The Difference Between VFA and FT-IR Spectra - Wilks Enterprise, Inc.

The Difference Between VFA and FT-IR Spectra - Wilks Enterprise, Inc. The Difference Between VFA and FT-IR Spectra - Wilks Enterprise, Inc.


Paul WilksTech NoteThe Difference Between VFAand FT-IR SpectraThe basic characteristics of variable filter array (VFA) spectrometers, both nearandmid-infrared, make them well suited for routine infrared analysis applicationsoutside and inside the laboratory. The performance of this spectrometer isdiscussed here.The basic characteristics of variable filter array (VFA)spectrometers, both near- and mid-infrared, availablefrom several manufacturers, make them well suited forroutine infrared analysis applications outside and inside thelaboratory. Although the infrared data gathered by a VFAspectrometer is similar to that obtained from an FT-IR instrument,it differs in one key respect — resolution. In themid-IR region, FT-IR spectra usually are recorded at resolutionsbetween 0.5 cm -1 and 8 cm -1 . A VFA spectrometer with64 pixels has a theoretical resolution of 16 cm -1 . Because ofcrosstalk from pixel to pixel, both thermal and optical, theresolution is reduced further to the neighborhood of 50 cm -1 .What effect does low resolution have upon the performanceof a VFA spectrometer? To answer this question, wehave used a VFA spectrometer in several different applicationsto determine the effect, if any, of low resolution.Raw material verification. A company uses a solvent thatcomes in three isomers, each specific to a different process.Sending a sample to the laboratory can take over an hour forverification, delaying the offloading of the material. Figure 1shows VFA spectra of the three isomers. Even though thespectral information in the VFA spectra is considerably lessthan that of FT-IR traces, there is enough data from the VFAspectrometer to verify the isomer in the shipment. Because aVFA spectrometer has no moving parts and no free air path,it is unaffected by atmospheric absorptions and can be situatedat the receiving dock. In less than 5 min, the incomingraw material can be verified and off-loaded to the correctlocation.Process monitoring. In a process, a material that has anabsorption band “A” between 8.5 and 9 µm (Figure 2) convertsto a material that has band “B” at 7.0 µm. The reactioncan take several hours. The figure shows spectra periodicallytaken by the VFA instrument situated close to the productionline, which follow the switch from “A” to “B”. Again, in this(a)% Reflectance(b)% Reflectance100806040130120110100901800 1600 1400 1200 1000Wavenumber1800 1600 1400 1200 1000WavenumberFigure 1. (a) Infrared spectra of three isomers. (b) UsingIsomer 1 as a reference, a spectrum of Isomer 1 produces astraight line while the spectra from the other two isomersshow deviations from a straight line.situation, the resolution is sufficient to tell when a reaction iscomplete.Flexible film manufacturing. There are many areas in flexiblefilm manufacturing in which an onsite test is invaluable.2 Spectroscopy 20(12) December

