Tellabs 8100 Managed Access System

Tellabs 8100 Managed Access System

Tellabs 8100 Managed Access System


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PRODUCT OVERVIEW<strong>Tellabs</strong> ® <strong>8100</strong> <strong>Managed</strong> <strong>Access</strong> <strong>System</strong>Profitability, cost control and the ability to manage changeThe <strong>Tellabs</strong> ® <strong>8100</strong> <strong>Managed</strong> <strong>Access</strong> <strong>System</strong> helps over 250 serviceproviders in more than 80 countries achieve these business resultswhile providing carrier-class connectivity services.Your <strong>System</strong> for Outstanding ServicesThe <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system has evolved to meet the needs of ourcustomers’ ever-changing service, technology and media needs. Itsproven value continues to increase as the system is enhanced tomeet higher capacity service needs of the future.The <strong>Tellabs</strong> ® <strong>8100</strong> managed access system is composed of carrierclassnetwork nodes and terminating units, plug-in units andmodules, a single network management system, and supportingservices:The <strong>Tellabs</strong> ® 8000 Intelligent Network Manager helps you achievean unparalleled level of network control through a unique endto-endnetwork management system that lowers operating andmaintenance costs, and adds revenue by giving you the ability tooffer new services quickly and accurately.The <strong>Tellabs</strong>® 8110 Network Terminating Unit reduces installationand operational costs with built-in service creation support andimproves data services with customer premises modems.The <strong>Tellabs</strong>® 8140 Midi Node enables a variety of services throughone piece of equipment and offers flexible access at customerpremises. It is a condensed version of the <strong>Tellabs</strong> 8150 Basic Node.The <strong>Tellabs</strong>® 8150 Basic Node enables a variety of servicesthrough one piece of equipment and offers flexible access atcustomer premises.The <strong>Tellabs</strong>® 8184 <strong>Access</strong> Switch provides high system capacityintegrating high and low order connectivity with full service flexibilityand resilience.The <strong>Tellabs</strong>® 8188 <strong>Access</strong> Switch is a scalable yet modular crossconnectelement, which offers an efficient access service platformand gateway to SDH networks.Quicker RevenueThe faster a service is connected to a customer, the faster revenue isgenerated.With the <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system, services can be quickly provisionedthrough easy-to-use management software. The <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong>system enables service delivery in a matter of seconds comparedto days, weeks and even months it takes other systems. The <strong>Tellabs</strong><strong>8100</strong> system avoids delays associated with fully or partially manualon-site service configurations. Automation becomes a key benefit asall of the information of the network, such as capacity, equipment,services, inventory is kept in one database which enables fastservice delivery. It automates service delivery and reduces the timeto customer connection — offering cost savings of up to 70 percent.The <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system is a user-friendly and accuratemanagement system that can upgrade service capacity for acustomer in less time than it takes to boot up a computer. Inaddition, customers can be guaranteed a measurable level of qualitythrough service level agreements, which provide value-addeddifferentiation and credibility.See tellabs.com for more information about <strong>Tellabs</strong> Solutions

2 TELLABS <strong>8100</strong> MANAGED ACCESS SYSTEM TELLABS 8110 NETWORK TERMINATING UNIT (CTU-S)is priced according to the network. As networks grow, so does theimportance of control and manageability. With the <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong>system the same functionality will be maintained no matter howlarge the network gets. You pay for what you use and maintain thebest cost structure possible.The <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system provides both an affordable investmentand continuous savings in operating expenses. By using the systemto integrate services into one end-to-end managed network, there isno need to invest in multiple overlay networks. This enables you toutilize the same resources for many services — both hardware andsoftware.The management software ensures network protection schemes,automated backups and constant service availability. This isespecially important for customers such as banks, where data andvoice availability is critical to the business. As network coveragegrows, the same easy-to-use management system can remotelyprovision new services and capture real-time views of networkstatus. Many enterprise customers monitor their networks realtimethrough the web, where they can view alarm situations andtraffic flow. Because every service provider is unique, the <strong>Tellabs</strong>8000 manager can be easily customised to fit established workingprocesses and organizational structures, and efficiently integratedinto your daily network operations.With shorter-than-average delivery time, the <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> systemequipment is there when you need it — fast, easy to use andeasy to install. Remote management means fewer steps for onsiteinstallation. New services are easily and quickly activated byplugging in a card, eliminating the need to re-invest in racks andother equipment. Afterinstallation, the necessary configuration is remotely downloaded.Compared to other systems with on-site configuration for one accessconnection, the <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system equipment can be installed inless than one hour and lowers installation costs by up to 22 percent.One network operator can provision a variety of services instead ofbeing specialised. The system also drives down operating expensesthrough automation and remote management, which reduces theneed for on-site visits.The ongoing reduction in operating expenses comes from yourability to control the entire service life-cycle process through thenetwork manager. One system controls everything from network preprovisioning,networktopology and growth management, fault management, serviceupgrades, SLA reporting and service testing, to service creation.Supporting Your Next Move<strong>Tellabs</strong> continually develops products to deliver today’s services andenable tomorrow’s.The <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system is designed to grow with your networks andto adapt to change over the long run. The system works over virtuallyall media and technologies to support changing services and giveyou cost efficient technology options.The <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system has been developed to ensure thatcapacity is continuously increased to meet new service demands.With the integration of the <strong>Tellabs</strong> 6300 managed transport system,you can offer services with capacity over eight times what it used tobe and lower the cost of provisioning 2M and nx2M services.Control CostsOptimise your network investment to achieve the best cost structure.The <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system is a smart investment that will enhanceyour network over the long run. Unlike other solutions, the initialinvestment is low and you pay as you grow — enabling continuoussavings in operating expenses.Initially, you purchase only the basic elements that are needed.Then over time you simply add new cards to the existing equipmentto meet growing demand for capacity or new services. It’s all aboutbuilding and maximizing your existing network investment. You arequickly and efficiently able to change with the market rather thanrisk up-front investments on services. The management softwareSee tellabs.com for more information about <strong>Tellabs</strong> Solutions

