Wing Ding 30 Official Program - Wing World Magazine Archives

Wing Ding 30 Official Program - Wing World Magazine Archives

Wing Ding 30 Official Program - Wing World Magazine Archives


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diers across the U.S., not just Illinois, who have died since Beirut to thepresent day.Every year we purchase dog tags with fallen soldiers’ names onthem.The money from these dog tags helps maintain and continue toadd names to the memorial, but it also is distributed to needy soldiers’families and to Veterans Hospitals. It is an honor for me to ride forthese soldiers. In the past, I’ve tried to locate the families of the menfor whom I have ridden so that I could mail them the dog tag and sendthem pictures of the Memorial with their loved one’s name. But I havenot been very successful.And here is how all Members of GWRRA can help out. If you knowof a family member, friend or an acquaintance who has died during theMideast Conflicts (since Bierut), please let us know.We would love toride for someone’s family member or friend. If you send me the soldier’sName and Rank, branch of service along with the date he/shewere in service in the Middle East and approximate date of their deathI can request that “Dog Tag” and then our chapter will ride with them.We will also take a picture of the memorial and their name on the walland a rubbing of the name and send them to you.To check out the memorial, visit www.ilfreedomrun.org.To contactour Chapter, visit http://www.chaptery.com and just send it to theChapter Director. I will try and answer any questions you might have.Always remember: Respect our Vets!Special Bragging Rights:Tribute to a Giving, CharitableMother and WifeMy name is Nancy Girard. Back in September, our parents were inan accident and my mother did not survive.My parents are Members of GWRRA, and my father received nonstopsupport from so many GWRRA Members. He asked me to writea tribute to my mom and try to put it in your magazine. It would meanthe world to him and to my brother, Steed, and I if you did.Last Labour Day, we lost our loving mother Lise Girard. This is atribute to her…My mom was born in St-Lambert, Québec, on August 22, 1945. Atthe age of 22, my mother left her home province to follow the man sheloved to St-Catharines, Ontario. Not even the language barrier wouldstop her from moving to a strange province to start a life and a familywith my dad.When my brother, Steed, and I were old enough, my mother wentback to school and became a Health Care Aid. It is only fitting that shewould choose this path, as she possessed all of the personal qualitiesthat are an essential part of this important role: She was kind, empatheticand nurturing. For 18 years, she worked at both GrandviewSADDLE UP WITH ANEW HARTCO PRODUCT• Handmade• Custom Built for Height, Weight & Inseam• All new for 2008• Visco-Elastic Memory Foam developedby NASAHARTCOI N T E R N A T I O N A L1-800-446-7772 or 386-698-4668www.hartcoseats.com14 <strong>Wing</strong> <strong>World</strong>

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