Solubility in Food, Pharmaceutical, and Cosmetic Industries

Solubility in Food, Pharmaceutical, and Cosmetic Industries

Solubility in Food, Pharmaceutical, and Cosmetic Industries


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<strong>Solubility</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Food</strong>, <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Cosmetic</strong> <strong>Industries</strong>3130.0050.0040.0030.0020.001 Cool<strong>in</strong>g methodIsothermal method0.0000.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012L-val<strong>in</strong>e mole fractionFigure 1 <strong>Solubility</strong> <strong>in</strong> the L-isoleuc<strong>in</strong>eþL-val<strong>in</strong>eþwater system at 298 K: comparison ofthe cool<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> the isothermal experimental methods. 32L-isoleuc<strong>in</strong>e mole fractionelectrolytes on the properties of aqueous AA solutions very important <strong>and</strong>attractive, as it may give <strong>in</strong>sights <strong>in</strong>to processes such as salt-<strong>in</strong>duced precipitationof prote<strong>in</strong>s. Figure 2 shows the effect of KCl on the glyc<strong>in</strong>e solubility <strong>in</strong>aqueous solution at 298.15 K.The experimental results presented by Khoshkbarchi <strong>and</strong> Vera 35 <strong>and</strong> Ferreiraet al. 34 are considerably different, which, once more, stresses the need ofcareful experimental plann<strong>in</strong>g. For that particular system, Khoshkbarchi <strong>and</strong>Vera 35 applied an equation based on the perturbation theory to correlate theiractivity coefficient data, but concluded they had to use an empirical correctionto expla<strong>in</strong> the solubility behavior, based on the observed effect of KCl on thecrystallographic form of the AA. Alternatively, Ferreira et al. 34 correlated thesame activity coefficient data, but with a modified form of the Pitzer–Simonson–Cleggequations, 36 <strong>and</strong> predicted the solubility assum<strong>in</strong>g unchanged solidphase. The prediction curve is also <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> Figure 2, suggest<strong>in</strong>g a higheradequacy of their measured solubility data. Hamel<strong>in</strong>k et al., 37 <strong>in</strong> their studiesabout the effect of NaCl on the activity coefficients of antibiotics could not f<strong>in</strong>da difference <strong>in</strong> the crystallographic structure of the solid phase formed byprecipitation from electrolyte antibiotic solutions to expla<strong>in</strong> the solubilitybehavior.These studies are all important for a proper underst<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g of complexsystems <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>g biomolecules, <strong>and</strong> might be useful for the <strong>in</strong>vestigation onprote<strong>in</strong> solubility <strong>and</strong> crystallization. These questions are correlated, <strong>and</strong> rathercomplex, s<strong>in</strong>ce prote<strong>in</strong> crystallization/solubility depends on many factors suchas pH, ionic strength, salt or prote<strong>in</strong> type, temperature, surface hydrophobicity,<strong>and</strong> charge distribution, etc., but extremely useful to identify, rationally, the

314 Chatper 201.12Glyc<strong>in</strong>e molality solubility ratio1. <strong>and</strong> Vera 35Ferreira et al. 34PredictionFigure 20.960.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0KCl molalityComparison of glyc<strong>in</strong>e solubility <strong>in</strong> water/KCl solutions at 298.15 K. The l<strong>in</strong>erepresents prediction 34 us<strong>in</strong>g activity coefficient data only.optimal conditions for prote<strong>in</strong> crystallization, reduc<strong>in</strong>g considerably the cost ofa trial <strong>and</strong> error process. One <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g new effective predictive tool forprote<strong>in</strong> crystallization is the <strong>in</strong>troduction of the ‘‘crystallization slot’’ concept,which associates prote<strong>in</strong> crystallization with the osmotic second virial coefficient(SVC–B 22 ). It can be briefly summarized <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g conservativeway; while prote<strong>in</strong> crystallization is very difficult for positive SVC values, it isfavorable for negative values up to 10 3 mol ml g 2 , but do not guaranteesuccessful crystal growth. 38 Although SVC is a thermodynamic property ofdilute prote<strong>in</strong> solutions, Guo et al. 39 have shown experimentally that it is alsocorrelated with prote<strong>in</strong> solubility. Figure 3(a) shows the surpris<strong>in</strong>g results whenplott<strong>in</strong>g these two variables for aqueous solutions of lysozyme obta<strong>in</strong>ed atdifferent pH, temperature, salt type <strong>and</strong> concentration.The l<strong>in</strong>k between those experimental observations <strong>and</strong> theory has beencarried out by Haas et al., 43 who used two different prote<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>teractionpotentials, <strong>and</strong> Rupert et al., 44 who derived a two-parameter correlation basedon classical thermodynamics, to represent the relation between solubility <strong>and</strong>SVC chang<strong>in</strong>g composition, temperature, or pH. Experimental determ<strong>in</strong>ationof SVC by different methods like static or dynamic light scatter<strong>in</strong>g, 45,46 self<strong>in</strong>teraction,38,41 or size-exclusion, 38 chromatography, can give, however, differentvalues for the same prote<strong>in</strong> under the same conditions. Figure 3(b) givesthe SVC for lysozyme at different NaCl concentrations present<strong>in</strong>g considerabledifferences. The subject is delicate, s<strong>in</strong>ce anisotropy effects are much relevant, 47for <strong>in</strong>stance, the substitution of a s<strong>in</strong>gle AA <strong>in</strong> a prote<strong>in</strong> may <strong>in</strong>troduce bigchanges <strong>in</strong> the SVC values measured. Therefore, <strong>in</strong> this active research area itwill be fundamental to have the development of more reliable methods, <strong>and</strong> the