Paul <strong>Wilks</strong>Tech Note<strong>The</strong> <strong>Difference</strong> <strong>Between</strong> <strong>VFA</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> <strong>Spectra</strong><strong>The</strong> basic characteristics of variable filter array (<strong>VFA</strong>) spectrometers, both near<strong>and</strong>mid-infrared, make them well suited for routine infrared analysis applicationsoutside <strong>and</strong> inside the laboratory. <strong>The</strong> performance of this spectrometer isdiscussed here.<strong>The</strong> basic characteristics of variable filter array (<strong>VFA</strong>)spectrometers, both near- <strong>and</strong> mid-infrared, availablefrom several manufacturers, make them well suited forroutine infrared analysis applications outside <strong>and</strong> inside thelaboratory. Although the infrared data gathered by a <strong>VFA</strong>spectrometer is similar to that obtained from an <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> instrument,it differs in one key respect — resolution. In themid-<strong>IR</strong> region, <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> spectra usually are recorded at resolutionsbetween 0.5 cm -1 <strong>and</strong> 8 cm -1 . A <strong>VFA</strong> spectrometer with64 pixels has a theoretical resolution of 16 cm -1 . Because ofcrosstalk from pixel to pixel, both thermal <strong>and</strong> optical, theresolution is reduced further to the neighborhood of 50 cm -1 .What effect does low resolution have upon the performanceof a <strong>VFA</strong> spectrometer? To answer this question, wehave used a <strong>VFA</strong> spectrometer in several different applicationsto determine the effect, if any, of low resolution.Raw material verification. A company uses a solvent thatcomes in three isomers, each specific to a different process.Sending a sample to the laboratory can take over an hour forverification, delaying the offloading of the material. Figure 1shows <strong>VFA</strong> spectra of the three isomers. Even though thespectral information in the <strong>VFA</strong> spectra is considerably lessthan that of <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> traces, there is enough data from the <strong>VFA</strong>spectrometer to verify the isomer in the shipment. Because a<strong>VFA</strong> spectrometer has no moving parts <strong>and</strong> no free air path,it is unaffected by atmospheric absorptions <strong>and</strong> can be situatedat the receiving dock. In less than 5 min, the incomingraw material can be verified <strong>and</strong> off-loaded to the correctlocation.Process monitoring. In a process, a material that has anabsorption b<strong>and</strong> “A” between 8.5 <strong>and</strong> 9 µm (Figure 2) convertsto a material that has b<strong>and</strong> “B” at 7.0 µm. <strong>The</strong> reactioncan take several hours. <strong>The</strong> figure shows spectra periodicallytaken by the <strong>VFA</strong> instrument situated close to the productionline, which follow the switch from “A” to “B”. Again, in this(a)% Reflectance(b)% Reflectance100806040130120110100901800 1600 1400 1200 1000Wavenumber1800 1600 1400 1200 1000WavenumberFigure 1. (a) Infrared spectra of three isomers. (b) UsingIsomer 1 as a reference, a spectrum of Isomer 1 produces astraight line while the spectra from the other two isomersshow deviations from a straight line.situation, the resolution is sufficient to tell when a reaction iscomplete.Flexible film manufacturing. <strong>The</strong>re are many areas in flexiblefilm manufacturing in which an onsite test is invaluable.2 Spectroscopy 20(12) December

% Reflectance% Transmission908580757065606.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0Wavelength (m)Figure 2. Following a reaction. As the reaction progresses, the b<strong>and</strong> between 8.5 <strong>and</strong> 9 µmdecreases to be replaced by the b<strong>and</strong> at 7.0 µm.80604020T = 0T = 1T = 2T = 3T = 41000 1200 1400 1600Wavenumber (cm -1 )Figure 3. <strong>Spectra</strong> of common materials used in flexible film production.With multilayer films, rolls of film arelaminated together with individualrolls, often having different top <strong>and</strong>bottom materials. Figure 3 shows spectraof common materials used in flexiblefilm production. <strong>The</strong> spectra differenough so that an operator in the productionarea can verify the film <strong>and</strong> orientit in the right direction forlamination. In the warehouse,rolls of finished films can be verifiedon-site before shipment toensure that the customer isreceiving the desired product.Another application involvesmeasuring an inside layer thickness,such as nylon, in a multilayerfilm. Nylon has anabsorbance different from thespectra of the outside polyethylenelayers, which can be distinguishedwith a lower resolution<strong>VFA</strong> spectrometer.<strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> <strong>Spectra</strong>“White powder” verification. Partlyas a result of 9/11, <strong>and</strong> partly becausematerials are being examinedfrequently for identificationpurposes, mid-<strong>IR</strong> <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> spectrometershave become widelyused for this purpose to the extentthat libraries containingthous<strong>and</strong>s of spectra of knownmaterials have been constructed.Is it feasible to use a <strong>VFA</strong> spectrometerto search the librariesfor identification purposes?<strong>The</strong> spectra of common pharmaceuticalproducts shown inFigure 4 are a good example ofthe differences between <strong>VFA</strong>spectra <strong>and</strong> <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> spectra. Whileeach <strong>VFA</strong> spectrum is distinctlydifferent from the others, eachalso is quite different from its<strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> counterpart. Because ofthese substantial differences, itappears to be impractical tocompare spectra from <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong>libraries directly.On the other h<strong>and</strong>, if oneexamines the <strong>VFA</strong> spectra, itbecomes apparent that eachproduct has a characteristic <strong>VFA</strong>spectrum, sometimes more readilyidentifiable than its <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong>spectrum, so libraries of <strong>VFA</strong>spectra could serve to identifyvarious groups of materials. Forexample, a pharmaceutical companymight use one of the <strong>VFA</strong>spectral libraries <strong>VFA</strong> spectracould be created. [Author:www.spectroscopyonline.comDecember 2005 Spectroscopy 20(12) 3

