9 76.712 176.7 59.1 167.3 64.2 163.3 66.2 157.5 69.5 144.5 75.9 136.7 78.915 185.3 63.0 175.5 68.1 171.4 70.4 165.3 73.8 151.7 80.6 143.7 83.40.0 Data out of the operating limitsLCLT: Leaving chilled <strong>liquid</strong> temperature Cool kW: Cooling capacityPower kW: Unit power input, including the power input of the compressors, fans, control circuitand power input of the <strong>liquid</strong> pump to overcome unit pressure drop.Page G.8Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

YCCD HT COOLING CAPACITIES (High Temperature Units) TABLE 7ModelYCCD 60 HTYCCD 75 HTYCCD 90 HTYCCD 105 HTYCCD 120 HTYCCD 150 HTYCCD 170 HTYCCD 190 HTYCCD 210 HTCondenser Entering Air Temperature °C25 30 32 35 40 45LCLT Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power°C kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW6 54.1 18.3 50.5 18.8 49.1 19.0 47.2 19.2 42.7 19.5 37.8 20.37 56.8 18.7 53.1 19.2 51.6 19.4 49.6 19.6 44.6 19.9 39.8 20.38 59.6 19.0 55.7 19.6 54.1 19.7 51.6 20.0 46.5 20.2 41.6 20.610 65.1 19.7 60.6 20.2 58.5 20.4 55.4 20.6 50.2 20.9 45.2 21.412 69.5 20.2 64.3 20.8 62.2 21.3 59.1 21.3 53.7 21.6 48.5 22.215 75.7 21.2 70.3 21.9 68.1 22.3 64.8 22.4 59.3 22.6 53.8 23.36 62.2 21.0 58.2 21.6 56.5 21.8 54.3 22.0 49.1 22.4 43.5 23.37 65.4 21.4 61.1 22.0 59.4 22.2 57.1 22.4 51.3 22.8 45.8 23.38 68.6 21.8 64.1 22.4 62.3 22.6 59.4 22.9 53.5 23.1 47.8 23.610 74.9 22.5 69.7 23.2 67.3 23.4 63.8 23.6 57.8 23.9 52.0 24.512 80.0 23.1 74.0 23.8 71.6 24.4 68.0 24.4 61.8 24.7 55.8 25.415 87.1 24.3 80.9 25.1 78.4 25.6 74.6 25.6 68.2 25.9 61.9 26.66 71.9 20.9 68.9 22.7 67.7 23.5 65.8 24.6 58.7 26.7 52.0 28.97 74.1 21.1 71.1 22.9 69.8 23.7 67.8 24.8 60.6 26.9 53.6 29.18 76.3 21.4 73.3 23.2 71.9 24.0 69.9 25.1 62.4 27.2 55.3 29.410 81.0 21.9 77.8 23.7 76.3 24.5 74.1 25.7 66.3 27.7 58.7 30.012 85.7 22.5 82.2 24.4 80.7 25.1 78.5 26.3 70.2 28.4 62.2 30.615 93.0 23.4 89.3 25.3 87.6 26.1 85.2 27.3 76.2 29.3 67.4 31.66 81.0 23.8 78.5 26.0 77.3 26.9 75.5 28.4 69.3 30.8 63.0 33.47 83.3 23.9 80.5 26.1 79.4 27.0 77.6 28.4 71.2 30.9 64.9 33.58 85.7 24.4 83.0 26.6 81.7 27.6 79.8 29.0 73.2 31.5 66.7 34.110 90.1 25.4 87.3 27.7 86.0 28.7 84.0 30.1 77.1 32.7 70.2 35.312 94.7 26.4 91.7 28.8 90.3 29.8 88.2 31.3 81.1 33.9 73.8 36.515 101.4 28.1 98.2 30.5 96.7 31.5 94.5 33.1 86.8 35.8 83.6 37.86 104.2 35.9 97.4 36.9 94.6 37.2 91.0 37.6 82.3 38.2 72.9 39.87 109.5 36.6 102.3 37.6 99.5 37.9 95.6 38.4 85.9 38.9 76.7 39.88 114.8 37.3 107.3 38.3 104.3 38.7 99.4 39.1 89.6 39.5 80.1 40.410 125.4 38.5 116.7 39.6 112.7 40.0 106.8 40.4 96.7 40.9 87.0 42.012 133.9 39.4 123.9 40.8 119.9 41.7 113.8 41.7 103.5 42.2 93.4 43.415 145.8 41.5 135.4 42.9 131.2 43.7 124.9 43.8 114.2 44.2 103.7 45.56 118.7 44.4 110.9 44.4 107.8 46.1 103.7 46.6 93.7 47.4 83.0 49.37 124.8 45.3 116.6 45.3 113.3 47.0 109.0 47.5 97.9 48.2 87.4 49.38 130.8 46.1 122.2 46.1 118.8 47.9 113.3 48.4 102.1 49.0 91.3 50.010 142.9 47.7 133.0 47.7 128.5 49.5 121.7 50.1 110.2 50.6 99.1 52.012 152.5 48.9 141.2 48.9 136.6 51.6 129.6 51.6 117.9 52.3 106.4 53.715 166.1 51.4 154.3 51.4 149.5 54.1 142.3 54.3 130.2 54.8 118.2 56.46 135.2 41.6 127.9 45.2 124.9 46.9 120.2 49.4 110.2 54.4 104.2 57.37 139.3 41.9 131.5 45.7 128.7 47.4 124.0 49.9 113.7 54.8 107.5 57.78 142.3 42.8 134.6 46.7 131.4 48.2 126.6 50.9 116.1 55.7 109.7 58.910 147.9 44.5 140.0 48.5 136.8 50.2 131.7 52.9 120.8 57.9 114.2 61.012 153.3 46.3 145.2 50.3 141.8 52.1 136.7 54.8 125.4 60.0 118.6 63.315 161.2 49.1 152.7 53.4 149.2 55.1 143.8 58.1 132.2 63.5 125.1 66.76 154.5 45.3 146.5 49.2 143.2 50.9 138.3 53.4 126.8 57.8 115.2 62.07 159.4 45.8 151.4 49.7 148.0 51.3 142.9 53.9 130.9 58.3 119.0 62.48 164.0 46.8 155.7 50.7 152.2 52.4 146.9 54.9 134.7 59.3 122.4 63.510 173.2 48.8 164.5 52.7 160.8 54.4 155.2 57.0 142.4 61.5 129.4 65.612 182.6 50.8 173.3 54.9 169.4 56.6 163.6 59.2 150.1 63.8 136.5 67.915 196.7 54.2 186.8 58.3 182.7 60.1 176.5 62.7 161.9 67.4 147.2 71.46 165.3 49.0 156.5 53.3 152.7 55.2 147.2 57.9 135.0 63.4 127.7 66.87 170.4 49.7 161.2 54.1 157.5 55.8 151.7 58.7 139.2 64.0 131.6 67.38 173.8 50.8 164.5 55.2 160.6 57.0 154.7 59.9 142.0 65.3 134.2 68.710 180.3 53.0 170.6 57.4 166.8 59.4 160.8 62.3 147.4 68.0 139.5 71.412 186.8 55.3 176.8 60.0 172.6 61.9 166.5 64.9 152.7 70.7 144.5 74.215 195.9 59.0 185.6 63.7 181.2 65.8 174.7 69.0 160.4 75.1 151.9 78.70.0 Data out of the operating limitsLCLT: Leaving chilled <strong>liquid</strong> temperature Cool kW: Cooling capacityPower kW: Unit power input, including the power input of the compressors, fans, control circuitand power input of the <strong>liquid</strong> pump to overcome unit pressure drop.Page G.9Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