<strong>Solubility</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Food</strong>, <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Cosmetic</strong> <strong>Industries</strong>3152(a)0B 22 * 10 4 (mol ml g -2 )-2-4-6Guo et al. 39-80 10 20 30 40 50 60<strong>Solubility</strong> (mg ml -1 )(b)42B 22 * 10 4 (mol ml g -2 )0-2Rosenbaum <strong>and</strong> Zukoski 40-4Tessier et al. 41Figure 3Bajaj et al. 42-60.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7NaCl molarity(a) Experimental correlation between SVC <strong>and</strong> solubility for aqueous solutionsof lysozyme; (b) Comparison of experimental results for SVC <strong>in</strong> aqueouslysozyme solutions at different NaCl molalities.extension of the conclusions for different prote<strong>in</strong>s. Two different model<strong>in</strong>gapproaches worth mention are the use of the UNIQUAC 48 equation to modelprote<strong>in</strong> solubility, <strong>and</strong> the neural network technology for prote<strong>in</strong> crystallization,recently reviewed by DeLucas et al. 49 The lecture given by Prausnitz 50 onmolecular thermodynamics for prote<strong>in</strong>s <strong>in</strong> aqueous solution is highly recommended.

<strong>Solubility</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Food</strong>, <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Cosmetic</strong> <strong>Industries</strong>us<strong>in</strong>g the reference solvent approach. The UNIFAC 16 method was selected tocalculate the activity coefficients, <strong>and</strong> for cases where the <strong>in</strong>teraction parametersare unknown, a sensitivity analysis <strong>in</strong> terms of the more relevant parametersis suggested, reduc<strong>in</strong>g considerably the experimental measurementsneeded. The results are really promis<strong>in</strong>g except, perhaps, when the solubilityis very high. Extensions for mixed solvent systems, 53 <strong>and</strong> the <strong>in</strong>clusion of thetemperature <strong>in</strong>fluence on the solubility temperature dependency 54 were recentlyproposed.For the special case of am<strong>in</strong>o acids, Orella <strong>and</strong> Kirwan 55 first suggested theuse of the excess solubility approach to correlate the solubility of several am<strong>in</strong>oacids <strong>in</strong> water/propanol <strong>and</strong> water/isopropanol mixtures with the Wilsonmodel, obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g an average relative deviation (ARD) of about 15.3%. Follow<strong>in</strong>gon, Gude et al., 56,57 used the same approach, but comb<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the Flory–Hugg<strong>in</strong>s (FH) theory with a Margules residual expression. Their method is verysimple <strong>and</strong> attractive s<strong>in</strong>ce the authors claim the use of a unique specificMargules parameter for each am<strong>in</strong>o acid <strong>in</strong> all aqueous alkanol solutions,which allows a straightforward prediction of am<strong>in</strong>o acid solubilities <strong>in</strong> alkanol/water solvents systems. However, apply<strong>in</strong>g their method to the description ofthe solubility of am<strong>in</strong>o acids <strong>in</strong> water/methanol solvents, which are usually theeasiest to correlate, the ARD found was 27.7%. To the best of our knowledge,the work by Ferreira et al., 58 is the more comprehensive <strong>in</strong> this subject. With<strong>in</strong>the framework of the excess solubility approach, the NRTL model was appliedfor the correlation of the solubility of a large number