Specialty Chemicals Industry Brochure - DKSH.com

Specialty Chemicals Industry Brochure - DKSH.com Specialty Chemicals Industry Brochure - DKSH.com


Business UnitPerformance MaterialsGlobal Market Expansion Servicesfor the Specialty Chemicals IndustryBusiness Line Specialty Chemicals IndustryThink Asia. Think DKSH.

Business UnitPerformance MaterialsGlobal Market Expansion Servicesfor the <strong>Specialty</strong> <strong>Chemicals</strong> <strong>Industry</strong>Business Line <strong>Specialty</strong> <strong>Chemicals</strong> <strong>Industry</strong>Think Asia. Think <strong>DKSH</strong>.

The best of both worlds – yours and oursExperience and networks<strong>DKSH</strong> has done business in and with Asiafor more than 140 years. We are truly athome in Asia, where we have be<strong>com</strong>e anintegral part of many local business environments.And we are no strangers to therest of the world either: <strong>DKSH</strong> operates in35 countries, with 440 business locationsin Asia and 15 in Europe and the Americas,and employing over 22,000 specializedstaff from 50 nations.Integrating diverse servicesWe bridge the markets of Europe, Asiaand the Americas and have the ability toadapt to the businesses we serve in any localmarket. The diversity of industries <strong>DKSH</strong>is involved in is only matched by the rangeof services we perform: from sourcing rawmaterials to setting up and running flagshipstores for luxury consumer brands, andfrom feasibility studies and product developmentto the many facets of marketing.Our more than 100 state-of-the-art distributioncenters work with the largest SAP applicationin Asia to help execute, track andanalyze hundreds of thousands of businesstransactions every day. The detailed informationwe gain from this process contributesto the expert knowledge that we useto provide strategic advice to our businesspartners. Offering all these diverse servicesfrom a single source is another importantaspect of what we at <strong>DKSH</strong> call Market ExpansionServices.Experts and entrepreneursIn order to provide deep industry expertisefor these many fields of business, weare not only organized into four BusinessUnits, but are further specialized into BusinessLines and <strong>Industry</strong> Clusters, maintainingthe hands-on and entrepreneurial styleof business our <strong>com</strong>pany was founded on.<strong>DKSH</strong> provides a balance between specialistknowledge of our partners’ industriesand a practical business approach that efficientlygets things done.<strong>DKSH</strong>Locations in theAmericasBrazil 1Chile 1USA 1Locations inEuropeDenmark 1France 1Germany 1Great Britain 1Italy 1Netherlands 1Norway 1Poland 1Spain 1Switzerland 2Turkey 1Locations inAsia PacificAustralia 5Brunei 1Cambodia 2China 49Hong Kong 20India 2Indonesia 23Japan 18Korea 6Laos 3Malaysia 65Myanmar 11New Zealand 1Philippines 4Singapore 3Taiwan 7Thailand 203Vietnam 18Total sales: CHF 8,800 million (2007)Over 22,000 specialized staff of50 nationalitiesOperations in 35 countries440 business locations in Asia Pacific15 business locations in Europeand the AmericasNetwork of more than 5,500 suppliers andover 500,000 customersOver 100 state-of-the-art distribution centersLargest SAP application in AsiaContinuous double-digit growth since 2002