DATA REQUIREDTo select a YORK YCCD glycol <strong>chiller</strong>, the following informationis required.1. Required cooling capacity.2. Design chilled <strong>liquid</strong> entering and leaving temperatures.3. Design chilled <strong>liquid</strong> flow rate.4. Design condenser entering <strong>air</strong> temperature. This will normallybe the design summer ambient <strong>air</strong> temperature unlesslocation or other factors have an influence.5. Altitude above sea level.6. Design cooler fouling factor.7. Static pressure resistance against condenser entering andleaving <strong>air</strong>flow where ducts, louvres, attenuators, etc., areused, at full unit <strong>air</strong> flow.Note: Items 1, 2 and 3 must be linked by the following formulae:Cooling capacity (kW) = Range (°C) x Flow (l/s)Glycol FactorWhere:Range = Entering chilled <strong>liquid</strong> temperature - leaving chilled<strong>liquid</strong> temperature.To determine Glycol Factor refer to Figure 3 for ethylene glycolor Figure 5 for propylene glycol. For the design leavingtemperature look up the recommended concentration of glycoland the Glycol Factor at this concentration. This is the minimumconcentration which should be used for the design leavingtemperature. If a higher concentration is desired the GlycolFactor can be determined from Figure 4 for the ethylene glycolor Figure 6 for propylene glycol.SELECTION METHOD1. Determine the correct model of <strong>chiller</strong> by selecting the modelwhich most closely matches the required capacity at thedesign conditions of leaving chilled <strong>liquid</strong> temperature andentering <strong>air</strong> temperature.2. Apply the relevant correction factors for fouling factor andaltitude (Tables 3 and 4) and glycol concentration (Figures 3or 5), to the capacity and power values from the capacitytables. Ensure the corrected capacity is still sufficient forrequirements.3. Using the corrected capacity of the selected <strong>chiller</strong>, adjust thedesign temperature range, or flow rate, to balance theformulae shown in “Data Required”.4. Physical and electrical data can now be determined fromTables 12 and 13.5. Always re-check that selections fall within the designlimitations specified (Table 2).GLYCOL SELECTION GUIDESAMPLE SELECTIONA <strong>chiller</strong> is required for cooling propylene glycol from 4°C to -1°Chaving a required duty of 48 kW.The following design conditions apply:Fouling Factor:0.088m °C/kWAltitude:1200mAmbient <strong>air</strong>: 30°CGlycol Strength:27% w/wFor propylene glycol leaving at - 1°C the recommendedconcentration from Figure 5 is 27%. The specified strength istherefore suitable.From ratings using an "Ethylene Glycol" temperature of "-2°C"leaving temperature (Propylene Glycol capacity = EthyleneGlycol capacity at 1°C lower temperature) at 30°C <strong>air</strong> aYCCD 105 gives 49,6 kW capacity and 20,4 kW power (table 9).From the design fouling factor, corrections of Capacity x 0.987and power x 0.995 apply (Table 3).From the design altitude, corrections of Capacity x 0.973 andpower x 1.020 apply (Table 4).From the design glycol strength, corrections of Capacity x 1.040and power x 1.010 apply, (Interpolation from Table 9).Applying these factors to the selection: YCCD 105Capacity = 49.6 x 0.987 x 0.973 x 1.040 = 49.5 kWCompressor Power = 20.4 x 0.995 x 1.020 x 1.010 = 20.9 kWFor the glycol concentration specified and a leaving chilled <strong>liquid</strong>temperature of - 1°C, Figure 6 shows a Glycol Factor of 0.243.The flow rate can be determined, therefore, from the formulashown in "Data Required".49.6 kW = (4 - (-1)) x Flow (l/s)0.243Flow rate = 49.6 x 0.243 = 2.4 (l/s)5This satisfies the Operating Limits.Cooler pressure drop can be found by taking the value of waterpressure drop Figure 2, for a YCCD 105 and multiplying by thecorrection factor (Figure 8), for 27% strength and a meantemperature of 1.5°C,i.e. (4 + (-1))/2°C:12.5 kPa x 1.25 = 15.6 kPaPage G.10Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB


