Installation Operation Maintenance

Installation Operation Maintenance

Installation Operation Maintenance


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<strong>Installation</strong>1. Pressure gauges: show enteringand leaving water pressure(2 pressure ports are availableinside of the unit - see item 1 inFigure 7)2. Balancing valve: adjusts waterflow.3. Air purge : allows removal of airfrom the water circuit during fillup.4. Stop valves: isolate chillers andwater circuiting pump duringmaintenance operations.5. Thermometers: indicate chilledwater entering and leavingtemperatures.6. Expansion compensators: avoidmechanical stress betweenchiller and piping installation.7. Stop valve located on the outletconnection: used to measure thewater pressure inlet or outlet ofevaporator.8. Strainer: avoid to get heatexchangers dirty.Important : installation must beequipped with efficient strainer inorder that only clean water entersinto exchanger. If there is nostrainer, reserve will be formulatedby the Trane technician at the startupof the unit. The strainer usedmust be able to stop all particleswith a diameter greater than0.8 mm.9. Draining: used as the drainingthe plate heat exchanger.To protect the environment, it iscompulsory to recover and processglycol brines.Refrigerant lineconnectionsPipingMaximum distances and refrigerantline diameters between units mustbe checked according to theconfiguration and system operatingconditions (Chilled watertemperature and subcooling).Tables 10-12 provide the maximumacceptable height according tosubcooling available andrecommended diameters fordischarge liquid lines when CCUNcondenserless chillers areconnected to Trane RTCA remotecondensers.Figure 9 - <strong>Installation</strong> configuration - CCUN and RTCA at the same levelRTCACCUN121: Discharge line2: Liquid line20CG-SVX06A-E4

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