LM Guide THK - Industrial Technologies

LM Guide THK - Industrial Technologies

LM Guide THK - Industrial Technologies


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Индастриал Технолоджис www.industrial‐technologies.com.ua +38 044 498 21 94Foreign MatterIf foreign matter enters the <strong>LM</strong> system, it willcause abnormal wear and shorten the servicelife. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent suchentrance of foreign matter.Especially in an environment containingsmall foreign matter or a water-solublecoolant that a telescopic cover or a bellowscannot remove, it is necessary to attach acontamination protection accessory capableof efficiently removing foreign matter.Metal ScraperIt is used to remove relatively large foreignobjects such as cutting chips, spatter andsand or hard foreign matter that adhere tothe <strong>LM</strong> rail.Laminated Contact Scraper LaCSUnlike a metal scraper, it removes foreignmatter while it is in contact with the <strong>LM</strong>rail. Therefore, it demonstrates a highcontamination protection effect againstsmall foreign matter, which has beendifficult to remove with conventional metalscrapers.QZ LubricatorQZ Lubricator is a lubrication system thatfeeds the right amount of lubricant byclosely contacting its highlyoil-impregnated fiber net to the ballraceway.<strong>LM</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>+Metal Scraper+Laminated Contact Scraper LaCS+QZ LubricatorMetal ScraperSupportedmodelsLaCSQZ LubricatorCaged Ball <strong>LM</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>SHS SSR SNR/SNS SHW SRSFull Ball <strong>LM</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>HSR NR/NRSCaged Roller <strong>LM</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>+Metal Scraper+Laminated Contact Scraper LaCS+QZ LubricatorQZ Lubricator<strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong>LaCSMetalScraperSupportedmodelsSRGA1-48

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