TABLE 8YCCD COOLING CAPACITIES (35% ETHYLENE GLYCOL)ModelYCCD 60YCCD 75YCCD 90YCCD 105YCCD 120YCCD 150YCCD 170YCCD 190YCCD 210Condenser Entering Air Temperature °CLCLT 25 30 3235 40 43Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power°C kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW-8 27.3 13.3 25.1 13.7 24.2 13.8 22.8 13.9 20.5 14.1 19.2 14.4-6 30.2 13.9 27.7 14.3 26.7 14.5 25.2 14.6 22.7 14.8 21.2 15.1-4 33.3 14.6 30.6 15.0 29.4 15.2 27.8 15.3 25.0 15.5 23.4 15.8-2 36.5 15.3 33.5 15.7 32.3 15.9 30.5 16.0 27.4 16.3 25.6 16.50 39.9 16.0 36.7 16.4 35.3 16.6 33.3 16.8 29.9 17.0 28.0 17.34 47.2 17.4 43.4 17.9 41.8 18.1 39.5 18.3 35.5 18.5 33.2 18.8-8 31.3 15.5 28.8 15.9 27.7 16.1 26.2 16.3 23.5 16.5 22.0 16.8-6 34.6 16.3 31.8 16.7 30.6 16.9 28.9 17.1 26.0 17.3 24.3 17.6-4 38.1 17.1 35.0 17.5 33.8 17.7 31.8 17.9 28.6 18.1 26.8 18.4-2 41.8 17.9 38.4 18.4 37.0 18.5 34.9 18.7 31.4 19.0 29.4 19.30 45.7 18.7 42.0 19.2 40.5 19.4 38.2 19.6 34.3 19.9 32.1 20.24 54.2 20.3 49.8 20.9 48.0 21.1 45.2 21.3 40.6 21.6 38.1 22.0-8 33.9 15.4 32.6 16.8 31.9 17.3 31.0 18.2 27.7 19.7 25.8 20.7-6 37.5 16.2 36.0 17.6 35.3 18.2 34.3 19.1 30.7 20.7 28.6 21.7-4 41.3 17.0 39.6 18.4 38.9 19.1 37.8 20.0 33.8 21.7 31.4 22.7-2 45.3 17.8 43.5 19.3 42.7 19.9 41.4 20.9 37.0 22.7 34.5 23.80 49.6 18.6 47.5 20.2 46.7 20.9 45.3 21.9 40.5 23.7 37.7 24.94 58.7 20.2 56.3 22.0 55.2 22.7 53.7 23.8 48.0 25.8 44.7 27.1-8 38.5 17.9 37.2 19.6 36.6 20.3 35.8 21.4 32.9 23.2 31.1 24.5-6 42.5 18.8 41.1 20.5 40.5 21.3 39.6 22.4 36.3 24.4 34.4 25.7-4 46.8 19.7 45.3 21.5 44.6 22.3 43.6 23.5 40.0 25.6 37.9 26.9-2 51.4 20.6 49.6 22.5 48.9 23.3 47.8 24.6 43.9 26.7 41.6 28.20 56.2 21.6 54.3 23.5 53.5 24.4 52.3 25.7 48.0 28.0 45.4 29.44 66.5 23.5 64.3 25.6 63.4 26.6 61.9 28.0 56.9 30.5 53.8 32.1-8 52.1 25.6 47.9 26.3 46.1 26.6 43.5 26.9 39.1 27.2 36.6 27.7-6 57.6 26.9 52.9 27.6 51.0 27.9 48.1 28.2 43.2 28.6 40.5 29.0-4 63.4 28.2 58.3 28.9 56.1 29.2 53.0 29.5 47.6 29.9 44.6 30.4-2 69.6 29.5 63.9 30.3 61.6 30.6 58.1 30.9 52.2 31.3 48.9 31.80 76.1 30.8 69.9 31.7 67.4 31.9 63.5 32.3 57.1 32.8 53.5 33.34 90.1 33.6 82.8 34.5 79.8 34.8 75.2 35.2 67.6 35.7 63.3 36.2-8 59.4 31.5 54.5 32.3 52.6 32.6 49.6 33.0 44.5 33.5 41.7 34.0-6 65.6 33.0 60.3 33.9 58.1 34.2 54.8 34.6 49.2 35.1 46.1 35.6-4 72.3 34.6 66.4 35.5 64.0 35.9 60.4 36.3 54.2 36.8 50.8 37.3-2 79.3 36.2 72.8 37.2 70.2 37.5 66.2 38.0 59.5 38.5 55.7 39.10 86.7 37.9 79.6 38.9 76.8 39.2 72.4 39.7 65.0 40.2 60.9 40.94 102.7 41.2 94.3 42.4 90.9 42.8 85.7 43.2 77.0 43.8 72.2 44.5-8 67.7 29.7 64.1 32.4 62.6 33.6 60.3 35.4 55.3 38.8 52.3 41.0-6 74.9 31.1 70.9 34.0 69.2 35.2 66.7 37.1 61.1 40.7 57.8 43.0-4 82.5 32.6 78.0 35.6 76.2 36.9 73.4 38.9 67.3 42.7 63.6 45.1-2 90.5 34.2 85.6 37.3 83.6 38.6 80.5 40.7 73.9 44.7 69.8 47.20 98.9 35.7 93.6 39.0 91.4 40.4 88.1 42.6 80.8 46.7 76.3 49.34 117.2 38.9 110.9 42.5 108.2 44.0 104.3 46.4 95.6 50.9 90.4 53.7-8 74.5 34.7 70.8 37.7 69.2 38.9 66.8 40.8 61.2 44.3 57.9 46.5-6 82.4 36.4 78.2 39.5 76.5 40.9 73.8 42.8 67.7 46.4 64.0 48.7-4 90.7 38.1 86.1 41.4 84.2 42.8 81.3 44.9 74.5 48.7 70.4 51.1-2 99.5 39.9 94.5 43.3 92.4 44.8 89.2 47.0 81.8 50.9 77.3 53.50 108.9 41.7 103.3 45.3 101.0 46.8 97.5 49.1 89.4 53.2 84.5 55.94 128.9 45.4 122.4 49.4 119.6 51.0 115.5 53.5 105.9 58.0 100.1 60.9-8 82.5 36.0 78.0 39.2 76.1 40.5 73.4 42.6 67.3 46.5 63.6 48.9-6 91.2 37.8 86.2 41.1 84.2 42.5 81.1 44.7 74.4 48.8 70.4 51.3-4 100.4 39.6 94.9 43.1 92.7 44.5 89.3 46.8 81.9 51.2 77.5 53.8-2 110.1 41.4 104.1 45.1 101.7 46.6 98.0 49.0 89.9 53.5 85.0 56.30 120.4 43.3 113.9 47.1 111.2 48.7 107.1 51.2 98.3 56.0 92.9 58.94 142.6 47.2 134.8 51.3 131.7 53.0 126.9 55.8 116.4 61.0 110.1 64.1LCLT: Leaving chilled <strong>liquid</strong> temperatureCool kW: Cooling capacityPower kW: Unit power input, including the power input of the compressors, fans, control circuitand power input of the <strong>liquid</strong> pump to overcome unit pressure drop.TABLE 9COOLING CAPACITY CORRECTION FACTORSFOR OTHER GLYCOL CONCENTRATIONSEthylene GlycolPropylene Glycol% By Weight Capacity Compressor Capacity CompressorFactor Input Factor Factor Input Factor10 1.061 1.025 1.097 1.03320 1.036 1.015 1.067 1.02330 1.015 1.005 1.026 1.00835 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00040 0.985 0.995 0.974 0.99250 0.954 0.985 0.923 0.977If a selection at different glycol percentage is required, multiply the capacity and input power valuestable 8 (35% ethylene glycol) by the capacity and input factors for the new glycol percentages.Page G.12Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

