Metrics of curves in shape optimization and analysis - Andrea Carlo ...

Metrics of curves in shape optimization and analysis - Andrea Carlo ... Metrics of curves in shape optimization and analysis - Andrea Carlo ...


of a small ball from A. The motion v At inside N c is Lipschitz, but the limitlimt→0+v At − v A‖v At − v A ‖ L pdoes not exist in L p . (Morally, if p = 1, the limit would be the measure δ x ).6.3.3 Riemannian metricLet now p = 2. The set N c may fail to be a smooth submanifold of L 2 ; yetwe will, as much as possible, pretend that it is, in order to induce a sort of“Riemannian metric” on N c from the standard L 2 metric.Definition 6.20 We define the “Riemannian metric” on N c simply by〈h, k〉 := 〈h, k〉 L 2for h, k ∈ T v N c and correspondingly a norm bywhere T v N c is the contingent cone.|h| := √ 〈h, h〉Proposition 6.21 The distance induced by this “Riemannian metric” coincideswith the geodesically induce distance d g .The proof is in 3.22 in Duci and Mennucci [15].To conclude, we propose an explicit computation of the Riemannian Metricfor the case of compact sets in the plane with smooth boundaries; we then pullback the metric to obtain a metric of closed embedded planar curves. We startwith the case of convex sets.We fix p = 2, N = Polar coordinates of smooth convex setsLet Ω ⊂ lR 2 be a convex set with smooth boundary; let y(θ) : [0, L] → ∂Ω bea parameterization of the boundary (by arc parameter), ν(θ) the unit vectornormal to ∂Ω and pointing external to Ω. The following “polar” change ofcoordinates ψ holds:ψ : lR + × [0, L] → lR \ Ω , ψ(ρ, θ) = y(θ) + ρν(θ) (6.3)see figure 8 on the following page. We suppose that y(θ) moves on ∂Ω inanticlockwise direction; so ν = J∂ s y, ∂ ss y = −κν; where J is the rotation matrix(of angle −π/2), κ is the curvature, and ∂ s y is the tangent vector.We can then express a generic integral through this change of coordinates as∫∫f(x) dx = f(ψ(ρ, s))|1 + ρκ(s)| dρ dslR 2 \Ω∫lR + ∂Ωwhere s is arc parameter, and ds is integration in arc parameter.48

y(θ)ν(θ)y(θ) + ρν(θ)Figure 8: Polar coordinates around a convex set6.3.5 Smooth deformations of a convex setWe want to study a smooth deformation of Ω, that we call Ω t ; then the bordery(θ, t) depends on a time parameter t. Suppose also that κ(θ) > 0, that is, thatthe set is strictly convex: then for small smooth deformations, the set Ω t willstill be strictly convex. We suppose that the border of Ω t moves with orthogonalspeed α; more precisely, we assume that (∂ t y) ⊥ ∂ s y, that is, (∂ t y) = αν withα = α(t, θ) ∈ lR. Since this deformation is smooth, we expect that it will beassociated to a vector h α ∈ T v N c , defined by h α := ∂ t v Ωt . We now show brieflyhow to explicitly compute it.Suppose that x is a fixed point in the plane, x ∉ Ω t , and express it usingpolar coordinates x = ψ(ρ, θ), with ρ = ρ(t), θ = θ(t). With some computations,ρ ′ = −α. Now, for x ∉ Ω t , u Ωt (x) = ρ(t) hence we obtain the explicit formulafor h αh α := ∂ t v Ωt (x) = −ϕ ′ (u Ωt (x))α ;whereas h α (x) = 0 for x ∈ ˚Ω t .6.3.6 Pullback of the metric on convex boundariesLet us fix two orthogonal smooth vector fields α(s)ν(s), β(s)ν(s), that representtwo possible deformations of ∂Ω; those correspond to two vectors h α , h β ∈ T v N c ;so the Riemannian Metric that we defined in 6.20 can be pulled back on ∂Ω, toprovide the metric∫∫〈α, β〉 := h α (x)h β (x)dx = h α (x)h β (x)dx =lR 2 lR 2 \Ω∫ [∫]=(ϕ ′ (ρ)) 2 (1 + ρκ(s)) dρ α(s)β(s)ds∂Ω lR +that is,with∫〈α, β〉 =∂Ω(a + bκ(s))α(s)β(s)ds (6.4)∫∫a := (ϕ ′ (ρ)) 2 dρlR + , b := (ϕ ′ (ρ)) 2 ρ dρ .lR +49

y(θ)ν(θ)y(θ) + ρν(θ)Figure 8: Polar coord<strong>in</strong>ates around a convex set6.3.5 Smooth deformations <strong>of</strong> a convex setWe want to study a smooth deformation <strong>of</strong> Ω, that we call Ω t ; then the bordery(θ, t) depends on a time parameter t. Suppose also that κ(θ) > 0, that is, thatthe set is strictly convex: then for small smooth deformations, the set Ω t willstill be strictly convex. We suppose that the border <strong>of</strong> Ω t moves with orthogonalspeed α; more precisely, we assume that (∂ t y) ⊥ ∂ s y, that is, (∂ t y) = αν withα = α(t, θ) ∈ lR. S<strong>in</strong>ce this deformation is smooth, we expect that it will beassociated to a vector h α ∈ T v N c , def<strong>in</strong>ed by h α := ∂ t v Ωt . We now show brieflyhow to explicitly compute it.Suppose that x is a fixed po<strong>in</strong>t <strong>in</strong> the plane, x ∉ Ω t , <strong>and</strong> express it us<strong>in</strong>gpolar coord<strong>in</strong>ates x = ψ(ρ, θ), with ρ = ρ(t), θ = θ(t). With some computations,ρ ′ = −α. Now, for x ∉ Ω t , u Ωt (x) = ρ(t) hence we obta<strong>in</strong> the explicit formulafor h αh α := ∂ t v Ωt (x) = −ϕ ′ (u Ωt (x))α ;whereas h α (x) = 0 for x ∈ ˚Ω t .6.3.6 Pullback <strong>of</strong> the metric on convex boundariesLet us fix two orthogonal smooth vector fields α(s)ν(s), β(s)ν(s), that representtwo possible deformations <strong>of</strong> ∂Ω; those correspond to two vectors h α , h β ∈ T v N c ;so the Riemannian Metric that we def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> 6.20 can be pulled back on ∂Ω, toprovide the metric∫∫〈α, β〉 := h α (x)h β (x)dx = h α (x)h β (x)dx =lR 2 lR 2 \Ω∫ [∫]=(ϕ ′ (ρ)) 2 (1 + ρκ(s)) dρ α(s)β(s)ds∂Ω lR +that is,with∫〈α, β〉 =∂Ω(a + bκ(s))α(s)β(s)ds (6.4)∫∫a := (ϕ ′ (ρ)) 2 dρlR + , b := (ϕ ′ (ρ)) 2 ρ dρ .lR +49

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