scouting partner for our customers aroundthe globe. With more than 2,000 customersand 500 suppliers, we have an extensive industrynetwork. Combined with our expertstaff, this means we are more responsiveand cost-effective than big multinationalmanufacturers. We also have in-housecapabilities to deal with all safety, quality,regulatory and environmental issues.Business Line <strong>Specialty</strong> <strong>Chemicals</strong> <strong>Industry</strong>is organized into four <strong>Industry</strong> Clusters inorder to focus on specific industry needs:Graphics & Electronics, Paints & Coatings,Polymers, Fibers & Adhesives, and OtherIndustries. As well as products such aschemical intermediates for electronics andliquid crystals, resins, specialty materialsfor the graphics industry, and monomersand additives, we offer integrated servicesalong the entire value chain.<strong>Specialty</strong> <strong>Chemicals</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> helps to expandmarkets by enlarging the chemicaltoolboxes of our business partners, enablingfaster development of their nextgenerationproducts. Our partners rely onour unique <strong>com</strong>bination of market insightsand global network for swift and stablesourcing, and on our tailor-made solutionsthat produce results. With our deeply rootedindustry network, and the advantagesof global <strong>DKSH</strong> synergies, we are able toac<strong>com</strong>pany our business partners in anymarket worldwide.As part of Business Unit PerformanceMaterials, we profitfrom global <strong>DKSH</strong> synergies andinfrastructures.Marketing and SalesDevelop market access strategies andbusiness plansFind new markets for suppliers andcustomersDistributionWell-established distribution channelsand <strong>com</strong>prehensive customernetworks in many countriesProject managementWith 500 suppliers and 2,000customers worldwide, we alsohave our own network and thelocal relationships and expertsin place to address everychallenge.Expertise and market knowledgeImport licenses, importation throughcustoms, relations with national andinternational authorities, handling ofregulatory affairsMarketing supportAfter-sales servicesMarket feedback to suppliers andcustomersLogistics service, including handlingof products under special conditionssuch as dangerous goods and hazardousmaterials, transportation, e.g. incool and top-ventilated containersAdvisory service on transportationsafetyWarehousingStock handling and managementand just-in-time deliveriesTechnical assistance

<strong>Industry</strong> Cluster Graphics & Electronics<strong>Industry</strong> Cluster Graphics & Electronicssupplies a wide range of innovative, highperformance chemicals, formulations andservices for the two industries that give itits name, as well as materials and servicesfor film coating applications. Our areasof expertise include applications such assemiconductors, printed circuit boards, liquidcrystal displays, conductive materials,printed electronics, solar cells and opticalfilms. Our expertise also covers packagingand technical films, industrial graphicswith coatings for printing plates, printinginks, and other photographic applications.Our offering for film coating includes hightechfilms, packaging and lamination, environmentallyfriendly products, and IDand security applications. We help ourbusiness partners find the correct, most innovativematerials, while flexibly sourcingworldwide to ensure best value. We alsoact as the marketing and sales arm for medium-sizedspecialty chemicals producerswithout their own sales force outside theirhome territories.Product groupsGraphicsWe provide the following products forgraphics:– Custom-made materials for the formulationof coatings for printing plates (including<strong>com</strong>puter-to-plate) such as photopolymers,novolacks, sensitizers, N-IRdyes, pigment dispersions, diazoresins,triazines, coumarines and other specialtyadditives– Inkjet receptive media for paper andplastic substrate– <strong>Specialty</strong> materials for ink formulationssuch as:– Plasticizers <strong>com</strong>patible with key resinsand suitable for food packaging– Biodegradable and <strong>com</strong>postable resinsfrom non-GM renewable sources– Adhesion promoters such as chlorinatedand chlorine-free polyolefins andorganic titanates, and highly polymerizedco-polyester resins– UV-curable materials such as acrylatesand methacrylates, cationic resins,oligomers and diluents, photoinitiatorsand synergists, and additives– Other materials such as thermal andUV color change pigments, additivesto modify the texture, feel and aromaof printed inks, aqueous polyolefinsto enhance rub resistance, and nanosizedparticlesElectronicsWe provide the following products forelectronics:– A specialized range of materials for the