3 TELLABS <strong>8100</strong> MANAGED ACCESS SYSTEM TELLABS 8110 NETWORK TERMINATING UNIT (CTU-S)Timing the implementation of new services over new technologies isa challenge that all operators face. It is really a question of balancingprofitability and risk, as well as calculating service reliability. Thenewer the service and technology, the higher the risk is that initiallythe service will have a few hurdles before mass activation. <strong>Tellabs</strong>offers a gradual migration path to new technologies that builds onyour existing network investments. This lowers risk while maintainingprofitability. The <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system lets you shift service offeringswith demand and technology development. The system ensuresthat whatever services you offer, they will have the same reliabilitystandards that exceed customer expectations.At the heart of the system is the <strong>Tellabs</strong> 8000 intelligent networkmanager, which is constantly upgraded to integrate new servicesand technologies. You can use the same management system nowand in the future for more control over your changing network. Thatis a long-term benefit that pays back the investment in itself.<strong>Tellabs</strong> continues to deliver enhancements to the system to meetcustomer needs.Dedicated to Business Services and Mobile TransportThe <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system is used by service providers to provide fullymanaged carrier-class voice, data and video services to enterprises.Services can be delivered over different access media includingcopper and fiber.The <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system offers service granularity options, enablingservices to be provisioned in 64 kbit/s intervals — all the way downto 8 kbit/s if needed. The <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system offers customersthe ability to find exactly the right amount of capacity needed andthe ability to upgrade as needed over time. In fast-growing mobilenetworks, the <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system provides a highly efficient,flexible and manageable transmission platform. The system cancarry a mix of mobile traffic such as analog, digital and pagingefficiently over a single network. And it will continue in this role asnew high speed data-oriented services are introduced.The system is used in mobile backhaul networks — from 2Gthrough 3G.The industry leaders in mobile, Ericsson and Nokia SiemensNetworks (NSN), both use the <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system in theirnetworks. The <strong>Tellabs</strong> <strong>8100</strong> system is in over 100 mobile networksaround the world. The advantage comes from network managementand significant savings in grooming and compression. By optimizingcapacity, transport costs are greatly reduced.Carrier-Class ProductsAs a long-term partner to our customers, <strong>Tellabs</strong> also provides globalservices such as support services, training, professional servicesand network deployment to ensure optimal product performancefrom the time of purchase through the lifecycle of the network.<strong>Tellabs</strong> helps customers be successful by providing a system thatspeeds revenues through faster service provisioning, optimizesnetwork investment to achieve the best cost structure and iscontinuously developed to deliver today’s services and enabletomorrow’s.North America<strong>Tellabs</strong>1415 West Diehl RoadNaperville, IL 60563U.S.A.+1 630 798 8800Fax: +1 630 798 2000Asia Pacific<strong>Tellabs</strong>3 Anson Road#14–01 Springleaf TowerSingapore 079909Republic of Singapore+65 6215 6411Fax: +65 6215 6422Europe, Middle East & Africa<strong>Tellabs</strong>St Johns CourtEaston StreetHigh Wycombe, BucksHP11 1JXUnited Kingdom+44 871 574 7000Fax: +44 871 574 7151Latin America & Caribbean<strong>Tellabs</strong>Rua James Joule No. 92EDIFÍCIO PLAZA ISão Paulo – SP04576-080Brasil+55 11 3572 6200Fax: +55 11 3572 6225The following trademarks and service marks are owned by <strong>Tellabs</strong> Operations, Inc., or its affiliates in the United States and/or in other countries: TELLABS ® , TELLABS and T symbol ® , T symbol ® , and SMARTCORE ® . Statements herein may containprojections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events, products, features, technology and resulting commercial or technological benefits and advantages. These statements are for discussion purposes only, are subject to change and arenot to be construed as instructions, product specifications, guarantees or warranties. Actual results may differ materially. The information contained herein is not a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, feature or functionality.It is intended to outline <strong>Tellabs</strong>’ general product direction. The development, release and timing of any material, code, feature or functionality described herein remains at <strong>Tellabs</strong>’ sole discretion.© 2013 <strong>Tellabs</strong>. All rights reserved. 74.1297E Rev. B 01/13

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