YCCD LN COOLING CAPACITIES (35% ETHYLENE GLYCOL) TABLE 10ModelYCCD 60 LNYCCD 75 LNYCCD 90 LNYCCD 105 LNYCCD 120 LNYCCD 150 LNYCCD 170 LNYCCD 190 LNYCCD 210 LNCodenser entering Air Temperature °C25 30 32 35 40 43LCLT Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power Cool Power°C kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW-8 28.3 13.4 26.0 13.8 25.1 13.9 23.6 14.1 21.2 14.3 19.9 14.5-6 31.3 14.1 28.7 14.5 27.7 14.6 26.1 14.8 23.5 15.0 22.0 15.2-4 34.5 14.7 31.7 15.2 30.5 15.3 28.8 15.5 25.9 15.7 24.2 15.9-2 37.8 15.4 34.7 15.9 33.5 16.0 31.6 16.2 28.4 16.4 26.6 16.70 41.3 16.1 38.0 16.6 36.6 16.7 34.5 16.9 31.0 17.2 29.1 17.44 49.0 17.6 45.0 18.1 43.3 18.2 40.9 18.4 36.7 18.7 34.4 19.0-8 31.6 15.7 29.0 16.1 28.0 16.3 26.4 16.5 23.7 16.7 22.2 17.0-6 34.9 16.5 32.1 16.9 30.9 17.1 29.2 17.3 26.2 17.5 24.5 17.8-4 38.4 17.3 35.3 17.7 34.0 17.9 32.1 18.1 28.8 18.4 27.0 18.6-2 42.2 18.1 38.8 18.6 37.3 18.7 35.2 19.0 31.7 19.2 29.6 19.50 46.1 18.9 42.4 19.4 40.8 19.6 38.5 19.8 34.6 20.1 32.4 20.44 54.6 20.6 50.2 21.2 48.4 21.3 45.6 21.6 41.0 21.9 38.4 22.2-8 34.7 15.8 33.3 17.2 32.7 17.7 31.8 18.6 28.4 20.2 26.4 21.2-6 38.4 16.6 36.8 18.0 36.1 18.6 35.1 19.5 31.4 21.2 29.2 22.2-4 42.3 17.4 40.6 18.9 39.8 19.5 38.7 20.5 34.6 22.2 32.2 23.3-2 46.4 18.2 44.5 19.7 43.7 20.4 42.4 21.4 37.9 23.2 35.3 24.40 50.7 19.0 48.7 20.6 47.7 21.3 46.4 22.4 41.5 24.3 38.6 25.54 60.1 20.7 57.6 22.5 56.5 23.3 54.9 24.4 49.1 26.4 45.7 27.7-8 37.1 19.2 35.9 21.0 35.4 21.7 34.6 22.9 31.7 24.9 29.3 26.2-6 41.1 20.2 39.7 22.0 39.1 22.8 38.2 24.0 35.1 26.1 32.4 27.5-4 45.2 21.1 43.7 23.0 43.1 23.9 42.1 25.2 38.6 27.4 35.7 28.8-2 49.6 22.1 47.9 24.1 47.2 25.0 46.2 26.3 42.4 28.7 39.1 30.20 54.2 23.1 52.4 25.2 51.6 26.1 50.5 27.5 46.4 30.0 42.8 31.64 64.2 25.2 62.1 27.5 61.2 28.5 59.8 30.0 54.9 32.7 50.7 34.4-8 53.1 25.5 48.7 26.2 47.0 26.4 44.3 26.7 39.8 27.1 37.3 27.5-6 58.6 26.7 53.9 27.5 51.9 27.7 49.0 28.0 44.0 28.4 41.2 28.9-4 64.6 28.0 59.3 28.8 57.2 29.0 53.9 29.4 48.5 29.8 45.4 30.2-2 70.9 29.3 65.1 30.1 62.7 30.4 59.2 30.7 53.2 31.2 49.8 31.60 77.5 30.6 71.2 31.5 68.6 31.8 64.7 32.1 58.1 32.6 54.4 33.14 91.7 33.4 84.3 34.3 81.2 34.6 76.6 35.0 68.8 35.5 64.5 36.0-8 60.4 31.0 55.5 31.8 53.5 32.1 50.5 32.5 45.4 32.9 42.5 33.4-6 66.8 32.5 61.4 33.4 59.2 33.7 55.8 34.1 50.1 34.5 47.0 35.1-4 73.6 34.0 67.6 35.0 65.1 35.3 61.4 35.7 55.2 36.2 51.7 36.7-2 80.7 35.6 74.2 36.6 71.5 36.9 67.4 37.4 60.6 37.9 56.7 38.40 88.3 37.2 81.1 38.3 78.1 38.6 73.7 39.1 66.2 39.6 62.0 40.24 104.5 40.6 96.0 41.7 92.5 42.1 87.3 42.5 78.4 43.1 73.5 43.8-8 65.9 30.5 62.4 33.6 60.9 34.9 58.7 36.8 53.8 40.4 50.9 42.6-6 72.9 32.1 69.0 35.3 67.3 36.6 64.9 38.6 59.5 42.4 56.2 44.7-4 80.2 33.6 75.9 37.0 74.1 38.4 71.4 40.5 65.5 44.4 61.9 46.8-2 88.0 35.2 83.3 38.7 81.3 40.1 78.4 42.4 71.9 46.5 67.9 49.00 96.3 36.7 91.1 40.4 88.9 42.0 85.7 44.3 78.6 48.6 74.3 51.24 114.0 40.0 107.9 44.0 105.3 45.7 101.5 48.2 93.1 52.9 88.0 55.8-8 74.7 34.4 70.9 37.4 69.3 38.7 66.9 40.6 61.3 44.0 58.0 46.1-6 82.6 36.1 78.4 39.2 76.6 40.6 74.0 42.6 67.8 46.1 64.1 48.4-4 90.9 37.9 86.3 41.1 84.4 42.5 81.4 44.6 74.7 48.3 70.6 50.7-2 99.7 39.6 94.7 43.0 92.6 44.5 89.4 46.7 81.9 50.6 77.4 53.10 109.1 41.4 103.5 45.0 101.2 46.5 97.7 48.8 89.6 52.9 84.7 55.54 129.2 45.1 122.6 49.0 119.9 50.7 115.7 53.2 106.1 57.6 100.3 60.5-8 79.6 36.5 75.3 39.9 73.5 41.4 70.8 43.7 65.0 48.0 61.5 50.6-6 88.0 38.3 83.2 41.9 81.3 43.4 78.3 45.8 71.8 50.4 67.9 53.0-4 96.9 40.1 91.6 43.9 89.5 45.5 86.2 48.0 79.1 52.8 74.8 55.6-2 106.3 42.0 100.5 46.0 98.2 47.6 94.6 50.2 86.8 55.2 82.1 58.20 116.2 43.9 109.9 48.1 107.4 49.8 103.4 52.5 94.9 57.7 89.7 60.84 137.6 47.8 130.2 52.4 127.1 54.2 122.5 57.2 112.4 62.9 106.3 66.3LCLT: Leaving chilled <strong>liquid</strong> temperatureCool kW: Cooling capacityPower kW: Unit power input, including the power input of the compressors, fans and control circuitand power input of the <strong>liquid</strong> pump to overcome unit pressure drop.Page G.13Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

