LM Guide THK - Industrial Technologies

LM Guide THK - Industrial Technologies

LM Guide THK - Industrial Technologies


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Индастриал Технолоджис www.industrial‐technologies.com.ua +38 044 498 21 94Point of SelectionCalculating the Applied Load• Applied Load EquationThe load applied to the <strong>LM</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> varies with the external force, such as the position of the gravitycenter of an object, thrust position, inertia generated from acceleration/deceleration during start orstop, and cutting force.In selecting an <strong>LM</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>, it is necessary to obtain the value of the applied load while taking intoaccount these conditions.Calculate the load applied to the <strong>LM</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> in each of the examples 1 to 10 shown below.m : Mass (kg)l n : Distance (mm)Fn : External force (N)Pn : Applied load (radial/reverse radial direction) (N)PnT : Applied load (lateral directions) (N)g : Gravitational acceleration (m/s 2 )(g =9.8m/s 2 )V : Speed (m/s)tn : Time constant (s)α n : Acceleration (m/s 2 )α[Example]ConditionApplied Load Equation1Horizontal mount(with the block traveling)Uniform motion or dwelll 3l 2P4mgP1P3Horizontal mount, overhung(with the block traveling)Uniform motion or dwellP3P2l 0l 1l 1P1 =P2 =P3 =P4 =P1 =mg4mg4mg4mg4mg4+––++mg•l 22•l 0mg•l 22•l 0mg•l 22•l 0mg•l 22•l 0mg•l 22•l 0––+++mg•l 32•l 1mg•l 32•l 1mg•l 32•l 1mg•l 32•l 1mg•l 32•l 1<strong>LM</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong>2P4l 3P1P2l 0P2 =P3 =mg4mg4mg•l 22•l 0mg•l 22•l 0mg•l 32•l 1mg•l 32•l 1mg l 2mg mg•l 2 mg•l 3P4 = + –4 2•l 0 2•l 1––+–Note) Load is positive in the direction of the arrow.A1-65

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