production of IC lithographic resists,color filter resists, solder-resists and dryfilm-resistssuch as novolacks, phenolsand polyvinylphenols, norbornanes andadamantanes, diazo <strong>com</strong>pounds andresins, photoacid and photobase generators,fluorine bisphenol derivatives, photoinitiatorsand sensitizers, dyes and colorformers, and polyimide intermediates– High-purity chemicals for developers,strippers, etchants, fluxes, electroplatingand surface treatments such as TMAH25%, triazoles, tetrazoles, mercapto derivatives,thiadiazoles, organic acids andsolvents, gallates, non-ionic surfactants,and benzaldehyde derivatives– Selected specialties for the formulation ofUV curing systems and stereolithography<strong>com</strong>posites such as acrylates and methacrylates,cationic resins, oligomers anddiluents, high and low refractive indexmaterials, photoinitiators and synergists,multi-functional acrylates, and additives– Printed electronics materials for EL lamps,switch membranes, touchscreens, RFIDantennas, solar cells and OPC-drumssuch as polythiophene (PEDOT), polyanilineand polypyrrole-based transparentconductive polymers, silver and carbon-basedconductive pastes, silver andaluminium-based firing pastes, chargegeneration and transportation materials,precious metal, ITO and ATO powders– Liquid crystal intermediates for liquidcrystalproduction– Special N-IR dyes– OLED materialsFilm coatingWe provide the following products for filmcoating:– A specialized range of high molecularweight co-polyesters– Biodegradable and <strong>com</strong>postable resinsmanufactured from non-GM renewablesources– Non-chlorinated primers for PP, TPO andengineering plastics, heat-sealing adhesivesfor metals and plastics – with foodcontact approval and environmentallyfriendly grades– Water-based primers for heat-sealing adhesivesfor metals, paper and film, additivesfor inks and paints – with approvalfor direct and indirect food contact forpackaging– Others (including custom synthesis molecules)such as CPO adhesion promoters,receptor coatings for inkjet printing,conductive and anti-static materials,polymeric beads, high-heat, scratch andchemical resistant coatings, and additivesfor thermal papers

<strong>Industry</strong> Cluster Paints & CoatingsFor our business partners in the paintsand coatings industry, our <strong>Industry</strong> ClusterPaints & Coatings team performs as a technicalmarketing and sales force that provideskey raw materials and ideas to helpdrive technology forward. We source andsupply innovative raw materials and lowcost alternatives to formulate automotiveand industrial paints, decorative and architecturalpaints, powder coating, woodcoating, and can and coil coating, amongothers.Product groupsProducts include:– Adhesion promoting resins for differentsubstrates, including polyolefins (PP, TPO,PE), rubber and metals (AI and steel), suppliedin solid, solvent-borne (high resincontent), and water-borne form– High-performance resins (solvent andwater-borne) with special properties suchas easy cleaning systems, weatherabilityimproving,heat resistant coatings, electricinsulation, marine paint, matt andglossy coating for glass, and binder forcan and coil coatings– Special-effect additives including scratchresistance, soft effect, light diffusion,thermochromic and photochromic pigments,and anti-blocking, conductiveand antistatic agents– Additives for powder coating such asmatting agents, anti-yellowing agents,cross-linkers, flow improvers, hardeners,UV absorbers, and anti-oxidants– Other products including nano-particles,UV acrylate monomers, oligomers andphotoinitiators, plasticizers, hot melt, datascavenger, anti-skinning and opacifiers

<strong>Industry</strong> Cluster Polymers, Fibers & Adhesives<strong>Industry</strong> Cluster Polymers, Fibers & Adhesivesglobally sources and supplies the bestchemicals for the polymer industry at <strong>com</strong>petitivemarket prices. This includes sourcingof custom synthesis molecules fromcutting-edge markets. With our longstandingpartnerships and market overview, weare able to develop new and alternativesources for critical raw materials in an increasinglydifficult market. Our areas ofexpertise include products and services inresin manufacturing, PU elastomers, engineeringplastic, specialty fibers and leather,as well as adhesives.Product groupsProducts for the preparation and formulationof:– Adhesives and sealants for high-performanceformulations such as adhesionpromoters, aliphatic isocyanates, highmolecular weight co-polyesters, liquidisoprene rubbers, moisture scavengers(PTSI), non-chlorinated co-polyolefines,oxetanic reactive diluents and plasticizers– Master batches– Compounds– Engineering plastics and rubbers: additives,stabilizers and curing agents suchas blowing agents, co-agents for peroxidicvulcanization, fluorescent pigments,halogen-free flame retardants, metal deactivators,nanosilver masterbatches,non-staining antioxidants, nucleatingagents, and optical brighteners– Production of epoxys, polyurethanes,acrylics, polyesters, and polyamide resins,where our product range includes:diamines, diisocyanates, diols, acids, sulfonatedmonomers, acrylamides, acrylates,and cross-linkers– Materials for leather, fibers, and textiletreatment, such as functional additives,coatings for inkjet printing on artificialleather, paper, and technical fabrics suchas additives for fibers extrusion, aziridines,color pastes and PMMA microbeads,curatives for high-resistant <strong>com</strong>posites,cycloaliphatic diamines, and soft-touchmodifiers– Films for industry applications– Other materials such as color pastes, diamines(cycloaliphatic and aromatic), isocyanateblockers, meta-xylenediamine,permanent antistatic fillers, special diols,and thermolatent diaminic hardeners10

