Prevention of CKD in patients with Hypertension.pdf

Prevention of CKD in patients with Hypertension.pdf Prevention of CKD in patients with Hypertension.pdf


Figure 1. Average net change in systolic BP (left) and diastolic BP (right) and corresponding 95% CIs related toalcohol reduction intervention in 15 randomized controlled trials. Net change was calculated as the difference of thebaseline minus follow-up levels of BP for the intervention and control groups (parallel trials) or the difference in BPlevels at the end of the intervention and control treatment periods (crossover trials). The overall effect represents apooled estimate obtained by summing the average net change for each trial, weighted by the inverse of its variance.Data on diastolic BP were not available in 1 trial.1

Figure 1. Average net change <strong>in</strong> systolic BP (left) and diastolic BP (right) and correspond<strong>in</strong>g 95% CIs related toalcohol reduction <strong>in</strong>tervention <strong>in</strong> 15 randomized controlled trials. Net change was calculated as the difference <strong>of</strong> thebasel<strong>in</strong>e m<strong>in</strong>us follow-up levels <strong>of</strong> BP for the <strong>in</strong>tervention and control groups (parallel trials) or the difference <strong>in</strong> BPlevels at the end <strong>of</strong> the <strong>in</strong>tervention and control treatment periods (crossover trials). The overall effect represents apooled estimate obta<strong>in</strong>ed by summ<strong>in</strong>g the average net change for each trial, weighted by the <strong>in</strong>verse <strong>of</strong> its variance.Data on diastolic BP were not available <strong>in</strong> 1 trial.1

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