TABLE 11SOUND POWER LEVELS (FREQUENCY ANALYSIS (SPECTRUM))YCCD STDFREQUENCY (Hz)dB(A)Model 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 800060 86 84 83 82 80 70 59 8775 86 84 83 82 80 70 59 8790 87 85 84 83 81 71 60 88105 88 86 85 84 82 72 61 89120 89 87 86 85 83 73 62 90150 89 87 86 85 83 73 62 90170 86 90 87 87 85 81 72 93190 87 91 88 88 86 82 73 94210 87 91 88 88 86 82 73 94YCCD LNFREQUENCY (Hz)dB(A)Model 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 800060 77 75 74 73 71 61 50 7875 77 75 74 73 71 61 50 7890 77 75 74 73 71 61 50 78105 80 78 77 76 74 64 53 81120 78 76 75 74 72 62 51 79150 81 79 78 77 75 65 54 82170 76 80 77 77 75 71 62 83190 78 82 79 79 77 73 64 85210 78 82 79 79 77 73 64 85YCCD HTFREQUENCY (Hz)dB(A)Model 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 800060 87 85 84 83 81 71 60 8875 87 85 84 83 81 71 60 8890 90 88 87 86 84 74 63 91105 90 88 87 86 84 74 63 91120 92 90 89 88 86 76 65 93150 92 90 89 88 86 76 65 93170 87 91 88 88 86 82 73 94190 88 92 89 89 87 83 74 95210 88 92 89 89 87 83 74 95Page G.14Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

PHYSICAL DATA (Standard Units) TABLE 12YCCD60 75 90 105Number of refrigerant circuits 2 2 2 2Total capacity steps 2 2 2 2Compressor Number 2 2 2 2Theoretical displacement m³/h 36.16 43.16 37.7 43.5No. of cylinders 3 3 SCROLL SCROLLNominal speed rpm 2950 2950 2950 2950Oil charge (per compressor) l 2.8 2.8 4 6.6Oil type 098L00565-000098L00637-000No. of loading stages % 50-100 50-100 50-100 50-100Evaporator Number 1 1 1 1Type Plate Plate Plate PlateWater volume l 5.5 6 6.5 7.9Air Total coil face area m² 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3<strong>cooled</strong> Number of coils 2 2 2 2Condenser Number of rows 2 2 3 3Fans Number of fans 2 2 2 2Nominal speed rpm 910 910 910 910Total <strong>air</strong>flow m³/s 5.3 5.3 6.1 6.1Total power (standard fans) kW 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96Total power (high pressure fans) kW 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96Refrigerant Circuit 1 kg 6.0 6.5 8.5 12.0Charge Circuit 2 kg 6.0 6.5 8.5 12.0WeightOperating kg 719 744 912 957(aluminum fins) Shipping kg 698 725 891 935Additional weight for copper fin coils kg 61 64 80 85Sound power level (2) dB(A) 87 87 88 89Sound pressure level at 10 m (3) dB(A) 56 56 57 58Dimensions Length mm 2110 2110 2110 2110Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110Height mm 1810 1810 1810 1810YCCD120 150 170 190 210Number of refrigerant circuits 2 2 2 2 2Total capacity steps 2 2 4 4 4Compressor Number 2 2 4 4 4Theoretical displacement m³/h 76.85 88.94 72.5 81.2 87No. of cylinders 6 6 SCROLL SCROLL SCROLLNominal speed rpm 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950Oil charge (per compressor) l 6.6 6.6 10.4 10.6 13.2Oil type 098L00565-000098L00637-000No. of loading stages % 50-100 50-100 20-50-70-100 25-50-75-100 25-50-75-100Evaporator Number 1 1 1 1 1Type Plate Plate Plate Plate PlateWater volume l 9.4 11.3 12.4 14.6 14.6Air Total coil face area m² 6.1 6.1 8.7 8.7 8.7<strong>cooled</strong> Number of coils 2 2 4 4 4Condenser Number of rows 3 4 3 3 4Fans Number of fans 3 3 3 3 3Nominal speed rpm 910 910 910 910 910Total <strong>air</strong>flow m³/s 7.5 7.2 12.3 12.3 11.7Total power (standard fans) kW 1.44 1.44 2.94 2.94 2.94Total power (high pressure fans) kW 2.94 2.94 4.2 4.2 4.2Refrigerant Circuit 1 kg 10.5 11.5 18.5 19.5 25.0Charge Circuit 2 kg 10.5 11.5 18.5 19.5 25.0WeightOperating kg 1021 1099 1434 1473 1578(aluminum fins) Shipping kg 992 1067 1422 1458 1563Additional weight for copper fin coils kg 90 98 133 137 147Sound power level (1) dB(A) 90 90 93 94 94Sound pressure level at 10 m (2) dB(A) 59 59 62 63 63Dimensions Length mm 2760 2760 3450 3450 3450Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110Height mm 1810 1810 2170 2170 2170(1) Sound levels are at fully loaded conditions. Sound power level values refer to ISO standard 3744 and Eurovent 8/1(2) Sound pressure level values refer to ISO standard 3744Page G.15Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