<strong>VFA</strong> <strong>Spectra</strong>(a)% Transmittance % Reflectance(c)% Reflectance% Transmittance9590858075908070609085807590858075701600 1400 1200 1000Wavenumber1600 1400 1200 1000Wavenumber1600 1400 1200 10001600 1400 1200 1000Wavenumber(b)% Reflectance % Transmittance% Reflectance100959085959085807570(d)% Transmittance100959085809590851600 1400 1200 1000Wavenumber1600 1400 1200 1000Wavenumber1600 1400 1200 10001600 1400 1200 1000Wavenumber% Transmission % Transmission% Transmission10095908595908580959085807570Bufferin, <strong>VFA</strong>1600 1400 1200 1000WavenumberBufferin, <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> 32-cm -1 resolution1600 1400 1200 1000WavenumberBufferin, <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> 2-cm -1 resolution1600 1400 1200 1000WavenumberFigure 4. <strong>VFA</strong> (upper) <strong>and</strong> <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> (lower) spectra of commonpharmaceuticals (a) aspirin, (b) Bufferin, (c) Advil, <strong>and</strong> (d)Tums.Figure 5. Changing resolution on spectral libraries to match<strong>VFA</strong> resolution.Please clarify this sentence]While it does not appear that the <strong>VFA</strong> spectrometer willreplace the <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> instrument as a general purpose unknownmaterial identifier, it can be used for this purpose when a relativelysmall number of materials is involved. Because <strong>VFA</strong>spectrometers are small, rugged, <strong>and</strong> usually contain no movingparts or exposed optical paths, they can be practical alternativesto <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> instruments when applicable.It is possible to degrade <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> spectra from spectrallibraries to lower resolution, as in Figure 5, so that they tendto match <strong>VFA</strong> spectra. However, in so doing, search programswould be far less specific <strong>and</strong> generally would produce anumber of possible hits rather than one or two.spectra <strong>and</strong> low-resolution <strong>VFA</strong> spectra are useful, dependingupon the application. ■Paul <strong>Wilks</strong> is president of <strong>Wilks</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong>, <strong>Inc</strong>. (South Norwalk,CT).Low Resolution Effects Can Be PositiveFrom the examples presented here, it is apparent that low-resolutionmid-<strong>IR</strong> data is not necessarily a deterrent <strong>and</strong> oftencan have a positive effect. As the examples show, low-resolutionspectra frequently contain gross differences betweenspectra of materials, so that visual verification of materials isfeasible. Automatic identification from a <strong>VFA</strong> spectra libraryalso is feasible. Although <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong> spectra can contain muchmore detail, visual differences tend to be less apparent, <strong>and</strong>therefore, require a more detailed systematic evaluation forpositive identification. Obviously, both high-resolution <strong>FT</strong>-<strong>IR</strong>4 Spectroscopy 19(11) 20(12) November December 2004

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