of am<strong>in</strong>o acids <strong>in</strong> severalalkanol/water solvents. The temperature effect was <strong>in</strong>cluded for some specificam<strong>in</strong>o acids, <strong>and</strong> some predictions were made. The ARDs were 8.4% forcorrelation <strong>and</strong> 15% for predictions. Figure 4(a) compares the results achievedby Gude et al. 56 us<strong>in</strong>g the FHþMargules approach, with the NRTL resultsobta<strong>in</strong>ed by Ferreira et al., 58 for the ratio between the solubility of the AA <strong>in</strong>the mixed solvent to that <strong>in</strong> pure water (relative solubility). A better agreementwas found with the NRTL model for the solubility of the AA <strong>in</strong> aqueous 1-butanol solutions. Figure 4(b) shows the very good results for the prediction ofglyc<strong>in</strong>e solubility <strong>in</strong> aqueous ethanol solutions at two different temperaturesoutside the temperature range used <strong>in</strong> the correlation.Regard<strong>in</strong>g carbohydrates, the <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terest for food technology applicationscaused a great dem<strong>and</strong> for predictive methods for both aqueous <strong>and</strong>mixed solvent solutions. In the last decade two k<strong>in</strong>ds of approaches wereproposed <strong>in</strong> the literature: molecular models <strong>and</strong> group-contribution methods.59 Two modified UNIQUAC equations are available: the model presentedby Peres <strong>and</strong> Macedo, 60 that uses fewer parameters for each sugar–water pair<strong>and</strong> adopts the symmetric convention, <strong>and</strong> allows a straightforward extensionto mixed solvent systems. This is not possible with the other model suggested byCatte´ et al. 61 These authors chose the unsymmetric convention for the activitycoefficients calculations. The major trend <strong>in</strong> recent model<strong>in</strong>g research is,however, based on the group-contribution methodology.Different UNIFAC-based models are available for the prediction of solubilities<strong>in</strong> sugar solutions. 59 Some of the UNIFAC parameters have even been317

318 Chatper 2010(a)1Relative solubility0.10.01TryptofanPhenylalan<strong>in</strong>eIsoleuc<strong>in</strong>eNRTLFH + Margules0.0010.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.01-Butanol mole fraction <strong>in</strong> AA free basis1(b)0.1Relative solubility0.010.001NRTLT = 273.15 KT = 338.15 K0.00010.00.2 0.4 0.6 0.8Ethanol mole fraction <strong>in</strong> AA free basisFigure 4 (a) Relative solubilities of am<strong>in</strong>o acids <strong>in</strong> water/1-butanol solutions at 298.15 K:comparison between the NRTL 58 <strong>and</strong> FHþMargules 56 models; (b) NRTL 58predictions for the relative solubilities of glyc<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong> water/ethanol solutions.1.0predicted theoretically with methods of molecular mechanics. 62 The drawbackof these models is the lack of accuracy at very high sugar concentrations (>90%wt), as has recently been po<strong>in</strong>ted out. 63 The reason for this lies <strong>in</strong> the factthat the majority of the data available does not cover this range of composition.To improve predictions of solubility <strong>in</strong> sugar solutions at these ranges ofcomposition, new data were measured <strong>and</strong> a four-suffix Margules equationwith temperature dependent parameters was presented <strong>in</strong> the literature, 63 aswell as a new physical–chemical model. 64 This model takes account for the