TABLE 12PHYSICAL DATA (Low Noise Units)YCCD LN60 75 90 105Number of refrigerant circuits 2 2 2 2Total capacity steps 2 2 2 2Compressor Number 2 2 2 2Theoretical displacement m³/h 36.16 43.16 37.7 43.5No. of cylinders 3 3 SCROLL SCROLLNominal speed rpm 2950 2950 2950 2950Oil charge (per compressor) l 2.8 2.8 4 6.6Oil type 098L00565-000098L00637-000No. of loading stages % 50-100 50-100 50-100 50-100Evaporator Number 1 1 1 1Type Plate Plate Plate PlateWater volume l 5.5 6 6.5 7.9Air Total coil face area m² 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3<strong>cooled</strong> Number of coils 2 2 2 2Condenser Number of rows 2 2 3 3Fans Number of fans 2 2 2 2Nominal speed rpm 580 580 580 680Total <strong>air</strong>flow m³/s 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.2Total power kW 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4Refrigerant Circuit 1 kg 6.0 6.5 8.5 12.0Charge Circuit 2 kg 6.0 6.5 8.5 12.0WeightOperating kg 763 790 956 968(aluminum fins) Shipping kg 743 770 935 945Additional weight for copper fin coils kg 65 68 85 85Sound power level (1) dB(A) 78 78 78 81Sound pressure level at 10 m (2) dB(A) 47 47 47 50Dimensions Length mm 2110 2110 2110 2110Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110Height mm 1890 1890 1890 1890YCCD LN120 150 170 190 210Number of refrigerant circuits 2 2 2 2 2Total capacity steps 2 2 4 4 4Compressor Number 2 2 4 4 4Theoretical displacement m³/h 76.85 88.94 72.5 81.2 87No. of cylinders 6 6 SCROLL SCROLL SCROLLNominal speed rpm 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950Oil charge (per compressor) l 6.6 6.6 10.4 10.6 13.2Oil type 098L00565-000098L00637-000No. of loading stages % 50-100 50-100 20-50-70-100 25-50-70-100 25-50-75-100Evaporator Number 1 1 1 1 1Type Plate Plate Plate Plate PlateWater volume l 9.4 11.3 12.4 12.4 14.6Air Total coil face area m² 6.1 6.1 8.7 8.7 8.7<strong>cooled</strong> Number of coils 2 2 4 4 4Condenser Number of rows 3 4 4 4 4Fans Number of fans 3 3 3 3 3Nominal speed rpm 580 680 500 500 700Total <strong>air</strong>flow m³/s 5.6 7.0 7.9 9.6 9.6Total power kW 2.1 2.1 4.2 4.2 4.2Refrigerant Circuit 1 kg 11.0 11.5 21.0 22.0 25.0Charge Circuit 2 kg 11.0 11.5 21.0 22.0 25.0WeightOperating kg 1086 1111 1524 1563 1596(aluminum fins) Shipping kg 1056 1080 1512 1548 1581Additional weight for copper fin coils kg 97 99 142 146 149Sound power level (1) dB(A) 79 82 83 85 85Sound pressure level at 10 m (2) dB(A) 48 51 52 54 54Dimensions Length mm 2760 2760 3450 3450 3450Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110Height mm 1890 1890 2170 2170 2170(1) Sound levels are at fully loaded conditions. Sound power level values refer to ISO standard 3744 and Eurovent 8/1(2) Sound pressure level values refer to ISO standard 3744Page G.16Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

