Installation Operation Maintenance

Installation Operation Maintenance

Installation Operation Maintenance


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<strong>Installation</strong>InsulationInsulate refrigerant lines frombuilding itself to avoid transmissionto building structure of vibrationsnormally caused by pipework. Alsoavoid bypassing the unit's dampingsystem by fixing the refrigerantlines or the electrical ducts veryrigidly. Vibrations may propagateinto building structure throughrigidly fixed refrigerant lines.Pressure tests and leak detectionWarning : During operations, takethe following precaution:1. Neither oxygen nor acethyleneshould be used instead ofrefrigerant and nitrogen to detectleaks, otherwise a violentexplosion may occur.2. Always use valves andmanometers to check the testpressure in system. Excessivepressure may either cause pipesto rupture, damage unit, orcause an explosion, causingpossible physical injury. Carryout liquid line and hot gaspressure tests in accordancewith current standards.CAUTION: Do not go more than0.7 bar above the high pressureswitch setpoint. Introduce enoughrefrigerant into circuit for 85 to100 kPa pressure, pump-injectingdry nitrogen, and raise pressure to100 kPa. Search possible leaks usingdetector. This operation should becarried out great care throughoutthe system. If leaks are detected,reduce system pressure, and repairdefective component. Repeat testprocess, to check that the repair canwithstand rated pressure.Refrigerant chargeCCUN unit is delivered with arefrigerant holding charge andisolating valves. After systempressure and vacuum testing, fill upunit with refrigerant as indicated inTables 1-4. The refrigerantcomplement will be chargedaccording to the diameter and thelength of the refrigerant piping workup to obtain the correct subcoolingtemperature:∆t subcooling = 5°C for a liquidtemperature of 40°C.Oil charge - CCUNAbove 60 kg of refrigerant chargeper circuit, special care to the oillevel on compressor is required.The operating oil level shall remainabove half of the oil sight glass. SeeTable 1-4 for oil charges. The oillevel can only be evaluated after10 minutes OFF time of bothcompressors of the circuit. SeeFigure 18.Note: The oil quantity necessary forthe split system has also to beadjusted according to the diameterand the length of the refrigerantpiping work.CAUTION: Use exclusively POE oilrecommended by TRANEImportant note:These operations have to beperformed by a specialist. Theresults have to be written on a startup record by the Trane engineer orthe client's specialist who hasperformed this start up. The quantityof refrigerant and oil added are atthe client's charges.CG-SVX06A-E423

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