<strong>Solubility</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Food</strong>, <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Cosmetic</strong> <strong>Industries</strong>hydration equilibrium of carbohydrates with the formation of carbohydrate n-water molecules <strong>and</strong> uses a UNIFAC model to describe the physical <strong>in</strong>teractions.Although these very recent studies try to correct deficiencies found <strong>in</strong>other UNIFAC-based models, it is recognized 63 that the A-UNIFAC methoddeveloped by Ferreira et al. 65 is the tool with stronger theoretical foundations,allow<strong>in</strong>g for a better capacity <strong>in</strong> predictive calculations. It <strong>in</strong>corporates aspecific association term, which considers hydrogen bond<strong>in</strong>g for sugar, water<strong>and</strong> other solvents molecules.This section cannot be concluded without a brief mention of the <strong>in</strong>novativefeatures of the NRTL-SAC model proposed by Chen <strong>and</strong> Song. 66 In this modelthe liquid non-idealities are described <strong>in</strong> terms of three types of conceptualsegments of the molecules; hydrophobic, polar, <strong>and</strong> hydrophilic. Us<strong>in</strong>g referencesubstances for each type of segment, (hexane, water, <strong>and</strong> acetonitrile,respectively) an extensive b<strong>in</strong>ary VLE <strong>and</strong> LLE database, focused on the 62solvents most used <strong>in</strong> the pharmaceutical <strong>in</strong>dustry, was used to estimate thenumber of conceptual segments required <strong>in</strong> each solvent. Follow<strong>in</strong>g on, with afew selected solubility data values of the target solute, its number of conceptualsegments can be calculated readily, <strong>and</strong> the solubility prediction <strong>in</strong> othersolvents <strong>and</strong> mixed solvents is straightforward. As it requires some well-chosendata, NRTL-SAC is, like MOSCED <strong>and</strong> the reference solvent method, ahybrid-data estimation method that should be encouraged. 67 Its ability tomodel complex pharmaceuticals organic electrolytes has been already demonstrated,68 <strong>and</strong> the potentialities to describe solubility of other types of solutesseems immense.31920.5 Liquid–Liquid <strong>Solubility</strong>In the previous sections the importance of P ow as a fundamental parameter forthe estimation of solubilities <strong>in</strong> a variety of solvents has been stressed. Thermodynamics<strong>and</strong> extra-thermodynamics aspects of partition<strong>in</strong>g as well as itsexperimental <strong>and</strong> calculat<strong>in</strong>g methods were recently carefully reviewed bySangster. 69 Ow<strong>in</strong>g to the uncerta<strong>in</strong>ty <strong>in</strong> the experimental P ow values, Sangsteralso presents a list of recommended values for about 500 organic compounds.Thus, only the review by Derawi et al. 70 on group-contribution methods isbriefly focused. Five different UNIFAC-based methods were compared, <strong>and</strong>the WATER UNIFAC, 71 <strong>and</strong> UNIFAC LLE 72 were recommended. Thesemodels, however, present a small number of <strong>in</strong>teraction parameters available,<strong>and</strong> this <strong>in</strong>hibits their application for some functional groups like am<strong>in</strong>es. Forhighly hydrophobic compounds, all the UNIFAC models underestimate P ow ,<strong>and</strong> generally, for AA, their derivatives, <strong>and</strong> sugars, P ow is overestimated. Theauthors believe that for multifunctional compounds the group-contributionconcept has limited capacity for further developments, <strong>and</strong> also that the atom/fragment correlation (AFC) method 73 showed superior performance <strong>in</strong> all casesstudied. This method, similarly to the one proposed by Sun 9 (Section 3), allowsthe calculation of both P ow <strong>and</strong> solubility by build<strong>in</strong>g a substance from atom