PHYSICAL DATA (High Temperature Units) TABLE 12YCCD HT60 75 90 105Number of refrigerant circuits 2 2 2 2Total capacity steps 2 2 2 2Compressor Number 2 2 2 2Theoretical displacement m³/h 36.16 43.16 37.7 43.5No. of cylinders 3 3 SCROLL SCROLLNominal speed rpm 2950 2950 2950 2950Oil charge (per compressor) l 2.8 2.8 4 6.6Oil type 098L00565-000098L00637-000No. of loading stages % 50-100 50-100 50-100 50-100Evaporator Number 1 1 1 1Type Plate Plate Plate PlateWater volume l 5.5 6 6.5 7.9Air Total coil face area m² 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3<strong>cooled</strong> Number of coils 2 2 2 2Condenser Number of rows 2 2 3 3Fans Number of fans 2 2 2 2Nominal speed rpm 910 910 910 910Total <strong>air</strong>flow m³/s 5.2 5.2 7.2 6.9Total power kW 0.96 0.96 1.96 1.96Refrigerant Circuit 1 kg 6.5 7.5 8.5 12.0Charge Circuit 2 kg 6.5 7.5 8.5 12.0WeightOperating kg 755 784 923 968(aluminum fins) Shipping kg 735 763 901 946Additional weight for copper fin coils kg 64 67 81 86Sound power level (1) dB(A) 88 88 91 91Sound pressure level at 10 m (2) dB(A) 57 57 60 60Dimensions Length mm 2110 2110 2110 2110Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110Height mm 1810 1810 1890 1890YCCD HT120 150 170 190 210Number of refrigerant circuits 2 2 2 2 2Total capacity steps 2 2 4 4 4Compressor Number 2 2 4 4 4Theoretical displacement m³/h 76.85 88.94 72.5 72.5 87No. of cylinders 6 6 SCROLL SCROLL SCROLLNominal speed rpm 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950Oil charge (per compressor) l 6.6 6.6 10.4 10.6 13.2Oil type 098L00565-000098L00637-000No. of loading stages % 50-100 50-100 20-50-70-100 25-50-70-100 25-50-75-100Evaporator Number 1 1 1 1 1Type Plate Plate Plate Plate PlateWater volume l 9.4 11.3 12.4 12.4 14.6Air Total coil face area m² 6.1 6.1 8.7 8.7 8.7<strong>cooled</strong> Number of coils 2 2 4 4 4Condenser Number of rows 3 4 4 3 4Fans Number of fans 3 3 3 3 3Nominal speed rpm 910 910 900 900 900Total <strong>air</strong>flow m³/s 10.0 9.4 15.2 15.2 14.4Total power kW 2.94 2.94 4.2 4.2 4.2Refrigerant Circuit 1 kg 12.5 14.0 18.5 19.5 25.0Charge Circuit 2 kg 12.5 14.0 18.5 19.5 25.0WeightOperating kg 1040 1115 1458 1497 1596(aluminum fins) Shipping kg 1011 1085 1443 1482 1581Additional weight for copper fin coils kg 92 100 135 139 149Sound power level (1) dB(A) 93 93 94 95 95Sound pressure level at 10 m (2) dB(A) 62 62 63 64 64Dimensions Length mm 2760 2760 3450 3450 3450Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110Height mm 1890 1890 2170 2170 2170(1) Sound levels are at fully loaded conditions. Sound power level values refer to ISO standard 3744 and Eurovent 8/1(2) Sound pressure level values refer to ISO standard 3744Page G.17Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

ELECTRICAL DATA TABLE 13Compressor DataYCCDSystemPower Input atNominal (1) percomp (kW)Operating ConditionPower Input atMaximum (2) perCurrent perComp.comp (kW) Nominal (1) (A)Current perComp.Maximum (2) (A)DOL StartingCurrent perComp. (A)@400 V @400 V @400 V @400 V @400 V60 Sys. 1+ 2 9.3 11.0 14.9 17.88075 Sys. 1+ 2 11.0 14.0 18.2 22.5 12690 Sys. 1+ 2 12.7 13.8 21.5 23.0135105 Sys. 1+ 2 15.0 16.8 26.5 29.0 175120 Sys. 1+ 2 18.1 24.0 31.4 39.8190150 Sys. 1+ 2 22.4 29.0 37.8 47.5 215170 Sys. 1+ 2 9.6 15.0 11.1 16.8 16.9 26.5 18.8 29.0 120 175190 Sys. 1+ 2 12.7 15.0 13.8 16.8 21.5 26.5 23.0 29.0 135 175210 Sys. 1+ 2 15.0 15.0 16.8 16.8 26.5 26.5 29.0 29.0 175 175(1) Nominal conditions taken at 7 o C leaving chilled water temperature and 35 o C ambient temperature(2) Maximum conditions for the compressor taken at 15 o C leaving chilled water temperature and 43 o C ambient temperatureLRAFan DataYCCDNumber of fansPower input per fan (kW)Full load Amps per fan (A)Power input per fan (kW)Full load Amps per fan (A)YCCD LNNumber of fansPower input per fan (kW)Full load Amps per fan (A)YCCD HTNumber of fansPower input per fan (kW)Full load Amps per fan (A)60 75 90 105 120 150 170 190 2102 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3Standard Fans0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.98 0.98 0.980.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 1.75 1.75 1.75High Pressure Fans0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 1.4 1.4 1.41.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 2.9 2.9 2.960 75 90 105 120 150 170 190 2102 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 30.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.81 0.81 0.811.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.70 1.70 1.7060 75 90 105 120 150 170 190 2102 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 30.48 0.48 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 1.40 1.40 1.400.93 0.93 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 2.90 2.90 2.90Page G.18Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS (YCCD Models 60 -150 Standard Control)YCCD TERMINAL BOARDEXTERNAL TERMINAL BOARDMAIN SWITCHL1L2L3LINE400-3+PE-50HzKEYEXTERNAL EQUIPMENT TERMINALSVOLTAGE FREE CONTACTUNIT ELECTRICAL TERMINALSCUSTOMER WIRING12FLOW SWITCH OREXTERNAL INTERLOCK34INTERLOCK(OPTIONAL)CIRC PUMP ETC56(COMMON)(NO)REMOTE INDICATIONGENERAL ALARM1011COOLREMOTEON/OFF CONTROL3536REMOTE INDICATIONVOLTAGE ON37383940COMPRESSOR '1' ONCOMPRESSOR '2' ONREMOTEINDICATION1038PUMP RELAYMAX 0.5 AMP 230V14ANTIFREEZE RELAYMAX 0.5 AMP 230VPUMP 1 ON104105REMOTEINDICATIONPUMP 2 ONANTIFREEZEHEATER ON106107108109PUMP MOTOR 1 OR 2THERMAL OVERLOADCUTOUT110111The following connections are required:• One 400-3-50 Hz supply plus earth.• Control interlocks if required.The power connections and interlocks can be made to a single terminal strip. Supply cables should enter the unit via a holeprovided.Mains isolator switches should be located adjacent to the unit and should incorporate provision for locking in the off position.Installation of differential safety cut-outs is recommended to prevent damage due to phase failure.Page G.19Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS (YCCD Models 60 -150 Optional ISN Control)YCCD TERMINAL BOARDEXTERNAL TERMINAL BOARDMAIN SWITCHL1L2L3LINE400-3+PE-50HzKEYEXTERNAL EQUIPMENT TERMINALSVOLTAGE FREE CONTACTUNIT ELECTRICAL TERMINALSCUSTOMER WIRING12FLOW SWITCH OREXTERNAL INTERLOCK3456INTERLOCK(OPTIONAL)CIRC PUMP ETCCOMMONN.O. SYSTEM 1 GENERAL ALARM7N.O. SYSTEM 2 GENERAL ALARM101118COOLICEBUILDINGREMOTEMODESELECTION1920PWM TEMP RESET3536REMOTE INDICATIONVOLTAGE ON37383940COMPRESSOR '1' ONCOMPRESSOR '2' ONREMOTEINDICATION1038PUMP RELAYMAX 0.5 AMP 230V14ANTIFREEZE RELAYMAX 0.5 AMP 230VPUMP 1 ON104105REMOTEINDICATIONPUMP 2 ONANTIFREEZEHEATER ON106107108109PUMP MOTOR 1 OR 2THERMAL OVERLOADCUTOUT110111The following connections are required:• One 400-3-50 Hz supply plus earth.• Control interlocks if required.The power connections and interlocks can be made to a single terminal strip. Supply cables should enter the unit via a holeprovided.Mains isolator switches should be located adjacent to the unit and should incorporate provision for locking in the off position.Installation of differential safety cut-outs is recommended to prevent damage due to phase failure.Page G.20Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS (YCCD Models 170 -210 Standard ISN Control)YCCD TERMINAL BOARDMAIN SWITCHL1L2L3LINE400-3+PE-50HzEXTERNAL TERMINAL BOARDKEYEXTERNAL EQUIPMENT TERMINALSVOLTAGE FREE CONTACTUNIT ELECTRICAL TERMINALSCUSTOMER WIRING0102REMOTE START/STOP12FLOW SWITCH OREXTERNAL INTERLOCK34INTERLOCK(OPTIONAL)CIRC PUMP ETC5COMMON6N.O. SYSTEM 1 GENERAL ALARM7N.O. SYSTEM 2 GENERAL ALARM101118COOLICEBUILDINGREMOTEMODESELECTION1920PWM TEMP RESET3536REMOTE INDICATIONVOLTAGE ON37383940SYS. 1COMPRESSOR '1' ONSYS. 1COMPRESSOR '2' ONREMOTEINDICATION41424344SYS. 2COMPRESSOR '1' ONSYS. 2COMPRESSOR '2' ONREMOTEINDICATION1038PUMP RELAYMAX 0.5 AMP 230V14ANTIFREEZE RELAYMAX 0.5 AMP 230VHYDRO KIT TERMINAL BOARD (OPTIONAL)LINE400-3+PE-50HzMAIN SWITCHL1L2L3103814COMMONPUMP MOTOR RELAYANTIFREEZE RELAY104105PUMP 1 ON106107108109PUMP 2 ONANTIFREEZEHEATER ONREMOTEINDICATIONThe following connections are required:• One 400-3-50 Hz supply plus earth.• Control interlocks if required.110111PUMP MOTOR 1 OR 2THERMAL OVERLOADCUTOUTThe power connections and interlocks can be made to a single terminal strip. Supply cables should enter the unit via a holeprovided.Mains isolator switches should be located adjacent to the unit and should incorporate provision for locking in the off position.Installation of differential safety cut-outs is recommended to prevent damage due to phase failure.Page G.21Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

