LM Guide THK - Industrial Technologies

LM Guide THK - Industrial Technologies

LM Guide THK - Industrial Technologies


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Индастриал Технолоджис www.industrial‐technologies.com.ua +38 044 498 21 94Predicting the RigiditySelecting a Radial Clearance (Preload)Point of SelectionPredicting the RigiditySince the radial clearance of an <strong>LM</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> greatly affects the running accuracy, load carrying capacityand rigidity of the <strong>LM</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>, it is important to select an appropriate clearance according to theapplication. In general, selecting a negative clearance (i.e., a preload* is applied) while taking intoaccount possible vibrations and impact generated from reciprocating motion favorably affects theservice life and the accuracy.For specific radial clearances, contact <strong>THK</strong>. We will help you select the optimal clearance accordingto the conditions.The clearances of all <strong>LM</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> models (except model HR, GSR and GSR-R, which are separatetypes) are adjusted as specified before shipment, and therefore they do not need further preloadadjustment. Preload is an internal load applied to the rolling elements (balls, rollers, etc.) of an <strong>LM</strong> block in advance in order to increaseits rigidity.Table13 Types of Radial ClearanceConditionExamples of applicationsNormal Clearance Clearance C1 (Light Preload) Clearance C0 (Medium Preload)• The loading direction is fixed,impact and vibrations are minimaland 2 rails are installed inparallel.• Very high precision is notrequired, and the sliding resistancemust be as low as possible.• Beam-welding machine• Book-binding machin• Automatic packaging machine• XY axes of general industrialmachinery• Automatic sash-manufacturingmachine• Welding machine• Flame cutting machine• Tool changer• Various kinds of materialfeeder• An overhang load or momentload is applied.• <strong>LM</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> is used in a singlerailconfiguration.• Light load and high accuracyare required.• Grinding machine table feedaxis• Automatic coating machine• <strong>Industrial</strong> robot• various kinds of material highspeed feeder• NC drilling machine• Vertical axis of general industrialmachinery• Printed circuit board drillingmachine• Electric discharge machine• Measuring instrument• Precision XY table• High rigidity is required andvibrations and impact areapplied.• Heavy-cutting machine tool• Machining center• NC lathe• Grinding stone feed axis ofgrinding machine• Milling machine• Vertical/horizontal boringmachine• Tool rest guide• Vertical axis of machine tool<strong>LM</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong>A1-87

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