320 Chatper 20descriptors. In the AFC method MLR was applied to derive fragment coefficients<strong>and</strong> correction factors us<strong>in</strong>g 2473 P ow <strong>in</strong> the tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g set, <strong>and</strong> around10,600 for the validation of the method. The results seem really remarkable as itis possible to take <strong>in</strong>to account steric <strong>in</strong>teractions, hydrogen bond<strong>in</strong>gs, <strong>and</strong>even for zwitterionic species like ampicill<strong>in</strong>, amoxycill<strong>in</strong>, or peptides, values ofP ow can be estimated. A free onl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong>teractive demonstration to calculate P owis available at http://www.syrres.com/esc/kowdemo.htm.Despite the <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>and</strong> progresses achieved <strong>in</strong> the research work on ATPS,so far the studies are rather scattered, mak<strong>in</strong>g the knowledge of the mechanismsof solute partition<strong>in</strong>g, limited. This is probably one of the ma<strong>in</strong> reasons for thereluctance <strong>in</strong> its commercial exploitation. 74 Traditionally, prote<strong>in</strong> partition<strong>in</strong>ghas been studied <strong>in</strong> polyethyleneglycol (PEG)/dextran or PEG/(phosphate orsulfate) salt, <strong>and</strong> the factors to consider, beyond those mentioned earlier forprote<strong>in</strong> crystallization, must now <strong>in</strong>clude some characteristics of the polymer(s).The implementation of general rules to choose the best ATPS <strong>and</strong> thebest operat<strong>in</strong>g conditions for a given separation, will make practical applicationssimpler. However, mak<strong>in</strong>g those rules accessible depends much on howthese different factors are understood. Recently, some <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g attempts havebeen made: L<strong>in</strong> et al. 75 studied the <strong>in</strong>fluence of polymer concentration <strong>and</strong>molecular weight; Andrews et al. 76 focused on the prote<strong>in</strong> charge <strong>and</strong> surfacehydrophobicity, which was also done by Tubio et al. 77 However, no generaltrend was found. Even if a relationship between the hydrophobic character ofthe partitioned substance <strong>and</strong> its partition<strong>in</strong>g coefficient was found the generalpicture is, when study<strong>in</strong>g polymer molecular weight effects the conclusions arelimited to certa<strong>in</strong> prote<strong>in</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> study<strong>in</strong>g the prote<strong>in</strong> surface hydrophobicityeffects, the results are restricted to certa<strong>in</strong> values of the polymer molecularweight.Though much more experimental work is needed, the application of molecularthermodynamics to this k<strong>in</strong>d of problems must have the highest priority.In the recent past, several different approaches have been proposed concern<strong>in</strong>gprote<strong>in</strong>, peptides, <strong>and</strong> AA partition <strong>in</strong> ATPS. This was recently reviewed brieflyby Jiang <strong>and</strong> Prausnitz, 78 who also derived a model that takes <strong>in</strong>to account,successfully, the different partition<strong>in</strong>g behavior of native <strong>and</strong> denatured prote<strong>in</strong>s.One of the most recent studies on prote<strong>in</strong> partition<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>and</strong> perhaps themost comprehensive, is due to Madeira et al. 79 Their modified Wilson model,based on the lattice theory <strong>and</strong> the two-fluid theory, was successively applied tothe representation of electrolyte solutions, water activity <strong>in</strong> aqueous polymersolutions, <strong>and</strong> polymer/polymer or polymer/salt ATPS. A Debye-Hu¨ckel termwas <strong>in</strong>cluded to take <strong>in</strong>to consideration the long-range nature of the electrostaticforces <strong>in</strong> solution, <strong>and</strong> the authors end up with a model where only the<strong>in</strong>teractions <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>g prote<strong>in</strong>s are needed to calculate prote<strong>in</strong> partition<strong>in</strong>g. Tosimplify, Madeira et al. 79 fixed those at zero, <strong>and</strong> calculated the partition offour different prote<strong>in</strong>s <strong>in</strong> Na 2 SO 4 /PEG6000 <strong>and</strong> K 2 HPO 4 /PEG6000 by adjust<strong>in</strong>gthe prote<strong>in</strong> net charge. Globally, the results may be considered veryreasonable even if <strong>in</strong> some cases large discrepancies were found between theexperimental <strong>and</strong> the calculated net charge. That is not the case for the

<strong>Solubility</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Food</strong>, <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Cosmetic</strong> <strong>Industries</strong>partition<strong>in</strong>g behavior of lysozyme <strong>in</strong> K 2 HPO 4 /PEG6000 aqueous system at298.15 K shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 5. Here the published experimental value for the netcharge is two, <strong>and</strong> it produces much higher deviations on the calculatedpartition coefficient than that obta<strong>in</strong>ed us<strong>in</strong>g the fitted value of four for thenet charge. The complexity of the problem <strong>and</strong> the lack of data rema<strong>in</strong> as themajor reasons for the development of more efficient predictive tools for prote<strong>in</strong>partition<strong>in</strong>g on ATPS. However, some useful <strong>in</strong>sights from prote<strong>in</strong> crystallizationmust also be considered, <strong>and</strong> as it is expected that ATPS will be extend<strong>in</strong>to food <strong>and</strong> cosmetic <strong>in</strong>dustries, 74 these problems will cont<strong>in</strong>ue to drawattention <strong>in</strong> the near future.32120.6 <strong>Solubility</strong> <strong>in</strong> Supercritical FluidsContrary to the work on the ATPS, most of the studies on SFE started <strong>in</strong> thearea of food technology. In fact, around 125 <strong>in</strong>dustrial scale SFE units are <strong>in</strong>operation, 80 <strong>and</strong> some of those applications were reviewed by Knox. 81 Thestudies are now spread<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to the area of drug process<strong>in</strong>g that is currently avery popular research area, namely, on the purification, crystallization, ormicronization of pharmaceuticals. In this context, a review on techniques suchas rapid expansion supercritical solution, or gas anti-solvent system is given0.70.6Calculated partition coefficient0. = 2 (experimental)z = 4 (fitted)Figure 50.00.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7Experimental partition coefficientInfluence of the prote<strong>in</strong> net charge (z) on the lysozyme partition coefficientcalculation, by a modified Wilson model, 79 <strong>in</strong> K 2 HPO 4 /PEG6000 aqueoussystem at 298.15 K.