DIMENSIONSYCCD Models 60, 75, 90 and 10535 mmONLY FORTRANSPORTBACCCable EntryLifting PointLifting Point177 A17736,5 103736,51110VIEW A2" Female1100B(+35 mm ONLY FOR TRANSPORT)~778 ~456VIEW B~378VIEW CMODELVERSIONDIMENSION 'A'(mm)DIMENSION 'B'(mm)DIMENSION 'C'(mm)NUMBEROF FANSYCCD 60 STANDARD 1756 2110 1810 2LOW NOISE 1756 2110 1890 2HIGH TEMPERATURE 1756 2110 1810 2YCCD 75 STANDARD 1756 2110 1810 2LOW NOISE 1756 2110 1890 2HIGH TEMPERATURE 1756 2110 1810 2YCCD 90 STANDARD 1756 2110 1810 2LOW NOISE 1756 2110 1890 2HIGH TEMPERATURE 1756 2110 1890 2YCCD 105 STANDARD 1756 2110 1810 2LOW NOISE 1756 2110 1890 2HIGH TEMPERATURE 1756 2110 1890 2Page G.22Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

DIMENSIONSYCCD Models 120 and 15035 mmONLY FORTRANSPORTBACCCable EntryLifting PointLifting Point177 A17736,5 103736,51110VIEW A2" Female1100B(+35 mm ONLY FOR TRANSPORT)~778 ~456VIEW B~378VIEW CMODELVERSIONDIMENSION 'A'(mm)DIMENSION 'B'(mm)DIMENSION 'C'(mm)NUMBEROF FANSYCCD 120 STANDARD 2406 2760 1810 3LOW NOISE 2406 2760 1890 3HIGH TEMPERATURE 2406 2760 1890 3YCCD 150 STANDARD 2406 2760 1810 3LOW NOISE 2406 2760 1890 3HIGH TEMPERATURE 2406 2760 1890 3Page G.23Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

DIMENSIONS (continued)YCCD Models 170, 190 and 2103450 11102"Female2170A1498173 5192"Female15581017VIEW APage G.24Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

SPACE REQUIREMENTSSingle Unit Applications3000 mm1000 mm ( Models 60 - 150)1500 mm (Models 170 - 210)A1300 mm1000 mm1000 mm ( Models 60 - 150)1500 mm (Models 170 - 210)VIEW AMulti Unit ApplicationsAA1300 mmA =B =1000 mm ( Models 60 - 150)1500 mm (Models 170 - 210)1500 mm ( Models 60 - 150)2000 mm (Models 170 - 210)ABA1300 mm1300 mm1000 mm1000 mmPage G.25Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GB

Page G.26Doc. No. PC150/01.04/GBNOTES

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