Thermion and TN412 - Ibanez

Thermion and TN412 - Ibanez

Thermion and TN412 - Ibanez


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soundchecktesting 1...2...3... cheap thrills nuts&bolts playing the market the buzz bin alive&gigging tech education new eq audiofileTESTING 1…2…3…8THEWEAPON OFMASS DISTORTION<strong>Ibanez</strong> TN120 <strong>Thermion</strong> guitar amp<strong>and</strong> <strong>TN412</strong> 4x12 speaker cabinetGEAR IN REVIEWKA-CHING!By Chris Gill<strong>Ibanez</strong> offers a full selectionof guitars, basses, acoustics <strong>and</strong>even pedals, but one essentialitem long missing from their lineupwas a full-powered, pro-quality tubeamp. The company imported Laneyamps (Tony Iommi’s weapon ofchoice) into the U.S. for a while <strong>and</strong>builds a variety of solid-state amps,including the Tone Blaster Series <strong>and</strong> LIST PRICES: TN120 head,highly regarded Troubadour acoustic $1,466.65; <strong>TN412</strong> cabinet, $1,066.65MANUFACTURER: <strong>Ibanez</strong>, ibanez.comguitar amps. Still, the head honchosat <strong>Ibanez</strong> have long known that afire-breathing, metal-melting tube amp bearing the <strong>Ibanez</strong> name wasexactly what the company needed to boost its reputation over the top.With the introduction of the TN120 <strong>Thermion</strong> amp, <strong>Ibanez</strong>’s missionis finally accomplished. The unusual name means “electrically chargedparticle,” although <strong>Ibanez</strong> curiously describes the <strong>Thermion</strong> as “weapons-gradeamplification.” Playing through the <strong>Thermion</strong> could certainlybe considered an act of aggression, so don’t be surprised if jealous guitaristsdeclare you a threat when you add a TN120 to your arsenal.ConstructionWith its perforated black-aluminum grille, illuminated logo, heavydutymetal toggle switches <strong>and</strong> black-nickel-plated input plate, the<strong>Thermion</strong> head not only looks like a high-end boutique amp but it’s builtlike one, too. Top-quality components, including sealed potentiometers,ceramic tube sockets <strong>and</strong> heavy-duty transformers, are featuredthroughout the TN120’s construction. The <strong>TN412</strong> 4x12 speaker cabinetfeatures a genuine cane grille, metal carrying h<strong>and</strong>les <strong>and</strong> 5/8-inchbirch plywood construction.<strong>Ibanez</strong> obviously built the <strong>Thermion</strong> with gigging musicians in mind.The head has three h<strong>and</strong>les, so you can either heft this 50-pound beastyourself or share the load with another person. The cabinet’s carryingh<strong>and</strong>les are positioned in the center, so the weight is evenly distributed158 guitar wor ldSoundchecksNEW.indd 1586/5/06 6:44:52 PM

when it’s lifted, <strong>and</strong> its oversized casters makeit easy to roll over any surface, includingunpaved parking lots (for those gigs at theAmerican Legion). Even the cabinet’s angledcorners <strong>and</strong> head coasters are constructedfrom metal to survive years of constant abuse.FeaturesFour matched Ruby Tubes 6L6GC outputtubes provide 120 watts of power, <strong>and</strong> five12AX7A tubes drive the preamp section. <strong>Ibanez</strong>maintains that the <strong>Thermion</strong>’s design is 100 percentall-tube, with no solid-state devices in theentire signal path, even the effect loop. If you prefera tighter, chunkier sound, you can easily swap6550 tubes for the 6L6s thanks to a convenientswitch <strong>and</strong> external bias adjustment interfacethat lets you set proper bias without removing theamp from its chassis.POWER TRIP:The <strong>Thermion</strong>’shigh-efficiencytoroidal coretransformerTwo channels—Vintage<strong>and</strong>Hot—provide the usual selection ofindependent volume, gain, bass, mid, treble <strong>and</strong>presence controls. More unusual features are theVintage channel’s bright switch, which featuresnormal, bright <strong>and</strong> brighter settings, <strong>and</strong> the Hotchannel’s damping switch, which lets you selectbetween classic tube warmth or a more moderntight distortion with extremely fast attack.Channels can be switched with the includedheavy-duty footswitch (which also controls thedamping function <strong>and</strong> effect loop) or manuallyvia a toggle switch conveniently located on thefront panel—very helpful should you ever misplacethe footswitch.The effect loop includes a blend/series switchso you can select a 50/50 mix of dry <strong>and</strong> effectedsignals or 100 percent wet. It also has a 0dB/-20dB switch for matching levels with stomp boxesor rack processors. Should you desire even moredistortion, the effect loop can be used as an additionalgain stage on both channels.The <strong>Thermion</strong>’s front panel sports a singleinput jack with a high/low-impedance switchreplacing the usualhigh- <strong>and</strong> low-inputjacks. In addition to thelogo, the entire controlsurface is illuminatedby the golden glow ofLEDs, allowing youto make adjustmentseven after an uncooperativesoundman haskilled the stage lights.SoundThe main problemwith many high-gainamp heads is thatthey generally onlyexcel at high-gaintones. While the <strong>Thermion</strong>’s Hot channelblasts extreme distortion tones that can competewith some of the most popular amps onthe market, its Vintage channel lives up to itsname by delivering surprisingly smooth clean<strong>and</strong> raunchy overdrive sounds.Dialing in sounds is easy. If you want classiccrunch, crank the Vintage channel’s mastercontrol all the way up <strong>and</strong> slowly boostthe gain. If you want tight, heavily saturatedgrind, turn up the Hot channel’s gain <strong>and</strong>set the dampening switch to “in.” The twochannels are completely independent, soyou don’t have to worry about settings onone channel affecting the other.The <strong>Thermion</strong>’s low end is exceptionallytight <strong>and</strong> focused—perfect for modern metaltones. Thanks to the Vintage channel’sthree-position bright switch, it can alsogenerate more treble than the average head.The “brightest” setting is not for the weakof heart <strong>and</strong> can be very piercing at highvolumes. I don’t recommend it unless youwant to make a hollowbody stuffed with wetrags <strong>and</strong> strung with 30-year-old flatwoundssound like a Tele.The Bottom Line<strong>Ibanez</strong> took their damn sweet timeadding a tube amp to their line, but the<strong>Thermion</strong> is well worth the wait. Its highgaintones compare favorably with expensiveboutique amps like Diezel <strong>and</strong> Bogner,yet it sells for a mere fraction of the price<strong>and</strong> is built to last. <strong>Ibanez</strong>’s “weapons-gradeamplification” description is apt: this ampabsolutely kills the competition! ■PRO: Outst<strong>and</strong>ing tones, easy operation,solid construction, affordableCON: “Brightest” setting can be shrillguitar wor ld 159SoundchecksNEW.indd 1596/5/06 6:45:03 PM

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