<strong>Solubility</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Food</strong>, <strong>Pharmaceutical</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Cosmetic</strong> <strong>Industries</strong>coefficients, but the potentialities of some very recent models <strong>and</strong> methods, e.g.,reference solvent methodology or NRTL-SAC model, should be extensivelyexplored. Nevertheless, constant evolution <strong>in</strong> those <strong>in</strong>dustries will stress theneed for new measurements <strong>and</strong> advances for <strong>in</strong>novative experimental techniques.The development of a solubility database <strong>and</strong> a measurement strategy,perhaps, as suggested by Kola´rˇ et al., 1 is highly recommended, but applicationsof relatively novel compounds like ionic liquids or cyclodextr<strong>in</strong>s should also betaken <strong>in</strong>to account for the development of new processes. A very <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>gprogress on prote<strong>in</strong> crystallization has also been achieved with the ‘‘crystallizationslot’’ concept that should be applied to several different systems.Underst<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g the behavior of simple molecules like AA <strong>and</strong> small peptides<strong>in</strong> aqueous electrolyte solutions can also be useful for further developments. Asfar as ATPS are concerned some <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g studies have briefly been discussed.However, the development of alternative ATPS as well as much more <strong>in</strong>formativemodels capable of expla<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g mechanisms under prote<strong>in</strong> partition<strong>in</strong>g isfundamental to make the technique attractive to <strong>in</strong>dustries. That is also an issuefor simulation SFE processes, but EoS for associat<strong>in</strong>g fluids might be a veryuseful tool. In fact, some particular difficulties po<strong>in</strong>ted out for solubilitymodel<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> supercritical fluids make it a hard task, <strong>and</strong> an analysis formethods to estimate solute properties must be taken <strong>in</strong>to account. F<strong>in</strong>ally, itis consensual that, generally, underst<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g solubility phenomena may benefitvery much from molecular simulation data.32320.8 Uncited References40; 42References1. P. Kola´rˇ , J.-W. Shen, A. Tsuboi <strong>and</strong> T. Ishikawa, Fluid Phase Equilib.,2002, 194–197, 771.2. G.T. Hefter <strong>and</strong> R.P.T Tomk<strong>in</strong>s, (eds), The Experimental Determ<strong>in</strong>ation ofSolubilities, Wiley, Chichester, 2003.3. R.D. Noble <strong>and</strong> R. Agrawal, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2005, 44, 2887.4. S. Gupta <strong>and</strong> J.D. Olson, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2003, 42, 6359.5. W. Leuchtenberger, K. Huthmacher <strong>and</strong> K. Drauz, Appl. Microbiol.Biotechnol., 2005, 69, 1.6. K. Araki <strong>and</strong> T. Ozeki, Am<strong>in</strong>o acids, Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of ChemicalTechnology, Wiley, 2003.7. A. Blasko, A. Leahy-Dios, W.O. Nelson, S.A. Aust<strong>in</strong>, R.B. Killion, G.C.AQ2Visor <strong>and</strong> I.J. Massey, Monatsh. Chem., 2001, 132, 789.8. B. C. Hancock, P. York <strong>and</strong> R. C. Rowe, Int. J. Pharm., 1997, 148, 1.9. H. Sun, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 2004, 44, 748.10. M.H. Abraham, J.A. Platts, A. Hersey, A.J. Leo <strong>and</strong> R.W. Taft, J. Pharm.Sci., 1999, 88, 670.

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