Installation Operation Maintenance

Installation Operation Maintenance

Installation Operation Maintenance


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General informationForewordThese instructions are given as aguide to good practice in theinstallation, start-up, operation, andmaintenance by the user, of TraneCGWN/CCUN chillers. They do notcontain full service proceduresnecessary for the continuedsuccessful operation of thisequipment. The services of aqualified technician should beemployed through the medium of amaintenance contract with areputable service company.WarrantyWarranty is based on the generalterms and conditions of themanufacturer. The warranty is voidif the equipment is repaired ormodified without the writtenapproval of the manufacturer, if theoperating limits are exceeded or ifthe control system or the electricalwiring is modified. Damage due tomisuse, lack of maintenance orfailure to comply with themanufacturer's instructions orrecommendations is not covered bythe warranty obligation. If the userdoes not conform to the rules ofthis manual, it may entailcancellation of warranty andliabilities by the manufacturer.ReceptionOn arrival, inspect the unit beforesigning the delivery note.Reception in France only:In case of visible damage: Theconsignee (or the siterepresentative) must specify anydamage on the delivery note,legibly sign and date the deliverynote, and the truck driver mustcountersign it. The consignee (orthe site representative) must notifyTrane Epinal <strong>Operation</strong>s - Claimsteam and send a copy of thedelivery note. The customer (or thesite representative) should send aregistered letter to the last carrierwithin 3 days of delivery.Reception in all countriesexcept France:In case of concealed damage: Theconsignee (or the siterepresentative) must send aregistered letter to the last carrierwithin 7 days of delivery, claimingfor the described damage. A copyof this letter must be sent to TraneEpinal <strong>Operation</strong>s - Claims team.Note: for deliveries in France, evenconcealed damage must be lookedfor at delivery and immediatelytreated as visible damage.About this manualWarnings and cautions appear atappropriate places in thisinstruction manual. Your personalsafety and the proper operation ofthis machine require that you followthem carefully. The constructorassumes no liability for installationsor servicing performed byunqualified personnel.About the unitThese CGWN/CCUN units areassembled, pressure tested,dehydrated, charged and run testedbefore shipment. The informationcontained in this manual applies tounits designated CGWN and CCUN.RefrigerantThe refrigerant provided by themanufacturer meets all therequirements of our units. Whenusing recycled or reprocessedrefrigerant, it is advisable to ensureits quality is equivalent to that of anew refrigerant. For this, it isnecessary to have a precise analysismade by a specialized laboratory. Ifthis condition is not respected, themanufacturer warranty could becancelled.2CG-SVX06A-E4

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