Sharing successChallengeOne of our customers in the United Statesneeded to develop new technology forelectro luminescent backlight displays fora new generation of cell phones. The needto speed up development was due to highconsumer demand for lighter, thinner cellphones. Consequently, fast coordinationof samples, evaluation and response by thesupplier, the customer and <strong>DKSH</strong> were essentialin order to meet market demand.Approach<strong>DKSH</strong>‘s Business Line <strong>Specialty</strong> <strong>Chemicals</strong><strong>Industry</strong> offered to call on its networkaround the world and immediately locatedthe most suitable supplier for one of thekey raw materials for making the electroluminescent backlight display: conductivepastes. Our customer appreciated this support,and three-way cooperation beganimmediately. In follow-up meetings at the<strong>com</strong>pany’s R&D center with <strong>DKSH</strong> experts,our supplier was able to develop a custom-gradeconductive paste that met allthe customer’s specifications – and that noother player was able to offer. This enabledus to win the new business.ResultThanks to swift <strong>DKSH</strong> action, both thecustomer and the supplier succeeded inthe timely development of an innovativeproduct for their respective markets. Allthe partners involved gained new business,and they are continuing to developmaterials for the next product generation.To improve manufacturing efficiency andsupport market expansion, the customer isnow moving production from the UnitedStates to China. At the new location inChina, <strong>DKSH</strong> continues to support the customerand the supplier, delivering materialand providing technical assistance throughour local experts and staff.Market Expansion Services at work:speed, reliability and a global networkBe<strong>com</strong>ing a trusted link between businesspartners and understanding the needs ofall concerned requires diligence and deepindustry expertise. Thanks to our globalreach and network, and our timely action,we are able to develop and ac<strong>com</strong>panybusiness worldwide with and for our businesspartners.12

Contacts and regional officesGlobal Vice President<strong>Specialty</strong> <strong>Chemicals</strong>Yoshiyuki ShirakawaNihon SiberHegner K.K.3-4-19, Mita, Minato-kuTokyo 108-8360JapanPhone +81 3 5441 4526Fax +81 3 5441 4528yoshiyuki.shirakawa@dksh.<strong>com</strong>Regional Business Line DirectorsAmericasLance Croft<strong>DKSH</strong> North America, Inc.100 Stierli Court, Suite 102Mount ArlingtonNJ 07856USAPhone +1 973 810 5511Fax +1 973 810 5520lance.croft@dksh.<strong>com</strong>EuropeNatale Capri<strong>DKSH</strong> Italia Srl.Via Polidoro da Caravaggio, 3320156 MilanItalyPhone +39 02 307 0181Fax +39 02 3070 1834natale.capri@dksh.<strong>com</strong>North Asia/OceaniaYoshiyuki ShirakawaNihon SiberHegner K.K.3-4-19, Mita, Minato-kuTokyo 108-8360JapanPhone +81 3 5441 4526Fax +81 3 5441 4528yoshiyuki.shirakawa@dksh.<strong>com</strong>South East AsiaJonathan Yeoh<strong>DKSH</strong> Malaysia Sdn BhdWisma TexchemLot 808, 809Jalan Subang 5Taman Perindustrian Subang47610 Subang JayaSelangorMalaysiaPhone +60 3 5621 4170Fax +60 3 5621 8575jonathan.yeoh@dksh.<strong>com</strong>Local Business Line DirectorIndiaHardeep Kalsi<strong>DKSH</strong> India Pvt. Ltd.304 AlphaHiranandani Business ParkPowaiMumbai 400 076IndiaPhone +91 22 2570 1298Fax +91 22 2570 7597hardeep.kalsi@dksh.<strong>com</strong>13

<strong>DKSH</strong> Holding Ltd.Wiesenstrasse 8, P.O. Box 888, 8034 Zurich, SwitzerlandPhone +41 44 386 72 09, Fax +41 44 386 72 14www.dksh.<strong>com</strong>

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